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Think about translate Portuguese

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Think about it.
- Pensa nisso.
When my dad wakes up, if I tell him that I love him and I'll always be his daughter but that I want to move to Earth-1, what would you think about...
Quando o meu pai acordar, se eu disser que o amo, que sempre serei filha dele, mas que quero... mudar para a Terra 1, o que é que vais pensar disso?
When I think about... how my parents died so violently... sometimes I want to repay that violence with more violence.
Quando penso na morte tão violenta dos meus pais... Às vezes quero retribuir essa violência com mais violência, quero fazer alguém sofrer tanto quanto eu.
I think about all the memories I cherish most, and... and you're in every single one of them, Caitlin.
Penso em todas as memórias de que tenho mais carinho, e tu estás em cada uma delas, Caitlin.
But I tell you what, if you ever think about laying a hand on her...
Vou dizer-te uma coisa se alguma vez pensares em lhe tocar...
So what do you think about her opening your club in Vegas?
O que achas de ela inaugurar a tua discoteca em Vegas?
I just, I need time to think about this.
Tenho de pensar nisto.
Think about it?
- Pensar?
What's there to think about, baby?
O que há para pensar?
I've got to finish this album before we even think about mounting this show in Vegas.
Tenho de acabar este álbum antes de pensarmos em preparar o espetáculo em Vegas. Tudo.
Think about it.
Pensa nisso.
Well, just think about Bella being alone in some... some foster home.
Só de pensar na Bella sozinha num lar de acolhimento...
Think about it.
Pensa sobre isso.
I mean, think about it, Crowley.
Digo, pensa bem, Crowley.
I mean, think about it. Between Lucifer...
Digo, pensa só.
Mm. Think about it. Tick-tock.
Pensa sobre isso.
You let me have a think about that.
Deixe-me pensar sobre isso.
I still get a bit of a tingle when I think about it now.
Ainda sinto cócegas quando penso nisso agora.
I can't bear to think about it.
Não consigo não pensar nisso.
We're gonna have regular meetings, so... have a think about how often you'd like.
Vamos ter encontros regulares, pense com que regularidade quer que aconteçam.
But there's one thing I think about all the time.
Mas tem uma coisa em que penso a toda a hora.
Why am I still having to think about clearing up after his shit even after I've thrown him out the house?
Porque é que tenho de me preocupar em resolver as merdas dele, mesmo depois de o ter expulsado de casa?
Don't even think about it.
Nem pensar.
Don't think about taking a dip though.
Não pense em tomar um banho.
- We can't think about that now.
- Agora não podemos pensar nisso.
But... we have to think about what's best for them.
Mas temos de pensar no que é melhor para eles.
But, I'll tell you, when I think about all that money I lost, just to see you in this place, all I can say is... worth it!
Mas digo-te que quando penso em todo o dinheiro que perdi só para te ver neste sítio, tudo o que posso dizer é que valeu a pena.
I can't help but think about the last time I saw her and She just wasn't herself.
Só penso que da última vez que a vi, não era ela mesma.
Think about what you are doing.
Pensa no que estás a fazer.
Clues were all there, if you think about it, but...
Se pensar, as pistas estavam lá, mas...
We already got the security guy to think about.
Já temos o problema do segurança.
You know, I used to think Barry was overreacting when he complained about sharing a lab with you.
Achava que o Barry estava a exagerar quando reclamava ao trabalhar contigo.
What about the other women that you don't think are worthy of him?
E outras mulheres que achas não serem merecedor dele?
Think you'll find he feels quite remorseful about the life he's led.
Acho que o vão achar cheio de remorsos sobre a vida que ele levou.
Think... about it.
Pensa... Sobre isto.
I think... that I followed about half of that.
Acho que... que entendi metade disso.
Well, don't you think we need to talk about what happened last... night?
Não achas que temos de falar sobre o que aconteceu ontem à noite?
Is that what you think I'm most upset about?
Achas que é isso que mais me chateia?
I told Cookie I'd think about it.
- Disse à Cookie que ia pensar.
You know, once Bella comes back home, I think you and me, we should really sit down and talk about how we can look after each other, the way brothers are supposed to, you know, as a family.
Assim que a Bella voltar, acho que nós devíamos conversar sobre como podemos tomar conta um do outro.
Do you really think they care about you?
Achas mesmo que eles se importam contigo?
Look, don't you think you should be telling me a little bit, I mean, anything about what's happened?
Olhe, não acham que me deveriam dizer um pouco mais, quer dizer, algo do que aconteceu?
Don't you think you should tell me a little bit, I mean, anything about what's happened?
Não deveriam contar-me um pouco algo sobre o que aconteceu?
You think they told me about it?
Acha que me contariam alguma coisa?
Why do you think I'm up here singing this stupid song about women's chunky Charlies with a crazy man who thinks Hurricane Katrina was a David Copperfield illusion?
Porque achas que estou aqui em cima a cantar esta música estúpida sobre peitoris femininos com um louco que pensa que o furacão Katrina era uma ilusão do David Copperfield?
You think this whole thing was about you?
Achas que esta coisa toda era sobre ti?
Do you think he knows something about this?
Achas que ele sabe alguma coisa a este respeito?
No, I think that I understand plenty about your lack of faith.
Percebi o suficiente sobre a tua falta de fé.
There's something about Ava that, as her mother, I think you ought to know.
Há uma coisa sobre a Ava que acho que a mãe devia saber.
- Think about it.
- Pensas nisso?
You think Phil's comment about Bill Caldwell was coincidental?
Achas que a menção do Phil ao Caldwell foi coincidência?

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