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It was awful translate Portuguese

697 parallel translation
It was awful to see poor Manuela so drunk
Foi terrível ver Manuela tão bêbada.
Her voice, it was awful!
A voz dela, foi horrível!
It was awful.
Era terrível.
And it was awful
Era horrível.
It... It was awful.
Foi horrível.
It was awful.
Foi horrível.
And he said he thought it was awful.
E disse que achava aquilo terrível.
It was awful.
Foi horrivel.
- I was so frightened. - It was awful.
- Foi terrível, Excelência.
It was awful! Those years in captivity...
Foi horrível!
It was awful, but at the same time... I feel that it is my duty to say this to you.
Foi horrível, mas mesmo assim... eu sinto que é o meu dever dizer-lhe isto senhora.
- It was awful and I'm really sorry.
A sério? - Fui horrível.
It was awful, Henri.
Tinha uma carabina!
- Oh, it was awful.
- Foi terrível.
It was awful.
Foi terrível.
It was awful for Mummy.
Foi horrível para a Mamã.
Honest. It was awful.
Bem, e quando vai explodir?
- It was awful, how he came unglued.
- Foi horrível, ficou desmanchado.
It was an awful rainy day.
Estava chovendo muito.
It was an awful explosion.
Foi uma explosão terrível.
I never saw you at all. How awful. I expect it was the champagne.
Nem te vi. Deve ter sido do champanhe.
Two years ago, when General Stilwell was run out of Burma... he said among other things, that we took an awful pasting... and somebody ought to go back in there and do something about it.
há 2 anos, quando o General Stilwell foi expulso da Birmânia, ele disse, entre outras coisas, que tínhamos sido sovados... e que alguém deveria lá voltar e fazer alguma coisa.
It was just awful.
Foi horrível.
You should've seen Doc before he gave it up. He was awful.
O Doc era terrível antes de deixar de beber.
Didn't seem to notice it so much when we was a fighting but this just riding along through it day after day gets awful.
Não percebia quando havia guerra, mas... ficar a cavalgar, dia após dia, acaba por ser horrível.
It was horrible, I thought they did something awful to ya.
Foi horrível, eles tornaram-vos em algo terrível.
When I saw you come into the theater tonight, I... I thought how awful it was. The two of us there all alone.
Quando o vi entrar no cinema, pensei que era terrível estarmos ali os dois sozinhos.
Oh, it was something awful.
O meu subconsciente luta com o meu consciente e a inteligência básica da minha mente não permite que eu compreenda isso que acontece quando durmo e não descanso porque não sou sedado para poder descansar e dormir melhor do que quando eu era mais novo. Ersa horrivel.
There was blood and fire and thunder and something awful was moving in the middle of it.
Havia sangue, fogo e trovöes, e uma coisa medonha movia-se no meio.
It was an awful thing I did.
Fiz algo horrível.
But he was my first friend who did that, and it made me feel awful.
Mas ele foi o meu primeiro amigo a morrer e eu fiquei muito triste.
I was awful good in it.
- É pena. Eu fui muito bom nela.
It was an awful performance, but of course you should be paid.
Foi uma péssima apresentação, mas é claro que deve ser pago.
Yeah, it was pretty awful.
Sim, foi muito horrível.
It was just awful.
Foi terrível.
As you can plainly see, it was bloody awful!
Como podem ver, foi o diabo!
Isn't it awful? I was having dinner at her house one night and about six o'clock her father came home from the office.
Eu estava a jantar em casa dela na outra noite e por volta das seis da tarde o pai chegou do emprego.
- Did you have a nice flight? - Oh no, it was bumpy and awful.
- Não, muita turbulência.
- Hate it? They used to bring me here for long, awful, boring walks when I was a kid and besides, the animals depress me.
Traziam-me aqui para passeios longos e chatos, quando era miúda além disso, os animais deprimem-me.
I was just telling your husband what an awful bore it is having a surname like Git.
Estava a contar ao seu marido como é horrível ter um apelido como Imbecil.
It was the most awful temptation to wake you up.
Acordar-te era a mais pavorosa tentação.
- It was awful!
- Foi horrível!
It was just God-awful.
Só foi terrível.
It was too awful.
Era horrível!
Now he must think it was all an awful waste!
E agora, deve estar a pensar que foi um desperdício total.
God, it was just awful up there.
Céus, aquilo foi horrível!
It was just awful-lookin'.
Era algo horrível.
Was it awful?
Foi horrível?
Was it you that made that god-awful sound?
O que faz este som horrivel?
You know, here in Jerkville, where these yokels... is busy flicking dandruff off their mail-order suits... they forget awful quick that it was men like you that made it... safe and possible for them to lead out their dull little lives.
Sabes, aqui na Parvónia, onde estes pacóvios se preocupam em limpar a caspa dos seus fatos comprados por correio, esquecem-se depressa de que foram homens como você que fizeram com que fosse seguro para eles seguirem com as suas miseráveis vidas.

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