There we have it translate Portuguese
918 parallel translation
There we have it, you think about your work.
Sim, como sempre. Tu só pensas no teu trabalho.
There we have it.
Aí está!
There we have it - the left lobe of the liver is greatly enlarged.
Aí está - o lóbulo esquerdo do fígado maior que o normal.
If there's anything like you say on my grounds, we'll have it removed.
Se houver coisas dessas nas minhas terras, mandamo-las embora.
If there's one thing I've learned, Lieutenant, it's that we all have a cross to bear.
Se houver uma coisa que aprendi, tenente, é que todos temos uma cruz que suportar.
- The rescue... - Oh. - It must have got there after we left.
Deve ter chegado lá, depois de nos termos partido...
- Yes, it must have got there after we left.
É isso, deve ter chegado depois de nós termos partido!
There we have it.
Pronto, já está.
We have it right in there, all in $ 1 bills.
Está todo lá dentro em notas de um dólar.
I still don't understand why we have to go all the way out there to look at it.
Não sei por que temos de lá ir ver o terreno. Outra vez?
- It isn't that... but I don't believe we'd have much chance against him in the jungle. It's simply that we've been given to understand... that there is no gold to be had here and I believe it.
Simplesmente eles nos deram a entender... que aqui não há ouro e eu acredito neles.
There's something wrong, and we have to face it in an intelligent way.
Há algum problema e temos de encará-lo com inteligência.
If you'd walked into an elevator, I would have stopped it between two floors, and we'd have spent the rest of our lives there.
Se andasses num elevador, eu pararia entre dois andares, e ficaríamos lá o resto das nossas vidas.
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Então colocaremos tudo isto lá também, e lacraremos a entrada... para que nunca as vejas novamente, nem penses nelas.
All we have to do is to go in, find the radar station, blow it to pieces. Then get out of there before the Japs know we're in.
Só temos de descer, encontrar a estação de radar, fazê-la em pedaços... e sair antes dos japoneses nos descobrirem.
There's a disaster we can do something about and which it is most important for us to have information as quickly as possible.
Há um desastre que nós trataremos certamente evitar e o qual é mais importante para nós ter larga informação... -... tão cêdo quanto possivel.
In the end, it was just as well... ] [... because, otherwise, we wouldn't have got there in time. ]
No final, correu tudo bem... porque, caso contrário, não teríamos chegado a tempo.
Miss Winthrop, Iet me say first that we, the Embassy... would never for a moment have countenanced this, never, but... we've been presented with a fait accompli. There's nothing we can do about it.
Winthrop, deixe-me dizer-lhe que nós aqui, na Embaixada, nunca nos deparámos com nada semelhante, mas fomos confrontados com um fait accompli, não há nada que possamos fazer.
Now look, we've got to have an unlisted line. That's all there is to it.
Precisamos de um número não incluído na lista.
It is a neat, normal life we have here. There's just myself, my daughter, and her cello.
DETETIVE PARTICULAR Levamosumavidanormal.Eu... minha filhae seuvioloncelo.
It's a pity you have to rush off when there's so much we might have discussed.
É uma pena estar com pressa, quando há tanta coisa de que falar.
And when there was no longer any money I was forced to give it up, because we have no free university here.
E quando o dinheiro acabou, fui obrigado a desistir, porque não temos universidade gratuita aqui.
Mas temos uma neblina miserável lá fora, e achei melhor fazer minha refeição na ponte.
30 cents! We must have a million pounds out there with our brand on it.
Devemos ter quinhentas toneladas por aí com a nossa marca.
There's probably nothing to it... ... but we have had reports of paratrooper Iandings.
Nao deve ser nada de especial, mas tivemos noticias de lancamento de para-quedistas.
Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that here we have a case of divine intervention.
não cabe dúvida que se trata de um caso de intervenção divina.
He'll drive there and get the money and we're going to have it. That's how!
Ele vai lá, pega o dinheiro e fica todo para nós!
Don't lose it. Without the Seal, there's no more England, and we'll all have to pack up and go back to Normandy.
Não o perca, sem o selo não há mais Inglaterra... e então deveremos voltar para a Normandia.
