He was just there translate Turkish
802 parallel translation
He was just there
Ama oradaydı.
Part of me hoped that it was just a bad dream, that he wouldn't be there, and then I saw him and realised what I'd done to my own brother.
Hep içimden bunun kötü bir rüya olduğunu, onun orada olmadığını umuyordum ama sonra onu gördüm ve öz kardeşime ne yapmış olduğumu fark ettim.
Just... sitting there like he was waiting for somebody to come along.
Orada öyle oturmuş, sanki birisinin gelmesini bekliyor.
- When did you first know he was there? - Last night, just before you did.
- Evde olduğunu ne zaman öğrendiniz?
Sometimes I think Tarzan's up there too in the clouds, just like he was in the escarpment.
Tarzan'ın kayalıkta olduğu gibi burada da bulutların arasında olduğunu düşünüyorum.
He was there, just as you described him.
Bana anlattığın tarife tıpa tıp benziyordu.
He was drunk again. When we drove into the garage, he just sat there with his head on the steering wheel... and the motor still running.
Garaja girince kafasını direksiyona koyup sızdı.
He could not believe he had made this portrait, yet there was his name, just as he had painted it.
Bu tabloyu kendisinin yaptığına inanamıyordu, fakat aşağıda imzası hala duruyordu.
There he was, just laying there.
Öylece yerde yatıyordu.
We'll just find someone who was in your class at college and he'll identify you, and that's all there'll be to it.
Üniversiteden bir arkadaşını bularak o olmadığını ispatlarız.
He looks as if he'd just found out there was an income tax.
Sanki gelir vergisini yeni öğrenmiş gibi görünüyor.
All his life, whenever he got in a spot... he just put out his hand, and there was Ma Jarrett.
Ömrü boyunca, ne zaman başı derde girse... Jarrett anne hep yanındaydı.
And afterwards, just as I was putting my robe on, I looked up, and there he was.
Sonrasında tam bornozumu giyiyordum, kafamı kaldırdım ve işte oradaydı.
When I got back, he was just laying there.
Geldiğimde yerde yatıyordu.
And if you just kick it away, it's like he never existed like there never was a Norman Maine at all.
Ve sen de onu heba edersen, hiç yaşamamış gibi olacak. Sanki hiç Norman Maine diye biri olmamış gibi.
He just called up to see if there was anything he could do.
Yapabileceği bir şey var mı diye sormak için aramış.
He'd just stopped in, and there was nobody there.
Bara uğramıştı ortalıkta hiç kimse yoktu.
If my father lived there, he'd tell them it was just two pieces of air coming together.
Eğer babam orada yaşasaydı, onlara iki hava parçasının bir araya gelişi derdi.
I think he was just standing there behind the bar.
Galiba öylece barın arkasında duruyordu.
We were there talking and he was just gone.
Konuşurken bir anda yok oldu.
I turned the lights off and I spotted him in the dark of a doorway, just standing there like he was waiting for someone with no good in his mind.
Işıkları kapattım ve onu bir kapı girişinde gördüm, orada birini... bekliyor gibi duruyordu, her kimi bekliyorsa aklında iyi şeyler yoktu.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Ben oradayken dışarıdaydı.
Did he bring it in person, or was it, just there, shoved under the door?
Kendisi mi getirdi yoksa kapının altından mı attı?
One night, I was going to bed and I didn't want Marvin to be lonesome, just sloshing around in the water. So I took Marvin to bed with me, to spend the night, and in the morning, he just laid there.
Bir gece, Marvin'in tek başına suda yalnız dolaşmasını istemedim ve geceyi yanımda geçirmesi için Marvin'i aldım.
He was just as proud an old rooster. You know, there was his son marching off to war to become a man.
Görünen o ki aşağıda çalışıyorsun.
He said that it was the law and that there was just nothing he could do about it.
Sonra, ikizleri almama izin vermediler.
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Orada kalması tamamen bir tesadüftü... ama ikimizin arasında neler geçtiğini anlaması uzun sürmedi.
When he wrote back, there was just a hint of an accusation.
Cevap yazdığındaysa beni suçladığını ima ediyordu.
You mean there really is a Kid Shelleen? I thought he was just in books.
Kid Shelleen gerçekten var mı?
He was sitting there, reading, eating, and drinking coffee, just like us.
