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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Whitehurst

Whitehurst translate Portuguese

38 parallel translation
Shit, Whitehurst.
Merda, Whitehurst.
Whitehurst, what am I doing wrong?
Whitehurst. Que estou a fazer mal?
Whitehurst, did you see Cochrane with that doll today?
Whitehurst, viste o Cochrane com aquele boneco?
Tell Whitehurst he's off the hook.
Diz ao Whitehurst que está dispensado.
Whitehurst, where do the kids sleep?
- Onde dormem os rapazes?
Look at you, Whitehurst.
Olha para ti, Whitehurst.
Whitehurst, you are, without a doubt the sorriest excuse for a soldier to ever disgrace these walls.
Whitehurst, tu és sem dúvida o mais triste exemplar de soldado que jamais desgraçou esta casa.
What's going on, Whitehurst?
Que se passa, Whitehurst?
Are you with me... or not?
O miúdo é um alvo fácil, Whitehurst. Vens comigo ou não?
You wouldn't know anything about a missing map, would you?
Whitehurst! Não sabes nada do mapa?
Whitehurst, where is he?
Whitehurst, que é dele?
Whitehurst, move!
Whitehurst, andor!
Whitehurst, back me up.
Vá, Whitehurst, dá-me apoio.
- It's Whitehurst.
- É o Whitehurst.
Most are accounted for, except Congressman Whitehurst... who left around 10 : 30 that night... and a former platoon mate named Wallace Sykes... who checked out unexpectedly around 6 : 00 a.m. yesterday morning.
Sabemos da maioria, excepto o Congressista Whitehurst, que saiu perto das 22 : 30 dessa noite, e um antigo colega de pelotão chamado Wallace Sykes, que saiu inesperadamente por volta das 6 : 00 de ontem.
Bull, Plesac, Sykes, Aybar... and Congressman Whitehurst.
O Bull, o Plesac, o Sykes, o Aybar... e o Congressista Whitehurst.
- Congressman Whitehurst.
- Congressista Whitehurst.
- Yes, Capt. Whitehurst.
- Sim, Capt. Whitehurst.
- Congressman Whitehurst?
- O Congressista Whitehurst?
- No Whitehurst?
- Nada do Whitehurst?
I did get a free pen out of Whitehurst's office, though.
Mas trouxe uma caneta grátis do gabinete do Whitehurst.
We reported back to Whitehurst.
Voltámos para junto do Whitehurst.
I think they're covering up for Whitehurst.
Penso que estão a encobrir o Whitehurst.
So Whitehurst makes up this story about some kind of ambush.
Então, o Whitehurst inventa a história sobre um tipo de emboscada.
- Can you tie Whitehurst to any of this?
- Podes associar o Whitehurst a isto?
Whitehurst has the most to lose.
O Whitehurst é quem perde mais.
- And Whitehurst.
- E o Whitehurst.
For Congressman Whitehurst?
Para o Congressista Whitehurst?
These guys are stonewalling... and Whitehurst is at the center.
Esses tipos criam um cerco... e o Whitehurst está no meio.
You want Whitehurst, find another way.
Quer o Whitehurst, descubra outro modo.
I think you've taken the bullet for Plesac and Whitehurst.
Está a assumir a culpa para salvar o Plesac e o Whitehurst.
I heard you're catching all the hell... for the way this Whitehurst thing was handled.
Soube que tens tido sarilhos... pelo modo como isto do Whitehurst foi tratado.
Nothing except some property records in Lake Whitehurst.
Nada, excepto uns registos de propriedade em Lake Whitehurst.
Jacob is from Lake Whitehurst,
Jacob é de Lake Whitehurst.
Mr. Whitehurst.
Sr. Whitehurst?
I'm in an abandoned house in Georgetown, near the Whitehurst Freeway.
Numa casa abandonada em Georgetown, perto da estrada Whitehurst.
- Whitehurst.

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