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Pick them up translate Portuguese

938 parallel translation
I not only wash them. I gotta pick them up.
Não só as lavo, tenho que as recolher.
All right, we'll pick them up and put them in the front window.
Está bem, levantaremos e os poremos à vista de todos.
Yes, but with good luck we'll pick them up on the other side.
Sim, mas com sorte, voltamos a encontrá-Io do outro lado.
- Just pick them up and lay them down.
- É só levantá-Ios e deixá-Ios cair.
- Come on, pick them up.
- Vá, mais depressa.
The cars have obviously come to pick them up.
O carro veio para os apanhar.
Pick them up.
By crossing the desert you could pick them up at the Nile... perhaps near the 5th Cataract.
Poderá encontrá-los no Nilo, junto à quinta catarata.
We'll get more as fast as Lloyd can pick them up.
E é só o tempo de o Lloyd arranjar mais.
I'll have a car pick them up at noon tomorrow in North Philadelphia.
Mando um carro buscá-los a Filadélfia Norte, ao meio-dia.
We'll pick them up on the other side.
Os alcançaremos no outro lado.
Circle about and pick them up. Give way, port.
- Volte para trás e recolha-os.
Send some men to pick them up.
Mandem alguns homens para os trazerem.
Pick them up. Get the boss over there.
Apanha o chefe.
I told them to pick them up this morning.
Disse-lhes para virem hoje de manhã.
You can pick them up and put them down anytime.
Pode pegar-lhes quando quiser.
I'll have somebody pick them up.
Mando alguém ir buscá-las.
Go pick them up.
Vá buscá-las.
Pick them up on the street!
Apanhem-nos na rua!
We'll ride to the rapids and pick them up when they come in.
Iremos até aos rápidos e apanhámo-los lá.
I pick them up in the beauty parlor or at the dentist, just like anybody.
Vejo-as nos salões de beleza ou no dentista, como toda gente.
We're gonna pick them up on the way out.
Vamos buscá-las no caminho de regresso.
Pick them up tomorrow while I'm at the office.
Venha buscá-los amanhã, enquanto eu estiver no trabalho.
I'll send Harry out with you to pick them up.
Vou mandar Harry com você para pegá-los.
- And then what? - Then Mr. Norton asked him to bring Mr. Graves back with us to pick them up.
- Então o Mr.Norton pediu para trazermos Mr.Graves connosco para os ir buscar.
Where'd you pick them up?
Onde as arranjaram?
Pick them up. Peggy.
Apanhe-os, Peggy.
Oh, we can pick them up on the way to the airport.
Oh, podemos buscá-las no caminho para o aeroporto.
We'd better pick them up again.
É melhor voltarmos a usá-las.
A.J., Uba, pick them up, come on.
A.J., Uba, ajudem aqui, vamos.
Time comes, you can pick them up there.
Depois, poderão ir buscá-los lá.
Now hang your guns on the fence and you can pick them up when you leave.
Deixem ali as armas e levem-nas quando se forem embora.
When they faint, we pick them up on stretchers and carry them away.
Quando desmaiarem, pomo-los em macas e levamo-los.
- I seen them pick you up and was scared...
- Vi-os a levarem-te e assustei-me...
You shut your mouth and help Mr Godby pick up them cakes.
Cala-te e ajuda o Sr.Godby a apanhar os bolos.
Have one of them pick me up in case I can't make it.
Faz com que um deles me venha buscar caso eu não chegue a casa.
I pick people up and take them places, but they don't talk to me.
Recolho aos passageiros e os levo a seus destinos, mas eles não falam.
I see them get out and go in spots, have fun... then I pick up another load coming out... and I hear them telling about all the fun they had.
Vejo como se baixam e vão a lugares, para se divertir... e logo recolho a outros que saem... e lhes ouço falar sobre o bem que passaram.
I thought you just had to find it, pick it up, put it in sacks... and carry them off to the nearest bank.
Pensei que bastava encontrá-lo, apanhá-lo, pô-lo nos sacos... e levá-los para o banco mais perto.
You fellas stay covered up inside them rocks and you can pick them all off as they come.
Os teus companheiros ficam escondidos atrás das rochas... e poderão apanhá-los a todos quando estiverem a vir.
Once back in Dayton, I'd drop the credit boys a picture postcard... telling them where to pick up thejalopy.
Assim que estivesse em Dayton, mandava aos tipos um postal ilustrado... a dizer onde podiam encontrar o carro.
Go out and pick up them fast-shooting guns, anything else you happen to like.
Vão e recolham as espingardas e tudo o que quiserem.
You gotta watch yourself. Swing that pick too hard in them old walls... you start a sand slide and block up the whole place.
É necessário ter-se cuidado, porque muita vibração nessa paredes velhas, pode causar um deslizamento de terra e bloquear tudo.
There is nothing in that law that says new settlers... can't pick up unbranded cattle and call them their own.
Mas não há nada na lei que diga que os novos colonos... não possam apanhar o gado sem marca e dizerem que são seus.
You see, those wires on the Gill Man... pick up these impulses and register them here on the chart.
Olhe, esses cabos no Homem Anfíbio... captam esses impulsos e registaram-nos num gráfico.
You will pick up your gun or I will throw mine away also... and we will fight before them all to the death.
Pegará a sua arma ou vou jogar fora a minha... e lutaremos diante todos eles até à morte.
- Where'd you pick up them Injun ponies?
- Onde arranjaste os cavalos índios?
How long does it take them to pick someone up?
Quanto tempo demoram a prender alguém?
I always pick up my steak and chops with a fork to put them in the pan.
Eu pego sempre o meu bife e as costeletas com um garfo, para as pôr a cozinhar.
We will pick up them when it.
Pegaremos ao anoitecer.
Well, Paiute thinks we ought to pick up their tracks down by the creek, where the prospector saw them.
Bem, o Paiute pensa que nós devemos procurar o rasto deles pelo rio, onde o prospector os viu.

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