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Lieutenant casey translate Portuguese

71 parallel translation
I was talking about the rescue squad, and lieutenant Casey told me not to be a crow.
Estava a falar com a equipa de resgate e o tenente Casey disse-me para não ser um corvo.
Lieutenant Casey!
Tenente Casey!
This is lieutenant Casey.
É o Tenente Casey.
Lieutenant Casey, it's so great to have you guys here.
Tenente Casey, é óptimo ter-vos aqui.
Hey, lieutenant Casey, I just saw your car out front.
Tenente Casey, acabo de ver o teu carro lá a frente.
Lieutenant Casey, there's someone out front for you.
Tenente Casey, tens alguém a tua espera lá a frente.
Lieutenant Casey, you eating?
- Tenente Casey, queres comer?
Lieutenant Casey, lieutenant severide, and... The rest of knuckleheads.
O tenente Casey, o tenente Severide e... o resto dos idiotas.
Lieutenant Casey. Gary.
Tenente Casey.
Sophie, lieutenant Casey is here!
Sophie, o tenente Casey está aqui!
- Lieutenant Casey!
- Tenente Casey!
Lieutenant Casey pulled me out of that fire.
O tenente Casey tirou-me daquele incêndio.
Well, Lieutenant Casey.
Tenente Casey.
Lieutenant Casey.
Tenente Casey.
Chief Boden, have you been able to locate Lieutenant Casey?
Comandante Boden, conseguiu localizar o Tenente Casey?
Lieutenant Casey. I'm here to see Detective Dawson.
Estou aqui para falar com o detective Dawson.
Lieutenant Casey was her boyfriend.
O tenente Casey era o namorado dela.
That's joe cruz and lieutenant casey.
Este é o Joe Cruz e o tenente Casey.
You have Lieutenant Casey to thank.
Agradece ao Tenente Casey.
Gabriela, Lieutenant Casey?
Gabriela, Tenente Casey?
Lieutenant Casey, I'm Rebecca Jones.
Tenente Casey, sou a Rebecca Jones. - Olá.
Lieutenant Casey, I'm Rebecca Jones.
Tenente Casey, sou a Rebecca Jones.
In the meantime, Lieutenant Casey said I'd be running drills today.
Por enquanto, o Tenente Casey disse para eu ficar a treinar hoje.
So I hope you're not using your sexy time with Lieutenant Casey to talk trash about me.
Então, espero que não estejas a usar o teu tempo sexy com o Tenente Casey para falar mal de mim.
I didn't know that Gabby Dawson was dating Lieutenant Casey.
Eu não sabia que a Gabby Dawson namorava com o Tenente Casey.
Could you maybe talk to Lieutenant Casey?
Poderia conversar com o Tenente Casey?
- Lieutenant casey, I understand you were the first inside.
Tenente Casey, entendo que foi o primeiro lá dentro.
- Lieutenant casey handed the children off To the firefighters one by one, then the mother,
O Tenente Casey passou as crianças aos bombeiros uma por uma, depois, a mãe.
Hey, Jones, it's Lieutenant Casey.
Estou, Jones, é o tenente Casey.
Chief Jones, Lieutenant Casey.
Comandante Jones, sou o tenente Casey
Dani, this is Lieutenant Casey, of Truck 81.
Dani, este é o tenente Casey, do Camião 81.
Where's Lieutenant Casey?
Onde está o tenente Casey?
[electricity humming] - Chief, this is lieutenant casey.
Comandante, aqui é o tenente Casey.
Yeah, this is Lieutenant Casey at 51.
Sim, é o tenente Casey do 51.
That Lieutenant Casey?
Este tenente Casey?
Help me keep an eye on Lieutenant Casey.
Ajuda-me a ficar de olho no tenente Casey.
What's this I'm hearing about Casey Kasem going around in front of E-3s and 2s, calling Lieutenant Fick a coward?
O que estou ouvindoNsobre o Salsicha chamandoNo Ten. Fick de covarde?
Meet my new lieutenant assistant manager, john casey.
Conheçam o meu novo tenente, John Casey.
This is Lieutenant Seth Casey, Miami Metro police.
Aqui é o Tenente Seth Casey, polícia de Miami.
Well, Ducky, I think Lieutenant Commander Patrick Casey would beg to differ with you.
Ducky, acho que o Capitão de Fragata Patrick Casey discordaria.
I wish I could help you, Agent Gibbs, but it could take weeks for the Defense Intelligence Agency to pour over Lieutenant Commander Casey's assignments to determine what can and cannot be released.
Gostaria de poder ajudá-lo, Agente Gibbs mas pode levar semanas para que a Agência de Segurança e Defesa possa determinar o que e o que não pode ser liberto das atribuições do Capitão-de-fragata.
Lieutenant Commander Patrick Casey.
Tenente Comandante Patrick Casey.
His name is Lieutenant Commander Patrick Casey.
O nome dele é Tenente Comandante Patrick Casey.
This nylon rope used to strangle Agent Archer was the same that was used to bind Lieutenant Commander Casey's hands.
Essa corda de nylon usada para estrangular a Agente Archer é a mesma que foi usada para amarrar as mãos do Tenente Comandante Casey.
Um, okay. I ran the frangible ammo that Ducky pulled from Lieutenant Commander Casey through every weapons database that I could access.
Comparei as munições que o Ducky retirou do Tenente Comandante Casey com todas as armas do arquivo a que pude aceder.
Lieutenant, Casey's afraid of bears. Oh.
Tenente, a Casey tem medo de ursos.
I'm the Lieutenant at firehouse 51 down the street.
Sou o Casey. Sou tenente da Brigada 51 ao fim da rua.
Not for any of us. Lieutenant Casey is meeting with detectives from CPD.
O tenente Casey está numa reunião com os detectives da Polícia.
Lieutenant, no!
Tenente, não! - Casey!
Candidate Jones. Good morning, Lieutenant Casey.
Bom dia, Tenente Casey.
[sighs ] [ clicks tongue] I wanted to get your take on Lieutenant Casey.
Queria a tua opinião sobre o tenente Casey.

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