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And on that bombshell traducir español

46 traducción paralela
And on that bombshell, or as he would now put it,
Y con este bombazo... O, como él diría...
And on that bombshell, it's time to end the show.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar el programa.
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Y luego de esa bomba, es tiempo de terminar
And on that bombshell, it is now time to end.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell... it's probably time to end!
Y en esa bomba... probablemente es hora de poner fin!
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Si, y con esa bomba es hora de terminar
And on that bombshell, it is time to end what I think has been a very serious show.
Y con esa bomba es hora de terminar lo que creo que ha sido un programa muy serio.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con esta noticia bomba, nos despedimos.
And on that bombshell, back to the sticks.
Y luego de esa bomba, de vuelta al campo.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con esa bomba es hora de terminar
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Y con esa bomba es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end. I do apologise.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar, Y me disculpo.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con este bombazo, es hora de acabar.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
¡ Y con esa bomba terminamos!
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con esta bomba, es el momento de terminar.
That's all they are, and on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Eso ha sido todo, y con esta bomba informativa, es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con esa bomba, es momento de terminar
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Y con esa bomba es hora de terminar
And on that bombshell...
Y con esa bomba...
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con este bombazo, es hora de terminar.
Well, anyway, the conclusion is that wind power is obviously great, but it does give you a face like a prostitute's front door. And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Bueno, la conclusión es que el poder del viento es bueno pero se te quedará cara de tonto. Y con este bombazo informativo, es hora de acabar.
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Y en esa bomba, es el momento de terminar.
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con esa bomba, es hora de terminar
He's stopped, he's given up! And on that bombshell... back to the studio.
Él se detuvo, ¡ se ha dado por vencido! Y con este bombazo...
Which means we were right, and on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Lo que significa que teníamos razón, y con este bombazo, es hora de acabar.
And on that bombshell...!
- ¡ Y con esa bomba...!
And on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar.
~ And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
- Y con este bombazo, es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell, it's time to end.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell, I'm afraid it's time to end.
Y con ese bombazo, me temo que es hora de terminar.
And on that bombshell we really must end.
Y con ese bombazo realmente tenemos que terminar.
McKellen comes to me five minutes before and drops that bombshell on me :
McKellen viene 5 minutos antes y me suelta esa bomba :
On that bombshell it's time to end the show and indeed the series.
Y con esta bomba, es el momento de terminar el programa, y de hecho esta temporada.
On that bombshell, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to end, see you next week, thank you for watching, good night.
Oh, Dios, entonces no es...! Y con esa bomba, damas y caballeros, es hora de terminar Nos vemos la semana que viene, gracias por acompañarnos, buenas noches!
Sadly, he didn't make it. And that really is a bombshell that we can end on this week.
Y eso realmente es un bombazo con el que acabar esta semana.
The President's address this evening contained a real bombshell, didn't it Hugh? And I wouldn't be surprised if this new crisis didn't have some bearing on President Fremont's decision whether or not to seek an unprecedented fifth term in office... 15 years in office. You'd think that would be enough for anyone.
El señalamiento del presidente esta tarde contiene una verdadera bomba y no me sorprendería si esta nueva crisis tuviera alguna relación con la decisión del presidente Freemont de buscar o no un sin precedentes quinto término a la... quince años en la casa blanca pensarias que es suficiente para cualquiera
And on that unusually harmonious bombshell, it is time to end, not just the programme, but the whole series.
Y con esa excepcionalmente armoniosa bomba, es hora de terminar, no solo el programa, sino toda la temporada.
And, on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y, con esta bomba es hora de terminar,
And that is an excellent bombshell on which we could end, so...
Y que es una excelente bomba con la que podriamos terminar, asíque...
Word on the street is that you couldn't hack it on Bombshell, that you had a nervous breakdown, and that I should be looking for another writing partner before my career goes down with yours.
Los rumores apuntan que no puedes soportar la presión de La Sensación, que tienes una crisis nerviosa y que yo debería buscarme otra compañera para el guión antes de hundir mi carrera contigo.
Ivy, Bombshell is on track creatively, but we simply need something to support that on the business side, and Leigh is a very big draw.
Ivy, "La Sensación" está encarrilado creativamente, pero necesitamos algo para apoyar eso en la parte comercial, y Leigh es una gran atracción.
And, on that bombshell, time to end.
Y, con este bombazo, es hora de terminar.
And on that potential bombshell, it is time to end.
Y ese potencial bomba, es hora de terminar.
We wanna tell you all together so we haven't got that thing where somebody knows before anybody else, cos you're all equally important as one another, and we just want you to know before..... we drop the fucking bombshell on you, that we love you very much.
Queríamos decíroslo a todos juntos de este modo no haremos que alguien lo sepa antes que otro, porque todos sois igualmente importantes para nosotros y solo os queremos decir antes... de lanzar la puta bomba sobre vosotros, que os queremos mucho.
And, on that bombshell, it is time to end.
Y con ese bombazo, es hora de terminar.

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