Try to keep up translate Portuguese
232 parallel translation
Well, I know I'm not in your class but I'll try to keep up with you.
Bem, sei que não tenho a tua classe, mas vou tentar pôr-me à tua altura.
At least try to keep up the pressure on your father.
Ao menos tenta manter a pressão sobre o teu pai.
- I still try to keep up with my field.
- Tento manter-me a par nesse campo.
Bem, tente controlar-se, 44.
Just try to keep up with me.
Basta tentar acompanhar-me.
The fool doesn't even try to keep up appearances.
O maluco nem tenta deixar de dar nas vistas.
- I think you might try to keep up.
- Si! Despacha-te, Dominic. - Acho que era melhor acompanhares os outros.
- An engineer, but I try to keep up with things.
E engenheiro, tento me manter a par das novidades.
- You gonna try to keep up with me?
- Vão tentar não me perder?
- I got a lot to do today, so try to keep up.
- Tenho muito que fazer hoje, por isso tenta continuar.
Don't try to keep up with the Flanders'.
Não tentes ser como os Flanders.
- I try to keep up.
- Tento manter-me a par.
- I try to keep up.
- Tento estar a par.
It's hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.
é trabalho duro e eu tento fazer o melhor mas minhas mãos doem a maior parte do tempo.
And try to keep up with me.
E tenta acompanhar-me.
If you're gonna try to keep up with Dennis, you're gonna kill yourself.
Se vai tentar acompanhar o Dennis, acabará por se matar.
Try to keep up.
Tenta acompanhar.
Harvard and Cornell try to keep up with them as they cross the half way point.
Hararde Corell ameaçam o líder, quando estamos a metade da corrida.
Try to keep up.
Tenta manter-te actualizada.
Try to keep up.
Tenta acompanhar-me.
You don't want to try to keep up with me!
Não vais querer competir comigo, meu.
Try to keep up!
Tentem acompanhar!
You just try to keep up.
Tenta acompanhar-me.
I'll try to keep up.
Tentarei acompanhar-vos.
AII right, this is gonna go fast, so try to keep up.
Vou ser muito rápido, por isso, tente anotar tudo.
Try to keep up.
Tente acompanhar-me.
Try to keep up.
Mantém a classe.
Try to keep up, McGowan.
Tenta-te manter acompanhado.
tyr, try to keep up with me this time.
Tyr, tente manter-se comigo desta vez.
- Just try to keep up with me.
- Tentem acompanhar-me.
Go up to the road and keep firing on them in case they try to come to the front, ja?
Sobe a estrada e mantém o fogo no caso de eles tentarem vir para a frente, sim?
Try to eat a little something, just to keep up appearances.
Tenta comer qualquer coisa, só para manter as aparências.
You just have to try and keep up.
Só tens de acompanhar-nos.
Try to keep our shields up in case Taris decides to act on her threat.
Tente manter os escudos levantados, não vá a Taris cumprir a sua ameaça.
You know, I try to sleep at work, but I keep thinking any minute one of'em's gonna go into labor and I'll just end up- - Totally wired.
Tento dormir no trabalho mas penso nelas a entrarem em trabalho de parto e...
I try to keep my head up
Tento ter a cabeça erguida
- H-He, he sent him down here. All of them. They sent us down here because... they want us to change or grow up or something, and all they do is try and keep us the same.
Ele mandou-o para cá, todos eles nos enviaram para cá, porque querem que mudemos, ou cresçamos ou alguma coisa.
It's sweet of you to try to lie to me, but if you keep it up, that collar is going to electrocute you.
É querido da tua parte tentares mentir-me. Mas ainda és electrocutado se continuas!
If you can keep up, you're welcome to try.
Continuem, se puderem.
Grab your gear and try to keep up.
Agarre seu equipamento e tente continuar.
We'll try to keep you up to speed.
Tentaremos manter-vos a par.
I had to start making up rules to, um, just try and keep it under control.
Tive que começar a inventar regras para... tentar e manter-me controlado.
I'll get you up to speed on all this stuff later. But... maybe it would be a good idea... if you try to keep a low profile out here today.
Pô-lo-ei ao corrente disto tudo mais tarde, mas, talvez não fosse má ideia tentar ser o mais discreto possível.
Why don't you try to keep your horse in the barn for a couple of nights... till your Uncle Hazel gets out from under all them charges he's up against.
Porque não manténs o teu cavalo no celeiro até o teu tio Hazel se safar das acusações?
If you can't keep up with the conversation, try not to join in at all.
Se não consegue acompanhar a conversa não participe de todo.
I couldn't decide whether to keep it up or try something new.
Não conseguia decidir se o mantinha, ou tentava algo de novo.
I try to keep looking up and forget about what's down.
Tento olhar para a frente esquencendo tudo o que passou.
We try to keep our heads up in bad times.
Tentamos agir corretamente nas horas difíceis.
And try to keep up.
Bifocals, avozinho.
His mama sent him up to Cumberland. Try to keep him clean at my grandma's.
A mãe mandou-o para Cumberland, para tentar mantê-lo limpo, em casa da avó.
I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside... Where it can fester quietly as a mental illness.
Costumo guardar a minha tristeza dentro de mim onde se pode desenvolver em silêncio como uma doença mental.
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to remember 95
try to breathe 17
try to get some sleep 40
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to remember 95
try to breathe 17
try to sleep 39
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try them 22
try this one 103
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try that again 27
try these 31
keep up the good work 182
keep up 222
try them on 27
try them 22
try this one 103
try this on for size 21
try this 317
try that again 27
try these 31