She did this translate Portuguese
1,187 parallel translation
It is unacceptable that she did this without telling me.
É inaceitável que ela tenha feito isso sem me dizer.
She was hurting and she did this really stupid thing. With your boyfriend.
Ela estava magoada e ela fez esta coisa estúpida com o teu namorado
I think she did this to herself.
Penso que se suicidou.
If she did this herself, then where's the needle?
Se foi suicídio, onde está a agulha?
You think she did this?
Acha que ela fez isso?
- Do you think she did this?
- Achas que foi ela?
She did this really stupid thing.
A fugir da Universidade ela fez uma coisa muito estúpida.
She did this, she did all this, General, and I believe she's just getting started.
Ela fez isto, fez tudo isto, General, e acredito que está apenas a começar.
You see? She wouldn't have a career to go back to if anybody knew that she did this voluntarily.
A carreira dela ficaria arruinada, se alguém soubesse que ela o tinha feito de livre vontade.
Or "She did this to you, didn't she?"
ou, "ela fez-te isto, não fez?"
She did this to keep you here.
Ela fez isto para a manter aqui.
She did this, huh?
Foi ela, hã?
She did this, didn't she?
Foi ela que fez isto, não foi?
She did this, right?
Ela fez isto, não fez?
She did this, huh?
Ela fez isto, hã?
I think she did this herself.
Acho que ela fez isto sozinha.
What did she do this time?
Que fez ela desta vez?
Did she get you into this?
Ela meteu-o nisto?
- Why did she kill him? - You've no voice in this. But I have.
Não tens voz nisto.
Did she like this town?
Gostava da cidade?
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever received in my life. How did you afford it?
É a coisa mais bonita aquele he / she recebeu em minha vida.
This might not have anything to do with it, I don't know... but did she happen to have a...
Pode não estar relacionado com isso, não sei... mas por acaso ela tinha um...
But she did you no favour when she left you this car.
Mas ela não te fez favor nenhum ao dar-te este carro.
Evelyn Doyle... do you expect this court to believe that after she did that to you...
Evelyn Doyle... espera que este tribunal acredite que depois de lhe ter feito isso...
She told me some bull story about this burglar... and how I ought to say I did it,'cause I was sure to get off.
Ela me contou uma história de roubo e eu deveria confessar o crime, pois me safaria.
And even if she did... this would be invasion of privacy and violation of the fourth amendment illegal search without a warrant.
E, se tivesse seria invasão de privacidade e violação da 4a. Emenda e ilegal sem mandado.
So what did she say then, this Gladys?
Então e o que disse ela, a Gladys?
If she was counting on my trust, that I would walk in there and set off the explosives, then why did she help us get this far?
Se ela estava a contar com a minha confiança, que eu vinha aqui e despoletava os explosivos, então porque nos ajudaria ela até aqui?
How big did she say this thing was?
Quão grande ela disse que essa coisa era?
No, I did this because I talked with your mother at the sheriff's office... and I saw how worried she was.
Não, fiz isto porque... falei com a tua mãe no gabinete do Xerife... e vi como ela estava preocupada.
And she certainly did not do this to herself.
E certamente não se feito ela mesma isto.
If whoever did this finds out she was the only witness,... they may finish the job.
Se a pessoa que tiver feito isto sabe que há uma testemunha pode tentar terminar o trabalho.
She had this whole punk Gwen Stefani look going on which most girls in high school can't pull off but she did.
Ela tinha um visual punk, tipo Gwen Stefani, a maioria das raparigas no liceu não fica bem, mas ela ficava.
But she caught me saying it today, and... an icy wind through this room did blow.
Mas apanhou-me a dizê-lo, hoje, e soprou um vento gélido nesta sala.
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Magoei-te e tive de ficar horas sentada num autocarro malcheiroso, ao lado de um gajo que cuspia para uma lata, a pensar nos minutos que passavam sem estar na tua formatura... e em como te magoariam, porque esta pessoa foi muito egoísta e não é de mim fazer o que ela fez.
If this did come from her, we need to know as much as she can tell us.
Se isto veio dela, temos de saber tudo o que nos possa dizer.
Did she put you up to this?
Ela pediu-te que fizesses isto?
Did she pay you to put this here?
Pagou-te para colocares isto aqui?
I mean, I came at this thing from every angle And not only did she get off but she named her child after me
Ataquei aquilo de todos os ângulos e ela não só conseguiu como deu o meu nome a um filho.
- Did she write this letter?
- Ela chegou a escrever essa carta?
And there was this dance coming up, and I said : "Marilyn, what you gotta do is get chicken manure spread on those boobies and they'll grow faster." And so, she did. She spread the chicken manure and she rubbed... and she rubbed and she rubbed...
E havia um baile a aproximar-se e eu disse-lhe : "Marilyn, o que tens de fazer é espalhar estrume de galinha nas tuas mamas, e elas crescem mais depressa." E então, ela espalhou o estrume de galinha e besuntou as mamas com ele
This virgin breaks to the surface and she did the exact same thing to me.
Aparece esta virgem e faz-me o mesmo.
I bet you're wondering, who is this Lizzie McGuire, where did she come from, and what are her most embarrassing moments?
Eu aposto que tu deves estar a imaginar quem é a Lizzie McGuire, de onde ela veio, e quais foram os seus momentos mais embaraçosos?
"and do all those things you did?" I said, "I wanted this girl and she left me."
Porque fez tudo o que fez? ". O querias : "Queria esta garota e me deixou".
This one- - this one here, did she make it?
Este... este aqui, foi ela que o fez?
Did you notice she was on this table?
Reparaste que ela estava em cima desta mesa?
So, she never did anything like this before?
Ela nunca fez nada disto?
Did she do this?
Foi ela que fez isto?
And how did she give it to him, this poison?
E como é que ela lhe deu esse veneno?
When the hell did she implant me with this thing?
Quando é que me implantou isso?
If you report this to Lindsey, he's gonna want to know everything she did over those two years.
Se reportares isto ao Lindsay, Lauren, ele vai querer saber tudo o que ela fez durante estes dois anos.
she did 1380
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50