In his own way translate Russian
179 parallel translation
In his own way... silently.
По своему... молча.
He was a hero, too. A hero in his own way.
Он тоже был героем в своем роде.
If we deny him his chance to work in his own way.
Если отказываемся дать ему шанс на работу, которую он заслужил.
Everyone wants all, only in his own way. And him to get away with a clean scruple.
Каждый желает, сохранить чистыми свои руки.
Just as a man must grow in his own way, in his own time.
Каждый человек взрослеет по-своему, в свое время.
Let Andre tell us in his own way.
Пусть Андре нам все расскажет
No, you're very human, but each one in his own way. That's why you're quarrelling.
Нет, вы люди, каждый по-своему, поэтому вы и ссоритесь.
How's this.... it appeared to me that Tokuzo-san was enjoying work in his own way...
Ложись... Токузо-сан наслаждался работой по-своему...
Now Brideshead, in his own way had planted the problem down before us.
И вот теперь Брайдсхед на свой неуклюжий, беспощадный лад высказал всё прямо.
Each of us, in his own way, must learn to deal with adversity in a mature and adult fashion.
Каждый из нас на своем пути вынужден решать свои проблемы спокойно и по-взрослому.
Each of them deals with this confusion in his own way.
аждый из них справл € етс € с этим состо € нием по-своему.
Sort of a celebrity, in his own way.
Так что своего рода знаменитость.
He's quite brilliant, in his own way.
В некотором смысле, он - - выдающаяся личность.
Mine, too... in his own way.
Мой тоже... на свой лад.
So is Nog... in his own way.
И Ног... на свой лад.
He may not be the best doctor but in his own way he's rather an asset.
Крогсхой, возможно, не лучший в мире врач, но у него не плохая репутация.
But in his own way, I always felt he loved me.
Но я всегда чувствовала, что он по-своему любил меня.
He's a kind man in his own way.
Он добрый человек в своем роде.
Every man must fight in his own way.
Каждый человек сражается по-своему.
The weather is still the same as ever and life, as you used to say, is a great complication which each person resolves in his own way.
Погода здесь тихая, как всегда а жизнь, как ты говорил, это трудное задание, которой каждый человек решает собственным способом.
He seemed to like me, in his own way. It became obvious that his way wasn't my way. It took some time, but I accepted it.
" наешь, € не собиралс € идти. ћен € притащил ѕерри.
Это его способ завести друзей.
Took care of me in his own way.
По-своему, конечно.
Our Father in heaven, before we go into battle, every soldier among us will approach you, each in his own way.
Отец наш, перед битвой каждый из наших солдат... обращается к Тебе.
I know what I'd do, but Angel will deal with Holtz in his own way.
Я знаю, что я бы сделал. Но Ангел разберется с Хольцем по своему.
He's coping with it in his own way.
Он справляется с этим по-своему.
My sister learned to love Mark Anthony and he loved her too, in his own way.
Моя сестра научилась любить Марка Антония, и он тоже любил ее по-своему.
I'm sure, in his own way, that he's...
Уверяю вас : он в каком-то смысле...
Is it wise...? Is it right to tamper with the problem until the Creator himself has solved it in his own mysterious way? - Sir, I...
Разумно ли пытаться решить задачу, над которой создатель трудится своими неисповедимыми путями?
Then to prepare roast duck his favorite way I rub salt and pepper inside, then brown the duck in its own fat... "
Затем приготовила жаркое из утки так, как любит муж натерла её внутри солью и перцем, потом обжарила в её собственном жире... "
Except for someone who's been touched in the head... and wants to go his own way.
Я не имел в виду тех, кто повредился рассудком и решил пойти своим собственным путем!
In his own way, but he told me so. George, we have to change everything about our life!
Джордж, мы должны изменить наш образ жизни.
Yet, his own witness, in answer to a question put by one of you, ladies and gentlemen, clearly stated that anyone without any special technical skill could have rigged that car in a few minutes in the way the district attorney imagines it was rigged.