Just think of it, 99- - there we would have been, two bronze statues giving pleasure to thousands.
Imagine, 99... seríamos duas estátuas de bronze a dar prazer a milhares....
If Elsa were to go wild, it wouId have to be in another district and we were able to get permission to take her to a reserve 340 miles away where there was abundant game, and best of all, many lions.
Se a Elsa fosse para a vida selvagem, teria que ser noutro lugar... e tivemos permissão para levá-la para uma reserva distante, uns 500 km... onde havia muita fauna selvagem e o melhor de tudo, muitos leões.
If we can stop people like Broum getting there first, the Swiss have agreed to hand it over!
Se impedimos que gente como Broum se antecipem, Os suíços nos entregarão o dinheiro.
I regret we'll have to wait and see it there.
Lamento... teremos de esperar e vê-la lá.
Apart from the fact that we're shipwrecked, that we have no means of gettin'there, and that we don't know where it is anyway, yes.
Isso é um facto? Ah! Lá está ela.
Both of us have kingdoms and three children we adore, and both of us are old, but there it ends. He cuts his kingdom into bits. I can't do that.
Ambos temos reinos e três filhos, ambos estamos velhos e pronto, ele dividiu o reino em partes, mas eu não posso fazê-lo.
"Nobody tries to be la-di-da and uppity There's a cup o'tea for all " It's wise to be handy with a rolling pin When the landlord comes to call! " Consider yourself our mate We don't want to have no fuss
e tem o rolo da massa à mão quando o senhorio aparecer considera-te um amigo não queremos confusão já pensámos e podemos afirmar considera-te... considera-te um de nós!
It's a good thing you have him,'cause me and that one there, we goin'north.
Ainda bem que o têm, porque eu e aquele ali, vamos para norte.
We have told you, it is her wish and mine that there be no interference with the natural progress of the virus.
Já lhe dissemos, é o desejo dela e o meu que não haja interferência com o vírus.
If there was water in that 40 miles, we'd have found it.
Se existisse água nesses 65 km já teríamos encontrado.
After we get to know you better, you won't even have to ask, it'll be there.
Quando o conhecermos melhor, nem terá que pedir, estará aí.
How can you stand there dripping all over their lobby with no heel, no luggage, and say it's my fault we have no room?
Como podes ficar aí, a pingar no vestíbulo deles sem salto, sem bagagem e dizer que tenho culpa por não termos quarto?
well it's straight short right to for the union may be four day at almost there we'r right down ther in the open and there they come a wolfen is out of no where they'll have us hunging feet high and let the cross buckle we ride
Leva-nos direitinho para Fort Reunion. São só mais quatro dias, no máximo. Então vamos no terreno aberto... e lá vêm eles, chegam do nada, ululando.
Well, there we have it- - three say "no."
Bom, temos as respostas. Os três dizem que não.
Why is it that every time we have a meeting, they're out there? Listening to something?
Porque é que sempre que temos uma reunião, eles estão lá fora, a ouvir alguma coisa?
We have to uncouple that truck there and push it over on its side!
O que é? Temos de desacoplar aquele vagão e deitá-lo de lado!
I have my men working on it, but there's only so much we can do.
Tenho homens a fazer isso, mas... há pouco a ser feito.
We have you all under martial law. We'll take you all over to the high school. We'll explain it to you over there.
Estão todos sob lei marcial nós vamos leva-los para a escola e explicamos tudo lá.
Here and there and it's all knitting, and we don't have any socks.
Aqui e acolá, tudo é tricot! E não temos nenhumas meias.
There you have it, gentlemen What more evidence do we need
Aqui têm, meus senhores Que mais provas precisamos.
But we have made the best possible world here, because we have found there is no escape from it.
Mas tornamos o mundo o melhor possível aqui... porque descobrimos que nao há saída.
We were imprisoned in a tela e it did not have way to leave there.
Estávamos metidos numa teia e não havia modo de sair de lá.
If we have the uniform, there must have been a man in it.
Deve ter sido usado por alguma pessoa.
there we go 2292
there we are 716
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there we are 716
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we were 28
we have it 62
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we were 28
we have it 62
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213