Don ' t translate Portuguese
1,031 parallel translation
Мимо меня проехал гитлерюгендец, насвистывая "It Don't Mean a Thing"
Um H. J. passou por mim e assobiou "It Don't Mean a Thing".
It don't mean a thing
Não significa nada
Мы скажем им, когда они вернутся. "Don't put your faith" "in love, my boy"
Dizemos-lhes quando voltarem.
Но ты не захочешь следовать моему примеру, Ричард.
But you don't want to follow me. Acredita em mim.
Вспомни сестёр Эндрюс до песни "Не сиди под яблоней".
É como as Irmãs Andrews antes da "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree".
Please don't go.
Por favor, não vás.
You were the one so tender, ўЬ How could you do that to me... ўЬ I can't believe you're going, ўЬ I don't believe good-bye.
Tu eras tão frágil, ~ Não acredito que te vais embora, ~ Eu não acredito em despedidas.
I don't care if I die
# I don't care if I die #
Don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye
# Don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye #
Flip, flop, fly I don't care if I die
# Flip, flop, fly I don't care if I die #
Yeah, don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye
# Yeah, don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye #
- Ohh Don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye
# Don't ever leave me Don't ever say good-bye #
Прямо как Боб Дилан в "Don't Look Back".
É como Bob Dylan em "Don't Look Back".
I don't know
Eu não sei
Лучше не делай этого. Я выгляжу как Гомер Симпсон.
Don't. I look like Homer Simpson.
Так почему б и нет?
So why don't you?
I don't know where he got it. Он огромен.
Eu não sei de onde ele o tirou, é enorme.
Пeвeц : Мнe всe равнo, идeт ли дoждь иль снeг
l don't care ifit rains or freezes
Я ни за чтo нe вoлнуюсь
lt's like I don't care about nothin', man
И eсли никтo нe захoчeт Пoкупать эту пeсню Я знаю, пoчeму
And ifl don't sell one copy l'll know why
Отличный план И я нe вeрю в Гитлeра
Excellent delivery l don't believe in Hitler, that's what l said
Don't blame the tools.
Não culpe as armas.
Рэйчел, это типичный случай "Папа, не поучай меня"
Parece a cancão "Papa Don't Preach".
У кого был хитовый сингл с песней "Don't Speak"?
Quem teve um êxito musical com "Don't Speak"?
Разве нет?
- Don't you find that the case?
And I don't want that memory to be и я не хочу, чтобы эта память была о больном человеке, лежащем в больнице.
E não quero que essa recordação seja a daquele homem prostrado num hospital.
I don't know, Clark.
Não sei, Clark.
- # I don't wanna lose your love... - Здесь.
С тобой всё в порядке?
" So I don't have to dream alone...
Сукин сын.
" So I don't have to dream alone...
Знаю и не знаю, в общем - "I don't know".
Sim e não. "I don ´ t know".
- Сателлит, а что значит "I don't know"?
- O que quer dizer "I don ´ t know"?
"I don't know" значит - "понятия не имею"
"I don ´ t know" significa que, "não faço ideia".
Please don't let my tears persuade you
Por favor não deixe minhas lágrimas te persuadirem.
- I don't know.
- Não sei.
большими красивыми буквами на обложке.
Primeiro, é um pouco mais barata e segundo, tem as palavras "Don't panic" ou seja Não te assustes! impressas em grandes e amigáveis letras na capa.
I'm broken don't break me
I'm broken don't break me
"And all of the people and I don't know why"
In a gadda da vida, baby don't you know that I'll always be true?
- Não saia daí! Vamos, vamos! - Agora.
So, if you don't drift to win, what do you drift for?
Então, se não fazes derrapagem para ganhar, para que fazes?
В форме он вообще красавец.
Suits uniform, don't he?
Давай споем "Не разбивай мне сердце".
Vamos cantar o "Don't Go Breaking My Heart."
"Не разбивай мне сердце". Элтон Джон, Кики Ди.
"Don't Go Breaking My Heart." do Elton John, Kiki Dee.
Даже не собираюсь... I don't feel like standing in this alley all night.
Não me apetece ficar neste beco.
You answer the door. I don't want to get smacked.
Não quero apanhar porrada.
Вот оно! ўЭ Oh baby, don't hurt me ўЭ
Querida não me magoes.
ўЭ Don't hurt me no more ўЭ - Теперь каждый!
Não me magoes, nunca mais.
ўЭ Oh what is love, baby don't hurt me ўЭ
O que é o amor? Querida não me magoes.
ўЭ Don't hurt me no more ўЭ
Não me magoes, nunca mais.
And I don't know what that means.
E eu não sei o que isso significa.
don ' t you 18
don ' t worry 24
don ' t let them go 16
thank you 149
thanks 97
then 62
that 24
there 34
though 41
three 33
don ' t worry 24
don ' t let them go 16
thank you 149
thanks 97
then 62
that 24
there 34
though 41
three 33
think 17
the big bang theory 28
tick 51
twitter 16
the times 24
the doors 47
tressa 71
take me away 32
the beatles 20
that all started with a big bang 47
the big bang theory 28
tick 51
twitter 16
the times 24
the doors 47
tressa 71
take me away 32
the beatles 20
that all started with a big bang 47