И всё же его свидетель на вопрос, заданный одним и присяжных, ясно ответил, что любой, даже без знания механики, мог бы подстроить автомобиль за несколько минут, а в воображении прокурора это именно так.
Maybe back in the days of the pioneersa man could go his own way.
- Так было раньше. А сегодня ты пляшешь под нашу дудку.
He wanted it to flee to South America, where, in his own idealistic way, he'd help finance a mercenary army to eliminate Jews, blacks, Chinese and Indians.
Будучи идеалистом, он собирался заплатить армии наёмников, которые уничтожили бы евреев, чёрных, китайцев и индейцев.
- The Doctor is supposed to be brilliant, in his own way.
- Доктор выдающийся человек, но по-своему.
His co-defendants... must adopt, each in his or her own way... an "anti-legalistic" defense... in order to join Bobby in his rebellion.
Обвиняемые вместе с ним должны применить ( каждый по-своему ) "незаконную" защиту для того, чтобы присоединиться к Бобби в его восстании.
Super Soul needs no introduction as our number one disc jockey, but he's on his way to becoming a national celebrity in his own right, - as the invisible guide of Kowalski.
Suреr Sоul не нуждается в представлении, это наш диск жокей номер один но он выбрал другой путь, чтобы стать национальной знаменитостью в качестве невидимого гида для Ковальски.
In the end I think he quite enjoyed himself in his own ghastly little way.
О, мне кажется, он получил большое удовольствие на свой чудовищный лад.
In his own unique way, but... The song makes a good point.
Она не всем понравилась... но в ней говорится о главном.
He can't even express himself or probably even... understand his own emotions in a traditional way.
Он даже не может выразить собственные ощущения и вероятно даже понять свои собственные эмоции обычным способом.
Yes, well, that was the way in the old days... when every artist had his own apprentice.
Да, но так поступали в старьıе времена, когда у каждого художника бьıл собственньıй ученик.
From his humble beginnings as a street mime in Tupelo, Mississippi, Krusty clowned his way to the top of a personal mini-empire... with dozens of endorsements, including his own line of pork products.
Он начал свою карьеру мимом на улице Тьюпело, штат Миссисипи, а закончил тем, что создал свою собственную мини империю... с тысячей гарантий, включая патент на выпуск свиной продукции.
Harry was going to start sizing up all their fingers in a week, because he knew there was no way Ed could settle that debt on his own.
Через неделю Гарри начнет рубить всем пальцы, потому что он знает, что Эд не сможет выплатить долг в одиночку.
"It seemed that in some mysterious way their lives had been his own."
Казалось, жизнь их каким-то таинственным образом связана с его жизнью.
Well, maybe Bulldog- - in his own clumsy way- - gave you a taste of a more traditional lifestyle.
Может Бульдог... в своём неловком стиле дал тебе попробовать вкус более традиционного образа жизни.
[Hammid] Since Maya had her own experience with dancing... she wanted to use film to express... dance ideas in a new way... by using the film technique of editing... to free the dancer from gravity... so that the dancer would seem to be floating... by his own power.
[А. Хамид] После того как Майя занялась танцами,.. ей захотелось средствами кино... по-новому выразить идею танца... используя монтаж,.. освободить танцора от гравитации,..
He was supposed to have died in a way that the only possible explanation was that he'd been murdered by a member of his own entourage.
И именно так, чтобы единственным объяснением его смерти... было убийство, совершённое кем-то из его окружения.
It might even be possible for those children to find a way to return to their original bodies. After this child came to my house covered in his own blood, you know... I went to their house.
что эти дети смогут вернуть себе настоящие тела. я пошла к ним домой.
And Buster realized he may havejust scared away a man... who supported him in the way he'd always hoped his own father would.
И Бастер осознал, что он только что прогнал человека, который поддерживал его гораздо лучше собственного отца.
Bottom line, Your Honor, if Mr. Fleming feels aggrieved... by the way he's portrayed in my client's campaign commercials... then let him counter it with commercials of his own.
Определяющий фактор, ваша честь : если мистера Флеминга оскорбляет то, как он выглядит в роликах моего клиента, тогда позвольте ему сделать свои собственные ролики.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63