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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ A ] / Arabada kal

Arabada kal translate English

568 parallel translation
Sen arabada kal şimdi.
Now, you sit right here in the car.
Arabada kal.
Stay with the wagon.
Arabada kal.
Stay in the wagon.
Sen arabada kal, ben bulurum.
Wait in the car. I'll go get it.
- Arabada kal!
- Emmeline, stay in the car!
Bize ateş açmış bir saldırı uçağı olsaydı arabada kalırdın.
You would stay in the car if it were a fighter plane shooting at us.
Max, arabada kal!
Max, stick with the car!
Arabada kal.
Just wait in the car.
- Hangi arabada kalıyor?
- Which wagon is he in?
Dorothy, Millie, arabada kalın.
Dorothy, Millie, stay on the buckboard.
Arabada kalın, sizi de parçalar bunlar.
Stay in the car, they'll tear you apart.
Andrieux, arabada kal.
Plumerel, the floors.
Frank, sen arabada kal.
Frank, stay in the car.
- Arabada kal.
- Stay in the car.
Arabada kalın ve dışarı çıkmayın.
Stay in the car and don't get out.
Arabada kal, kendim yapacağım.
Stay in the car, I'll do it myself.
Sen arabada kal.
You stay in the car.
- Harold, sen arabada kal.
- Harold, you stay in the car.
Sen arabada kal!
Stay in the car!
Tatlım, arabada kal.
Honey, stay in the car.
Arabada kal!
Stay in your cars!
Bayan Feldman, siz arabada kalın.
Mrs. Feldman, stay with the car.
- Sadece arabada kal.
- Just stay in the car.
Arabada kal.
Stay in the car.
Sen arabada kal.
- Şoför, arabada kal ve sakın dışarı çıkma.
Don't get out. You kidding? Drive.
- Evet, ama - - Arabada kal Lulu.
Stay with the car, Lulu.
- Sen arabada kal.
- Stay with the car.
Seninle gelirsem oranın yerini bilen iki kişi aynı arabada olur ve bilmeyen kişi diğer arabada kalır ve sonunda harita çizmek zorunda uğraşabiliriz ya da ben senin arabanı kullanabilirim ve sen de onunla gidebilirsin istersen.
So I could tell her Where it was, because if I went with you, there would be two people in one car who knew where it was and one who didn't. We'd end up drawing a map or something. Unless, I drove your car, and then you went with her.
Arabada kal.
Wait in the car.
Arabada kal.
Stay inside the wagon.
Arabada kal.
Stay in the car!
- Söyle dedim! - Sen arabada kal.
You stay in the car.
Biri "Arabada kal." der ve adam da kalmazsa, ne olur?
How many times have you heard someone say, "Stay in the car" and the guy doesn't? What happens?
- Josette, arabada kal.
- Josette, stay in the car.
Lütfen arabada kal.
Please stay in...
- Hayır, sen arabada kal.
- No, you stay in the car.
Hayır, arabada kal.
No, you stay here in the car.
- Arabada kal lütfen.
- Stay with the car, please.
- Sen arabada kal.
- Get in the car.
Ruby, sen arabada kal.
Ruby, you stay in the car.
Sana arabada kal demiştim.
I told you to stay in the car.
Ruby sen arabada kal.
Ruby, you stay in the car.
Sen arabada kal.
Wait here.
Birkaç tanesini arabada yedek tutmak istiyorum. Böylece birini iş üzerinde kullanmak zorunda kalırsam izleri silip nehre atabilirim.
I like to have a couple extras in the car... so if I gotta use one on the job I can wipe it off and heave it down the river.
Sen arabada kal
Just stay in the car.
Tabi dört saat sonrasında arabada gözlerimi açıp kırda olduğumu hatırlıyorum. Elim ayağım bağlanmış ve ağzım tıkalıydı.
Well, nothing until four hours later, when I woke up in the car in a spiny, very efficiently tied up and gagged.
Arabada kal! Arabada otur!
Get back in the car
Arabada kal, Martin.
Stay in the car, Martin.
- Hayır, o kalıp arabada bekleyecek.
- No, he's gonna stay with the car.
Sen arabada kal Colin.
You stay in the car, Colin.

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