Oturuyordu. Kitap okuyordu. Yemek yiyordu.
Julia was there just in her nightie, what if he wants to dress her up?
Julia orada geceliği ile duruyordu. Ya adam çıkarmasını isterse?
He was standing there just as plain as we are.
Tıpkı bizim gibi, öylece duruyordu.
I was looking at him. I was looking right at him then he just wasn't there.
Ona bakıyordum ve ortadan kayboldu.
Yes, that gentleman gave them to me... he was there just now.
Evet, şu beyefendi verdi... Daha şimdi oradaydı.
I mean, what was your husband doing? Was he just standing there while some guy sitting down shot him?
Katil elinde silahla oturmuşken kocanızın ayakta durup beklemesi garip.
I heard out in California there was this man, he was so hungry that he was grubbing roots just like you but instead of a root, he yanked up a nugget big as a turnip.
California'dayken duymuştum, bir adam varmış. Çok açmış senin gibi kökleri eşeliyormuş ama bir kök yerine şalgam kadar bir külçe bulmuş.
See, my dog had a little operation, and the vet was kind of upset because I had to leave him there, but he's just fine, he's moving around.
Görüyorsunuz, benim köpeğim küçük bir ameliyat geçirdi, ve onu orada bırakmak zorunda kaldığım için biraz bozuldu, fakat artık iyileşmiş, dolaşıp duruyormuş.
Then he said, "Well, just as there was an elite guard in the Kaiser's time, there is an elite guard now in the new movement, and that is the SS."
Bunun üzerine bana, "Kayzer döneminde olduğu gibi şimdi de seçkin bir birliğimiz var. Adı SS." dedi.
And what they would do, if someone had been hastily buried, they would disinter him, or if he was just lying there, they'd pick him up and slide them into the mattress covers, pile them up into the trucks and take them off to a temporary cemetery somewhere.
Yaptıkları şey ise eğer biri alelacele gömüldüyse onları mezardan çıkarmak, ya da ortalıkta yatıyorsa onları almak, şilte torbalarına sarmak kamyonların arkasına yığmak ve bir yerlere, geçici mezarlarına götürmekti.
I just felt like he did just because he was there.
Sadece evde olduğu için ben öyle hissediyordum.
He was in a park on a bench, sitting there. Just a little old guy reading the funny pages out of the paper.
Hatta bir bankta oturuyordu yaşlı bir adam gazetenin magazin sayfalarına bakıyordu.
He said he thought the situation was just too dangerous there for him to come home right now.
Şu anki şartlarda eve dönmesinin onun için çok tehlikeli olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi.
By the time we got to him, he was just sitting there trying to scream with his face ripped off.
Yanına vardığımızda, orada öyle oturuyordu ; parçalanmış yüzüyle bağırmaya çalışarak.
It was just luck that I happened to be there... when he tried it.
O çabalarken benim onun yanında olmam bir şanstı.
And, just as he was about ready to jump, skies open up, and there's this ray of light hit him like a spotlight.
Bir yukarıya bakmış ve tam atlayacağı sırada bulutlar dağılmış ve aniden bir güneş ışığı süzülmüş. Onu tıpkı bir projektör gibi aydınlatmış.
When I was in there just now, he was fast asleep. I think he's asleep.
Sanırım uyuyor kendisi.
Well, he was in there just now, along with a... A lizard.
Az önce buradaydı, yanında bir kertenkele ile birlikte.
And I was sitting there just thinking that he was a pompous, defensive... conservative stuffed shirt who was only interested in the theater. He was talking and talking.
Orada oturmuş, onun sadece tiyatro ile ilgilenen süslü, koruyucu muhafazakâr ve kibirli birisi olduğunu düşünüyordum.
And then after he'd gone, I turned the television on... and there was this guy who had just won the something-something.
Gittikten sonra televizyonu açtım ve bir şeyleri kazanmış bir adam vardı.
And when he did it he was whistling just like in one german movie, where there was a maniac who was whistling before he killed.
İşkence yaparken ıslık çalıyordu. Bir Alman filminde, manyak bir katil cinayet işlemeden önce ıslık çalıyormuş.
If it was just he and his men there couldn't be too much damage.
Sadece o ve adamları olsaydı çok fazla zarar veremezlerdi.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64