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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ F ] / Frene bas

Frene bas translate English

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Frene bas.
Pour on the brakes.
Sense kamyon kullanır gibi frene basıyorsun!
You slam on the brakes like it was a truck!
Frene bas!
Put on the brakes.
Ben bas dediğimde frene bas.
Set the brake. Release it when I say so.
Frene bas.
Put the brakes on.
Frene bas, Yüzbaşı, frene bas.!
Brake, Captain! Brake!
- Frene bas.
- Put on the brakes.
AyagnIa frene bas.
Put your foot on the brake.
Frene bas!
Use the brakes!
Dikkat et, frene bas, üstümüze geliyor!
Look out! Stop!
Milagros, ben hiçbir şey görmüyorum. Pepe! Frene bas!
- Milagros, I don't see anything.
O halde benim frene basıp, arabayı durdurup, anahtarı çıkarıp, arabadan çıkıp ne olduğuna bakıp sana rapor vermemi mi istiyorsun?
So do you want me to let up the gas, step on the brake, turn off the car, take out the key, get out of the car to find out and then report to you?
- Frene bas!
Hit the brakes!
Hey, frene bas!
Hey, hit the brakes!
Frene bas!
Hit the brake!
- Aman Tanrı'm, frene bas!
- Oh, my God, hit the brake!
Frene bas.
Stop, brake!
Howard, frene bas!
Howard, step on the brake!
Howard, frene bas!
Step on the brake!
Frene bas.
Apply the brakes.
Peg, tepeden aşağı inerken, sen arabaya atla ve frene bas!
Peg, it's your job, very important, when we get to the bottom of the hill that you get on the brakes and stop the car.
Frene bas!
Put on the brakes!
Frene bas!
Hit the brakes.
Frene bas!
Hit the brakes!
Frene bas!
Biraz frene bas
Put down the breaks a little.
Frene bas!
Now brake!
Frene bas.
Set your brakes.
Frene bas.
Step on the brakes.
Şimdi frene bas.
Now, hit the brakes!
Frene bas!
Now put on the brakes!
- Frene bas.
-'Oh-oh " - Sanka, hit the brakes, man!
Frene bas.
All right, hit the brake.
Frene bas.
Hit the brakes!
- Phillip, frene bas!
- Phillip, hit the brake!
Frene bas!
Step on the brake!
- Frene bas!
- Hit the brakes!
- Anne, frene bas.
- Jimmy, it's a dead end.
Frene bas, frene bas!
Brake! Brake!
Frene bas!
Pete, frene bas biraz.
Pete, hold your horses.
Ben frene basıyorum.
I'm hittin'the brakes.
Söylediğimde frene bas.
Nail the brakes on three!
- Rebecca, frene bas!
- Rebecca, hit the brakes!
Ansızın önünüze bir kamyon lastiği çıkıyor... ve frene basıyorsunuz.
Then, all of a sudden, there's a truck tire in the middle of the road and you hit the brakes.
- Frene bas.
- Hit the brakes.
Frene bas!
Put the brakes on!
Frene bas. Şuraya dön.
- Yapma oğlum, durdur şunu, frene falan bas.
Come on, man. Stop this thing, Jackson.
Frene bas.
Hit the brakes, Aaron.
Aaron, frene bas.
Hit the brake.

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