Look at his face translate Portuguese
331 parallel translation
Just look at his face.
Olhem a cara dele.
You didn't get a good look at his face, and you have no witnesses.
Não o viu bem de frente, não tem mais ninguém que o reconheça, o que pode fazer?
Look at his face.
Olhem para a cara dêle.
Take a look at his face, take a look at the skin.
Observe a cara, a pele.
Look at his face.
Olha para o seu rosto.
I wanna get a look at his face when he sees the horse I brung him.
Quero ver a cara dele quando ver o cavalo que lhe trouxe.
Look at his face.
Olha para a cara dele!
I've just asked him to be best man, and look at his face.
Convidei-o para meu padrinho, e olha a cara dele!
Isn't that obvious? Look at his face.
Olhem para a cara dele.
Look at his face.
Veja este rosto.
" to prevent me from getting a clear look at his face.
" para que eu não pudesse ver bem seu rosto.
Look at his face, he's lying!
Olha para a cara dele. Está a mentir!
Look at his face, those shoulders, that neck.
Olhe para o rosto, o ombros, pescoço...
Look at his face!
Olha para a cara dele!
He already knows that - - Look at his face.
Isso já ele sabe fazer. Olha para a cara dele.
Look look look look, yeah cunt, yeah look at his face
Olha, olha, olha, olha, olha-me para a cara dele.
- Look at his face. - A treadmill.
Vejam a cara dele.
- Look at his face.
- Olha esta cara.
Hey, Andy, look at his face.
Olha a cara dele!
I only have to look at his face for another 20 minutes.
Só verei aquele rosto por mais 20 minutos.
- Look at his face!
- Olha para a cara dele!
Look at his face!
Olha para o rosto dele!
- Look at his face, dude. - That's not him. That's him, dude, I'm telling you.
- olha para a cara dele, meu - nao é ele é ele, meu, to te falando eu me lembro dele, é ele
Look at his face, it's been scalded by the steam engine.
Olha para o rosto dele, ele foi queimado pelo motor a vapor.
Look at his face, Helen.
Olha-me a cara dele, Helen.
Look at his face.
Observem bem. Olhem o rosto dele.
I wanna get a look at his face, just in case.
Quero dar uma olhada na cara dele, só por garantia.
So this hooded figure, now, did you get a good look at his face?
Então, conseguiu ver bem a cara desse encapuzado?
It's enough I've had to listen to his tiresome complaints... without having to look at his arrogant face.
Já bem basta ter tido de ouvir as suas queixas aborrecidas, sem ter de olhar para a sua cara arrogante.
As for you, you silly thing. Look at the expression on his face.
Quanto a si, olha para a expressão na cara dele!
Look at him. The great Johnny Rocco. With Nora's spittle hanging from his face!
O grande Johnny Rocco... com o cuspo de Nora na cara..
Look at his face. Tell her, pop.
Diga-lhes, Pop.
Look at the scars on his face.
Olha as cicatrizes na cara.
( Gasps ) Look at his face.
Olha a cara dele!
Look at his face, sir.
- Olhem para a cara.
Look well at his face.
Os famigerados mísseis intercontinentais
Look at the tenseness in his face, that taut body.
Vejam a tensão na cara dele, o corpo retesado.
You'll look at the floor because you don't wanna see that fear in his eyes when you grab his face and slam him to the floor and make him cry for his life.
Olhas para o chão, porque não queres ver o medo nos olhos dele quando lhe agarrares na cara e a esborrachares no chão até ele suplicar.
Look at the look on his face.
Vê a expressão dele.
- Look at the look on his face.
- Olha para a expressão dele.
Oh, look at his little face.
Olha a carinha dele.
Mrs. Krabappel, isn't Bart supposed to face the window... so he won't be tempted to look at his neighbor's paper?
Senhora Krabappel, não é suposto o Bart estar virado para a janela... para que não se sinta tentado a olhar para o teste do colega do lado?
Look at the scars on his face.
Olhe para as cicatrizes em seu rosto.
My god! Will you look at his face? Is that nose rubber?
Meu Deus, olhem só a cara dele, o nariz é de borracha?
He wore a dark suit, and on his face..... I saw a wisdom andpain so old and deep that I couId scarcely look at him.
Ele vestiu um terno escuro, e em seu rosto..... Eu vi uma sabedoria andpain então old e fundo que eu could scarcely look nele.
Look at the expression on his face.
Olha para a expressão na cara dele.
Look at that pig stuffing his face with doughnuts on my time!
Olha só! Aquele está sempre a empanturrar-se com donuts.
In the end, he couldn't bear... to look at his own face in the mirror.
No final, nem suportava ver-se no espelho...
- Every day he tries to drown himself. He puts some water in-in a little bath and he look at it, he want to find a river he wants to put his face in the water...
Todos os dias ele tenta afogar-se deita água numa banheira e olha.
Look at the expression on his face.
Vejam a expressão do rosto.
She'll take one look at his cute, little face and it'll seal the deal.
Ela vai olhar para o focinho peludinho dele e já está.
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look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558