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Mrs bird translate Portuguese

69 parallel translation
It's a volunteer garden group, Mrs Bird.
É um grupo voluntário de jardinagem, Mrs. Bird.
- He was just leaving, Mrs Bird.
Já estávamos de saída, Mrs. Bird.
- No, no, no. - Not now, Mrs Bird.
Agora não, Mrs. Bird.
Of course not, Mrs Bird.
Claro que não, Mrs. Bird.
- Uh, good morning, Mrs Bird.
- Bom dia, Mrs. Bird.
Mrs Bird!
Mrs. Bird.
Mrs Bird.
Mrs. Bird?
You wanted to see Mrs Bird, sir.
Queria falar com Mrs. Bird.
Yes, Mrs Bird, Lord Grantham has rather a favour to ask of you.
Sim. Mrs. Bird, Lorde Grantham quer pedir-lhe um favor.
Well, Mrs Crawley is lending us her cook, Mrs Bird.
Mrs. Crawley vai emprestar-nos a cozinheira dela, Mrs. Bird.
Right, I must get on. I'm acting referee for Mrs Patmore and Mrs Bird.
Tenho de ir andando, vou ser o árbitro entre Mrs. Patmore e Mrs. Bird.
Are you not used to managing staff, Mrs Bird?
Não está habituada a gerir pessoal, Mrs. Bird?
She's all right, Mrs Bird.
Mrs. Bird é boa pessoa.
- I think so, Mrs Bird.
- Acho que sim, Mrs. Bird.
- Yes, Mrs Bird.
- Sim, Mrs. Bird.
Go and tell Mrs Bird we'll have our dinner in 20 minutes.
Diz a Mrs. Bird que o nosso jantar será daqui a 20 minutos.
Carson, be sure to say to Mrs Bird the dinner was really delicious.
Carson, diga a Mrs. Bird que o jantar estava delicioso.
- Will you join us, Mrs Bird?
- Junte-se a nós, Mrs. Bird.
Mrs Patmore was worried that they'd prefer Mrs Bird's cooking, and they wouldn't want her to come back. Is that likely?
Mrs. Patmore estava preocupada que preferissem a comida de Mrs. Bird e que não quisessem que voltasse.
Mrs Bird and I have made some lists...
- Mrs. Bird e eu fizemos listas.
Mrs Bird?
- Mrs. Bird?
Ooh, I think we can manage without any help from Mrs Bird.
Acho que damos conta do recado sem a ajuda de Mrs. Bird.
- We really cannot manage without Mrs Bird. - If you say so.
- Não conseguimos sem Mrs. Bird.
Mrs Bird, at Downton Abbey the housekeeper manages the store cupboard, but...
Mrs. Bird, em Downton Abbey, a governanta organiza a despensa, mas julgo que se...
Mrs Bird, I shall be very happy with your help with the garden party.
Mrs. Bird, ficarei muito contente com a sua ajuda na festa no jardim.
I think we should start the ices now. - If you agree, Mrs Patmore. - Certainly, Mrs Bird.
Acho que devíamos começar a pôr as coberturas, se concordar, Mrs. Patmore.
Mrs Bird?
Mrs. Bird!
Do you really, Mrs Bird?
Acha mesmo, Mrs. Bird?
Why would she sell food to Mrs Bird?
Porque venderia comida a Mrs. Bird?
O'Brien seemed to think that you and Mrs Bird were engaged in a commercial venture of some sort, so I came to see for myself.
A O'Brien pensou que tinha um negócio com Mrs. Bird, por isso, vim ver.
But I shall expect you and Mrs Bird to look after Mrs Crawley.
Mas espero que você e a Sra. Bird tomem conta da Sra Crawley.
You will help Miss Parks. Please, Mrs Bird.
Ajude Miss Parks, por favor, Mrs. Bird.
Oh, there's Mrs Bird with the tea.
Aí vem Mrs. Bird com o chá.
Thank you, Mrs Bird.
Obrigada, Mrs. Bird.
Helping Mrs Bird.
A ajudar Mrs. Bird.
Did the bird frighten you, Mrs. Scott?
O pássaro a assustou, Sra. Scott?
What bird call are you particularly interested in, Mrs. Curtis?
Que imitação de ave quer ouvir em particular, sra. Curtis?
Goodness me, Mrs. Newman's eldest never worried about the cat when he went off to do the Sweet Bird of Youth.
Credo, o mais velho da Mrs. Newman nunca se preocupou com o gato quando foi fazer o Sweet Bird of Youth.
Mrs Beethoven used to have to get up at midnight to spur on the mynah bird.
Mrs. Beethoven levantava-se à meia-noite para acordar estorninhos.
"For Mrs. Henry Baker," was printed upon a small card attached to the bird's left leg.
Trazia um cartão na pata esquerda que dizia "Para a Sra. Henry Baker".
I'll speak to you later, Mrs Bird.
- Falo consigo mais tarde.
I realize that, Mrs Bird.
Eu compreendo isso, Mrs. Bird.
Oh, that's a beautiful bird, mrs.
- Oh, é uma bela ave, sra. Warner.
Mrs Schmidt was a bird, flying over the clouds, happily.
A Sra Schmidt era um pássaro, voando sobre as nuvens, feliz.
It's awful. And the little bird? How is he doing, Mrs. Castella?
E o passarinho, está melhor?
Cook would like to inform you, Mrs Whittaker, the bird is stuffed.
A Cook gostaria de informá-la, Sra. Whittaker, a ave está recheada.
Well, yeah, it's true, but... there's no way that that bird picked up a knife and stabbed Mrs. Irwin.
Bem, sim, é verdade, mas... de certeza que o pássaro não pegou na faca e esfaqueou a Srª Irwin.
The evidence strongly suggests that Mrs. Irwin, in then trying to get away from the bird, fell onto the coffee table.
As provas sugerem fortemente que a Srª Irwin, ao tentar fugir do pássaro, caiu sobre a mesa de apoio.
Mrs. Bird said you weren't in Lit class... again.
A prof. Bird, disse que não foste ás aulas de literatura outra vez.
Mrs. Bird, I'm Dr. Goran.
Srtª. Bird, sou o Dr. Goran.
Mrs. Bird, I have a responsibility to get your diagnosis right here.
- Srª. Bird, é minha responsabilidade acertar o seu diagnóstico.

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