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Pick him up translate Portuguese

1,839 parallel translation
Come all the way out here to pick him up...
Viemos este caminho todo até aqui só para o vir buscar...
Every little problem, she's right there to pick him up and wipe off his tears on her apron strings.
Sempre que ele tinha um probleminha, ela estava lá para lhe pegar ao colo e para lhe enxugar as lágrimas com o avental.
- Pick him up.
- Pega nele.
I offered to pick him up, but he said he'd just crash at some cheap motel.
Ofereci-me para o ir buscar, mas ele disse que ficaria num motel barato.
I had to pick him up.
Tive que ir buscá-lo.
I'll pick him up at the restaurant after your lunch meeting.
Vou buscá-lo ao restaurante depois do teu almoço de negócios.
A car will be parked across the street until we pick him up.
Terá um carro patrulha estacionado na rua até pegarmos ele.
Pick him up.
Help me pick him up.
Ajuda-me a apanhá-lo.
Why don't you pick him up and give him a cuddle?
Porque não lhe dás uns miminhos?
I have to pick him up at 6.
Tenho de ir buscá-lo às 18h.
- Johnny and Ozzy went to pick him up.
- Johnny e Ozzy foram buscá-lo.
If Zachary got fussy, you know, they would pick him up and they would feed him and they'd walk to the back of the church.
Se Zachary ficou nervoso, sabe, que iriam pegá-lo e que lhe de comer e eles tinham a pé para a parte de trás da igreja.
- No, I asked Lisa to pick him up.
- Não, eu pedi à Lisa para o ir buscar.
Let's go pick him up.
Vamos buscá-lo.
Do you wanna pick him up for us?
Queres ir buscá-lo por nós?
- Where'd you pick him up?
- Onde o apanharam?
Want to pick him up?
- Queres ir buscá-lo?
Burnett wants us to pick him up.
A Burnett quer que nós o vamos buscar.
Well, if he does, I'll be there to pick him up.
Bem, se isso acontecer, estarei lá para o ajudar.
Let's pick him up.
- Vamos buscá-lo. - Está bem.
I tried to pick him up, but I got angry because some of it got on my thumb.
Tentei pegar nele, mas irritei-me porque fiquei com o dedo sujo.
Will you pick him up today, please?
Pode você Ihe buscar hoje, por favor?
- Commander, pick him up.
Comandante, vá buscá-lo.
I was supposed to pick him up on Saturday morning for the promos we were shooting ;
Era supusto ir buscá-lo no Sábado de manhã, para ele filmar a publicidade ao programa ;
You said that O'Roarke wasn't home when you went to pick him up Saturday morning, but that's not true.
Você disse que o O'Roarke não estava em casa quando o foi buscar no Sábado de manhã, mas isso não é verdade.
I swear to God, the next time he corrects me on some nerd crap nobody cares about, I'm gonna pick him up and slam his head right through a...
Juro por Deus, que da próxima vez que ele me corrigir em alguma coisa nerd que ninguém quer saber, vou pegar na cabeça dele e bater com ela num...
His father, lou jenkins, was supposed to pick him up from t-ball practice at 4.
O seu pai, Lou Jenkins, devia ter ido buscá-lo ao treino ás 4.
Pick him up after the funeral tomorrow.
Vamos buscá-lo amanhã depois do funeral.
If we pick him up, show him a good time first, how grateful is Chuck?
Se o apanhar-mos primeiro, fazê-lo passar bons momentos..., Quão agradecido é o Chuck?
Just tell Jackson I'll pick him up here tomorrow night.
Diz ao Jackson que amanhã à noite venho cá buscá-lo.
But luckily, he'll have his old man there to pick him up.
Mas, felizmente, terá lá o pai para o erguer.
I'm gonna go pick him up.
Vou buscá-lo.
We'll pick him up again tomorrow.
Amanhã apanhamo-lo outra vez.
If you did pick up something like that, maybe it's because I was relieved that it was him and not you.
Se detectaste uma coisa dessas, talvez tenha sido por ter ficado aliviada por ter sido ele, e não tu.
- You pick him up.
- Pega tu.
I was about to rush in and help her when I saw Katherine pick up this candlestick and just wail on him.
Preparava-me para a ajudar quando vi a Katherine a pegar num castiçal e a bater nele com força.
Anyway, I gotta go pick up the present she got for him.
Tenho que correr para pegar o presente que ela quer dar... Um saco de maconha.
He was always shining shoes and whenever Sweet Polly Purebred would call out to him, his dog ears would pick it up and he'd rescue her.
Estava sempre a engraxar os sapatos, e quando uma das "cadelas" estava em perigo, ele levantava as orelhas de cão e ia salvá-las!
We go over to the next valley, maybe get ahead of him, or at least pick up on his trail.
Vamos ao próximo vale, talvez o passemos ou pelo menos apanhamos-lhe o rasto.
The waitress said that she saw him pick something up.
A emprega disse que o viu a pegar em alguma coisa.
He muled for me, and then he kept the coke in one of those vacant lofts he couldn't sell and made me a key so I could pick it up and pay him, you know?
Carregava as drogas e depois guardava a coca num dos apartamentos vagos que não conseguia vender e fez-me uma chave para que eu pudesse ir buscá-la e pagar-lhe.
You can't go pick up this Gooz for selling him that gun.
Não podem ir prender este tipo por lhe ter vendido a arma.
Pick up Dr. Sweets and turn him upside down.
Levante o Dr. Sweets e vire-o de cabeça para baixo.
Rossi : all this led him To pick up a gun.
Tudo isto levou-o a pegar numa arma.
Oh, I was just telling him how excited I am to pick up some really great pieces for the shop.
Só lhe estava a dizer o quanto estou entusiasmada em arranjar algumas peças fantásticas para a loja.
So we protect him, we pick up the cash, we get him out of Cali.
Assim, vamos protegê-lo, apanhamos o dinheiro, safamo-lo do Cali.
Have the sheriff pick up Marcus Alvarez and bring him here.
Mande o xerife agarrar o Marcus Alvarez e trazê-lo aqui.
I was in the neighborhood, so i thought i'd do him a favor and pick it up for him.
Estava nas proximidades e pensei em fazer-lhe um favor ao vir buscá-la para ele.
Tell him to pick up some morphine.
Diz-lhe para levar morfina.
I asked him to come and help me... Huh? ... pick up my Aunt Sally.
Pedi-lhe que me acompanhasse a procurar a minha tia Sally.

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