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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ M ] / Master winslow

Master winslow translate Turkish

23 parallel translation
- I'm so sorry, Master Winslow.
- Affedersin Efendi Winslow.
Master Winslow, there must be something about the blue moon on your magic window machine.
Efendi Winslow, sihirli makinenizde mavi ayla ilgili bir şeyler de olmalı.
Master Winslow, might I borrow your stargazer?
Efendi Winslow, yıldız teleskopunu ödünç alabilir miyim?
Master Winslow, we really need your help.
Efendi Winslow, gerçekten yardımına ihtiyacımız var.
I'm sorry, Master Winslow, but we badly need to borrow your Stargazer.
Affedersin Efendi Winslow ama yıldız teleskopuna çok ihtiyacımız var.
- Master Winslow, you'll know it's the right message if it comes from the heart.
- Efendi Winslow doğru sloganı kalbinde hissedersin.
- Well done, Master Winslow.
- Tebrikler Efendi Winslow.
- Master Winslow, a question, please.
- Efendi Winslow, bir şey sorabilir miyim?
We never intended to be a burden, Master Winslow.
Başına dert olmayı hiç istememiştik Efendi Winslow.
- Well, Master Winslow, thank you.
- Evet Efendi Winslow, teşekkür ederim.
These will take us directly to Master Winslow's mushroom.
Şirinlikle. Böylece doğrudan Efendi Winslow'un mantarına gideceğiz.
Master Winslow's gotten old.
Vay be. Bay Winslow çok yaşlanmış.
- Master Winslow.
- Efendi Winslow.
- Master Winslow.
- Bay Winslow.
Master Winslow?
- Bay Winslow.
Master Winslow, it's hard for me, but, well, can I ask you some advice?
Bay Winslow, benim için zor ama, senden birkaç tavsiye isteyebilir miyim?
Thank you, Master Winslow.
Teşekkür ederim, Bay Winslow.
Master Winslow, you coming with us?
- Bay Winslow, sende geliyor musun?
Okay, Master Winslow, we'll split up here. All right.
Tamam, Bay Winslow, burada ayrılıyoruz.
Clumsy and Grouchy, go meet Master Winslow.
Sakar ve huysuz, Bay Winslow'u bulun.
We'll see you in there, Master Winslow.
Tamam. İçerde görüşürüz, Bay Winslow.
Thank you once again, Master Winslow.
Tekrar teşekkürler, Bay Winslow.
Oh, my... Master Winslow, please.
- Bay Winslow, lütfen.

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