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That you were translate Portuguese

29,699 parallel translation
Listen, you can't tell anyone that you were here.
Ouve, não podes dizer a ninguém que estiveste aqui.
Trish, you told the emergency operator that you were attacked.
Trish, disse à telefonista que foi agredida.
I said that you were very sorry.
Eu disse que lamentas imenso.
Mr. Delaney... I have strong reason to believe that you were aboard the ship the night it sank.
Senhor Delaney... tenho fortes motivos para crer que vos encontráveis a bordo do navio na noite em que naufragou.
I didn't say that you were my partner.
Nunca disse que eras meu sócio.
How do you explain to a child who opened his heart to you that you were only using him to seduce the grandmother of the girl he likes?
Como explicas a uma criança que abriu o coração para ti que estavas apenas a usá-la para seduzir a avó de uma rapariga de quem ele gosta?
I think the last thing that you were trying to say was my name.
Acho que a última coisa que tentavas dizer era o meu nome.
That you were no threat?
- Que não eras uma ameaça?
I was always told that you were the one without fear.
Sempre me disseram que eras a pessoa que não tinha medo.
Tell me, isn't it true that you were a gypsy before joining the movies?
Diga-me, não é verdade que era cigana antes de ir trabalhar na indústria cinematográfica?
- Yes! You know what? You told me you agreed that you were not gonna open this up again.
Tu estiveste de acordo em nunca mais voltarmos a falar sobre isto.
Say that you were wrong.
Diz que estavas errado.
So, what were you doing on the day that you found me?
O que é que estava a fazer no dia em que me encontrou?
You can't tell anyone that we were down here.
Não podes dizer a ninguém que estivemos aqui em baixo.
I'm so lucky that you guys were around here.
Tive muita sorte por vocês estarem aqui.
I think I need to just be by myself for maybe, like, a year and try and figure this shit out, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry to you because you were a great guy and I really had such a good time with you and maybe in a year, if you're willing,
Acho que preciso de ser eu mesma talvez durante um ano e tentar perceber esta treta, mas queria pedir-te desculpa porque és mesmo boa pessoa e gostei mesmo muito de estar contigo e, talvez daqui a um ano,
- If you were cool with that.
Se aceitasses isso.
I guess they were so lucky that they found you.
Tiveram tanta sorte em a encontrar.
I know that I asked you to show me how far it can go, but you were getting off on the pain you inflicted.
Sei que te pedi, para me mostrares até onde podia ir, mas... Sentiste prazer.
Can you remember where you were or what you were doing when that happened?
Lembra-se onde estava ou o que estava a fazer quando aconteceu?
That's exactly how it was when you were born.
Foi exactamente assim quando nasceste.
You were a professor at Boston University... isn't that right?
Era um professor catedrático na Universidade de Boston, certo?
Oh Sameer, I wouldn't... do that if I were you.
Sameer, eu não faria isso se fosse a ti.
We are told that in your father's will, you were bequeathed a piece of territory which lies just here.
Dizem-nos que, no testamento do seu pai, foi-vos doado um pedaço de território que se encontra aqui mesmo.
The agreement is that you take the ladies away in the coach and I walk back to the house and report that they were kidnapped.
O acordo é levarem-nas na carruagem, eu regresso e relato o sequestro.
Which brings me to that rather delightful woman you were at the party with.
Que me leva a pensar naquela bem charmosa mulher com quem vos encontráveis na festa.
When you think that the pyramids and the great Valley Of The Kings and the Sphinx were all manufactured by men with skin almost as dark as my own.
Quando pensais que as pirâmides e o grande Vale dos Reis e a Esfinge foram todos erguidos por homens com uma pele quase tão escura quanto a minha.
... sent to you aboard a sunrise along the road of the river that she loved, as if it were her father.
Enviada a bordo de um amanhecer pela vereda do rio que ela amava, como se fosse seu pai.
You were witness to the division of gunpowder and you heard, with your own ears, that a proportion of this said powder was to be sold to a citizen of the United States of America?
Assistiram à repartição de pólvora e ouviram, com os vossos próprios ouvidos, que, uma quota da dita pólvora, seria vendida a um cidadão dos Estados Unidos da América?
You were aboard a ship that sank off Africa.
Estivestes a bordo de um navio que naufragou em África.
That's not what you asked. You asked if they were armed.
Perguntaste se estavam armados.
You were always jealous that dad gave it to me,
Sempre tiveste ciúmes por o pai ter-me dado o relógio,
Is that what you were gonna say?
Era isso que ias dizer?
You were over that fusspot a long time ago.
Já não amavas aquela coca-bichinhos há muito tempo.
Is that the beast you were talking about?
- É essa a besta que estava a falar?
You said that the Japanese were with us.
- Não me chateiem.
Oh, my God! I knew you were gonna bring that up!
Sabia que ias falar disso!
Oh, you were right about that helicopter pilot that jumped.
Tinhas razão sobre o piloto que saltou.
I loved that part when you were like, uh, "I don't mind doing paperwork."
Adorei quando disseste : "Gosto de tratar de papelada."
When you were working, the doctors all agreed that it had to do with...
Quando trabalhavas, os médicos disseram que tinha a ver...
Even if it were, you'd still have to prove that it has no legal, artistic, or literary value.
Mesmo que assim fosse, teria de provar que não tem qualquer valor legal, artístico ou literário.
That is not what you were thinking.
Não era nisso que estavas a pensar.
To a man they were expert seamen, yet no expertise can surmount a sea that does not wish you to reach shore.
Para um homem, eram marinheiros experientes mas nenhuma experiência podia superar um mar que não deseja que a costa seja alcançada.
In that room today, you were an arsehole.
Hoje, naquela sala, foste uma idiota.
I hate that they were hurting you, Shadow.
Detesto que te tenham magoado, Sombra.
You sat there on that fucking ferry and had a conversation with me, knowing you were gonna do this.
Sentaste-te naquele ferry, conversaste comigo e sabias que ias fazer isto.
And, you know, I was taking care of my mother at that time. And I told my mom that we were gonna be moving to Hollywood, Florida.
Na altura, eu cuidava da minha mãe e disse à minha mãe que íamos mudar-nos para Hollywood, na Florida.
I mean, it was all Italian mafia that did distribution, and it was all Jewish mafia that did production, and women were not allowed to kind of get in there, especially distribution, you know.
Era a máfia italiana que fazia a distribuição... Máfia controla grande parte da pornografia... e era a máfia judaica que fazia a produção. Crime Organizado Controla Pornografia
But when I originally retired, I had no problem doing it because the business that I knew where you actually had sex, like, on beds and desks, and, you know, and it was like, you were having sex.
Mas quando eu me retirei inicialmente, não tinha problemas em fazê-lo, porque a indústria que eu conhecia, em que fazíamos sexo em camas e secretárias e parecia mesmo sexo.
"You were fucking this blonde chick that I love and I never got to fuck her before."
Estavas a foder a loira que eu adoro e eu nunca a fodi. "
You were just lost in... what is that you're listening to?
Estavas perdido em... O que estavas a ouvir?

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