There were over translate Portuguese
790 parallel translation
There were over a hundred involved in stopping that train.
Mais de cem a tentar reter aquele comboio.
There were over 8000 colonists and virtually no food.
8.000 habitantes e praticamente nenhuma comida.
There were over 300 men who survived the Titanic.
Mais de 300 pessoas sobreviveram ao Titanic.
Turns out they were doing some lighting upgrades over there recently, and whoever the electrician was, well... he made a mistake.
Acontece que eles estavam fazendo alguns upgrades de iluminacao la recentemente, e quem quer que o eletricista foi, bem... cometeu um erro.
The couple over there were having fun in the dark.
Eu estou ansioso por isso.
You may have a pretty face but you're worse than that demon over there. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill you if you were one.
Foi assim que entendi como o King agia.
It was put over on us while our boys were over there and our girls over here.
Foi-nos imposto quando os nossos rapazes estavam lá e as nossas raparigas aqui.
You'd be happier if there were curtains over those windows. - Yes.
Você ficaria mais feliz se houvessem cortinas nas janelas!
They're very dull, most of them, and neglected but you'll always find someone there gazing over the relics of queens who were true lovers.
Muitos são maçantes e negligenciados... mas sempre encontramos alguém... admirando as relíquias de rainhas que foram grandes amantes.
What the hell were you doing over there?
Que raios estavas ali a fazer?
You were over there with me this evening, weren't you?
Esteve lá comigo esta noite, não foi?
That's how your great-grandfather over there made his fortune, and as far as I know, the only thing he played were doorbeIIs.
Foi assim que o teu bisavô ali presente fez a sua fortuna e que me conste, a única coisa que tocava era campainhas de porta.
Howser got over the point that there were four hundred rings just like it made for Young's graduating class.
Howser argumentou que se fabricaram 400 anéis iguais... para a classe do Young.
- And you were looking for someone over there?
- Estava à procura de alguém?
While we were waiting for you, we jumped over to Hays down in the big blue, just for jokes, and who was there?
Enquanto estávamos à tua espera fomos a Hays, só para nos divertirmos. E imagina só quem lá estava?
We were over there in our trailer having supper.
Estávamos ali na nossa caravana jantando.
- Over 100,000 counterfeit British pounds were confiscated there recently.
- Mais de 100.000 libras inglesas falsas foram lá confiscadas recentemente.
I know we don't have jurisdiction over him. I wish there were some way to get him out of town.
Há alguma maneira para que ele deixe a vila?
That corner house over there is the home of the Darling family. And Peter Pan chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him.
Ali aquela casa da esquina é a casa da família Darling e o Peter Pan escolheu esta casa em especial porque aqui havia pessoas que acreditavam nele.
We were over there.
Nós estávamos lá.
You see, we were over there, but there was such a draft,
Você vê, nós estávamos lá, mas havia tal corrente de ar, não pude...
# When the war was over # # Why, there were jobs galore #
Quando a guerra terminou Houve empregos com abundancia
There were just some matters I want to talk over with him.
Havia apenas alguns assuntos que queria tratar com ele.
I've been over to the house several times, but you were never there.
Mas nunca esta em casa, fui lá muitas vezes.
But you were right there waiting to take over.
Mas tu estavas lá à espera de assumir.
- Because the French planters... put their young women over there when they heard the G.I.'s were coming.
Sim? Porquê? Os plantadores Franceses escondem as suas mulheres... quando sabem que chegam soldados.
It's one of the shirts that were over there.
É uma daquelas bonitas que estavam sobre aquela mesa.
And then I came down over the top of the river bank, and there they were.
E então desci pelo lado de cima do rio, e lá estavam.
What were you doing over there?
O que voce fazia lá?
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night.
E havia pastores espalhados pelo campo, de olho nos seus rebanho de noite.
And they were sitting over there.
E eles ali.
All day today there were people running all over the building- - up on the roof and down in the basement.
Vão tomar o seu lugar. O general sabe que vocês estão aqui. Já percebemos isso.
You were over there.
Estava lá.
You were right the first time. Now then, gentlemen, if you'll just toss your guns onto that counter over there,
Hoje competindo pelo Leste estarão Pavlovic e Mihailovich e competindo pelo Ocidente Hymie?
I saw your wagons, and I knew right there my trials and tribulations were over.
Vi as vossas carroças, e sabia que minhas provações e tribulações acabariam.
Last night there were star shells over Sainte-Croix.
A noite passada, houve claröes sobre Sainte-Croix.
I thought at first that bunch over there their mothers were frightened by gorillas but now I think they were caught.
Aquele grupo ali, ainda pensei... que as mães tivessem sido assustadas por gorilas... mas agora acho que os apanhei.
On the canyon floor, there were nuggets laying all over the ground.
No chão, havia pepitas por todo o lado.
We were wondering if you'd come and answer the door in a sketch over there, in that sort of direction...
Queria saber se podia vir abrir a porta num sketch mais ou menos naquela direcção.
Why were you looking over there?
Porque estão olhando aí?
I was on my way here and suddenly there were footsteps behind me and a hand over my mouth. And the smell of chloroform.
Vinha para cá quando, de repente, ouvi passos atrás de mim e uma mão tapou-me a boca e o cheiro do clorofórmio.
We were all sitting on a tree stump over there.
Nós sentámo-nos num tronco de árvore.
We were just gonna go sit down over there.
Íamos justamente sentarmo-nos ali.
There the devotional songs were over and here
Se desconfia de alguém, é o seu dever de dizer o nome.
It calls back a time when there were flowers all over the Earth!
Isso lembra um tempo quando havia flores sobre a terra.
And there were things growing all over the place, not just in domed enclosures blasted some millions of miles out into space!
Havia coisas crescendo em todo lugar, não só dentro de redomas confinadas a milhões de quilômetros no espaço.
I also work on inventions in there and you were very lucky that you didn't knock over a bottle of acid or some cyanide crystals or nitroglycerine.
- Também trabalho em invenções, ali. E o senhor tem muita sorte por não ter derrubado uma garrafa de ácido, de cristais de cianeto ou de nitroglicerina. - Não me diga mais nada.
As I reconstruct it, sir, Mr. Goodland was halted... by the shot you were looking at there, forced out of the car, which was then pushed over the side.
Eu reconstruo assim a situação : o Sr. Goodland foi parado pela bala que está agora a ver e forçado a sair do carro, que foi depois empurrado para a encosta.
You know, I listened to this thing over and over again, figuring maybe I'd hear something that shouldn't be there, some sound that shouldn't be there... an ambulance or a fire truck, like if you were in a phone booth, something.
Nem sei quantas vezes ouvi esta gravação. Vezes e vezes sem conta. À espera de ouvir alguma coisa que não devesse lá estar.
You see, sir, this afternoon when you told Sgt. Vernon that you were going to come in here to make some private phone calls, I was over there in the press room. Now this room is 615, and the press room is 616.
Quando disse ao sargento, esta tarde que ia fazer alguns telefonemas, eu estava na sala de imprensa, este quarto é o 615 e a sala é 616.
( man # 2 ) Smoke, smoke. There were a lot of shells coming over us.
Fumo e fumo, dos projécteis que vinham na nossa direcção.
there were 484
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were witnesses 20
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were witnesses 20
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
overall 83
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
overall 83
overtime 31
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22