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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ M ] / Maybe you

Maybe you translate Portuguese

58,140 parallel translation
- Oh, maybe you're right. - I have no idea.
- Talvez tenhas razão.
We thought maybe you could help us, Deblanc.
Pensámos que talvez nos pudesses ajudar, Deblanc.
- Because I'm not. In that case, maybe you're ready to talk about a merger.
Talvez seja o momento para falar em fusão.
Because I said Louis wasn't ready to be managing partner, but maybe you aren't either, because you're not around enough to know what's going on around here.
Eu disse que o Louis não estava preparado. E tu também não.
This is wonderful. I thought maybe you wanted to get dinner tonight.
- Queres ir jantar hoje?
Maybe you don't care about these people, but I do. God.
Talvez não te preocupes com estas pessoas como eu.
Maybe you forgot it was mine, too.
Talvez tenhas esquecido que também era a minha preferida.
Well, maybe you don't consider her to be your mother, but she's my wife, and if anyone else spoke to her the way you did, they'd be on the floor right now.
Talvez não a consideres como tua mãe. Mas ela é minha esposa. Se alguém falasse com ela como falaste, essa pessoa estaria no chão.
Maybe you're right.
Talvez tenhas razão.
You don't have children, maybe you'll never want them.
Tu não tens filhos, talvez nunca vás querer ter.
Maybe you should turn around.
Talvez seja melhor virares-te.
You know, maybe you should tee it up for yourself.
- Devias colocar tu a bola.
So... maybe you'd like to tell me yours.
Por isso, talvez queiras contar-me a tua.
Well... if it's really about the money, maybe you should take that promotion.
Bem... Se é por causa do dinheiro, devias aceitar a promoção.
I'm my best self from ten to two, so, maybe you could point me toward my workstation?
Trabalho melhor das dez às duas, pode encaminhar-me para o meu posto de trabalho?
And I'm telling you, maybe one day you'll overcome your court stuff, maybe you won't.
Talvez um dia ultrapasses isto, ou talvez não.
Maybe you didn't understand my question.
Se calhar, não me entendeste.
Maybe you should call, just check in, make sure she's alright.
Talvez devesses ligar, para ver se ela está bem.
Or maybe you don't deserve it.
Ou talvez não o mereças.
Well, then, maybe you should remind me?
Então, talvez me devesses recordar.
Maybe you're doing some managerial things here.
Talvez estejas a gerir coisas aqui.
Maybe you should take the day off, let me cover it.
Talvez seja melhor tirares o dia e eu trato do assunto.
Maybe you should take some Joel time.
Talvez precises de tempo para ti.
Maybe your mom's trying to protect you from knowing that she's a vicious killing machine.
Talvez a tua mãe queira o mesmo, evitar que saibas que é uma assassina.
You were just caught sneaking around the docks, and you maybe saw some things.
Foste apanhado escondido nas docas e talvez tenhas visto certas coisas.
Then maybe instead of telling me why he'll never be able to accomplish his dream, you should be figuring out a way to help him do it.
Em vez de me dizeres que não vai ser bem-sucedido, devias tentar ajudá-lo.
I thought maybe the reason you came to see me when you did is because teaching's your real calling.
Pareceu-me que apareceres agora era porque o ensino seria o teu talento.
Maybe Louis wouldn't be doing that if you hadn't come here with some bullshit merger designed to rip us apart.
- Talvez o Louis não andasse nisso, se não nos viesses com merdas de fusões.
Well, maybe after tomorrow night, you can do it more often.
Talvez depois de amanhã à noite o possas fazer mais vezes.
Maybe one day you'll even walk in on her with another guy, and you'll know exactly what my father felt.
Talvez um dia a apanhes com outro homem e saberás exatamente o que o meu pai sentiu.
I was so in love with you that... maybe... maybe I could help change that.
Eu estava tão apaixonada por ti que talvez te pudesse ajudar a mudar isso.
Maybe because two of her kids are dead, one's run away, and you and I are all she has left.
Talvez por dois filhos estarem mortos, uma andar fugida e só lhe restarmos nós os dois.
- Maybe she likes you instead.
- Talvez goste mais de ti.
Hey, listen, maybe sometime you, and Mom and Meg could come see us?
Ouve, talvez um dia tu, a mãe e a Meg possam vir ver-nos?
Maybe so, but you did, and now I'm...
Talvez. Mas mostraste.
Maybe I'll wear you tomorrow.
Talvez te use amanhã.
Maybe if you put an ice cube in it...
Talvez se lhe puser um cubo de gelo...
Maybe she thinks you're the coach of Team Friendship.
Talvez ela ache que sejas a treinadora da Equipa Amizade.
I just wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that maybe the wrong guy picked up you defenseless little girls.
Eu não conseguiria viver comigo mesmo a saber que talvez o tipo errado tivesse dado boleia a meninas indefesas.
Maybe he'll surprise you.
Talvez te surpreenda.
Or maybe you won't.
Ou talvez não.
Like, more than you think I did, maybe.
Talvez mais do que achavas.
Then maybe I just came in here hoping to spend some quality time with you.
Se calhar vim para estar contigo.
Maybe that's true, but you need to keep your eye on the ball.
Sim, mas tens de ver o objetivo.
Maybe, but you always say part of being human is messing up sometimes and you may be Donna, but you're still human.
- Talvez. Sabes que ser-se humano é falhar às vezes. Podes ser a Donna, mas és humana.
Yeah, you know, maybe it'll be great, maybe it'll be terrible.
Sim, talvez seja bom ou seja horrível.
You maybe wanna take a shower?
Talvez queiras tomar um banho?
Maybe Allie could go watch TV with Denis while you and me talk?
Talvez a Allie pudesse ir ver TV com o Denis enquanto nós falamos, sim?
Maybe that's the difference, though, between me and you.
Mas talvez seja essa a diferença, entre nós os dois.
Could you just read to me, maybe?
Podias ler para mim, talvez?
I thought that maybe, if you have this...
Achei que, se tiveres isto...

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