And on that note traducir español
326 traducción paralela
And on that note, I think I'll fix us some drinks.
Y con eso en mente, iré a prepararnos unos tragos.
And on that note, we must say good night to you. Picasso has failed - in his first bid for international cycling fame.
Tenemos que despedirnos de Vds. Picasso ha fracasado en su intento... de saltar a la fama ciclista internacional.
And on that note, Veronika, discreetly, disappears.
Dicho esto, Veronika, discreta, se eclipsa.
And on that note of praise, I hope you all perform as triumphantly in your term exam next Friday. [Laughs]
Y en esa nota de elogio, espero que procedan así triunfantes en el examen trimestral del próximo Viernes.
And on that note of praise, I hope you all perform as triumphantly in your term exam next Friday.
Y en esa nota de elogio, espero que procedan así triunfantes en el examen trimestral del próximo Viernes.
And on that note...
Y considerando eso...
This is what the right picture of the right man doin'the wrong thing can get you. And on that note, we gotta go, gotta go.
Esto es lo que la foto correcta de la persona correcta en el lugar equivocado te puede dar bueno, nos tenemos que ir
And on that note, I think we'll just take a short intermission.
Y con esa nota, creo que tomaremos un breve intermedio.
Then Ganga's farewell and on that note give us sweet-meats.
Then Ganga's farewell and on that note give us sweet-meats.
I have a feeling that if we got together, collaborated on a note to leave behind, and really worked on it, it would not only be a very fine piece of literature, but it might save me a black eye.
Creo que si nos juntáramos... y tratáramos de crear algo inmortal, con mucho esfuerzo... no sólo sería una buena obra literaria... sino que tal vez me ahorraría una golpiza.
You took a signature of that note... traced it on this check and deposited it to Robert's account.
Usted cogió la firma de esa nota, la calcó en este cheque y lo depositó en la cuenta de Robert.
His Grace the Lord High Protector, awaits your pleasure... and asks that you be informed that a note on the treasury has to be signed.
su Ilustrísima el Gran Lord Protector, espera a que le reciba... y pide que se le informe que ha de firmarse una anotación en la tesorería.
I could see he was on pins and needles... so I suggested that he go out into the open air for a while.
Le noté muy nervioso, así que le sugerí que saliera un rato a tomar el aire.
- Speak and welcome, and make a note of that, too, but go on with your doctoring while you talks.
Hable y tome nota de todo. Pero siga curándole mientras hablan.
The note said that.. they wrote on behalf of Carmela, that Carmela, beside herself,.. had run away from home and was in Capua where, crossing a street,..
La nota decía que escribían en nombre de Carmela, y que Carmela, fuera de sí,... se había escapado de casa y estaba en Capua donde, al cruzar una calle,... desesperada como estaba, la había atropellado un tranvía.
You're going to stop on the main road to Contention, one mile this side, and you're going to give that note to somebody passing in.
Va a pararse en el camino hacia Contention, a una milla, y le dará la nota a alguien que pase.
And on my way down to my office this morning... I happened to notice on the front page of the Morning News... a newspaper... by the way, of understandably small circulation... that my young opponent had played to an overflow crowd... in the Jewel Room of the Colonial Hotel.
Y en mi camino hacia la oficina esta mañana... noté en la primera plana del Matutino... que es, por cierto, un periódico de comprensible baja circulación... que mi joven oponente ha actuado frente a una rebosante multitud... en el Salón de las Joyas del Hotel Colonial.
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie es muy buen amigo de un joven... que lo ayudó a hacer la nota de rescate en una máquina robada... y que alquiló un sedán negro en la agencia de autos Collins... el 16 de mayo. Pensé que eso te refrescaría la memoria.
Now you try that first note and come right into it and continue. Let's get together and swing right on through.
Cuando cojas el tono, empiezas a cantar y seguimos juntos hasta el final.
That note you found in your room was typed on his typewriter and as a result of the assignation, victim number three.
La nota que encontró en su habitación fue escrita en su máquina de escribir y como resultado de tal, tenemos a la tercera víctima.
Well and on that sweet note, boys, we can all get ready to got to the West Indies.
Y ahora, a prepararse para marcharnos a las Antillas.
Fennan's suicide note and the letter that denounced him were both typed on his own Olivetti, probably by different people.
La nota de suicidio de Fennan y la carta de denuncia... se escribieron en su Olivetti, probablemente por dos personas.
There's one bright note on this troubled campus, and that is tomorrow the current semester ends.
Hay una nota que destaca en este campus con problemas, y es que mañana termina el semestre actual.
On that little note of mystery we'll end this, and let Miss Baker go to her hotel.
Por favor tendrán tiempo para eso. La señorita necesita descansar.
And, on that note, I will check in on our sumptuous repast.
Y hablando de eso, iré a revisar nuestro pomposo menú.
Because this note is a set of directions and there's only one reason that there's no streets and no addresses on it.
Porque es una nota con instrucciones. Y por eso deduzco que no figuran en ella... nombres de calle o direcciones.
On that note, I will say goodbye and thank you for coming.
Y con eso le digo buenas noches y gracias por venir.
But don't worry. It may look like we're rushing things a bit, but the fact is if you're going to walk and talk at the same time, it's necessary that we find somebody that if you do fall on your ass, it won't make any difference.
Puede parecer que estamos apurando un poco las cosas, pero el hecho es que si vas a caminar y hablar al mismo tiempo, es necesario que encontremos a alguien que si te caes de culo, no note la diferencia.
A note on his confidential biograph and that was it.
Una nota en su expediente personal y eso fue todo.
Also, kindly note that the use of cameras is not permitted on flight and at the airport.
Además, se informa que el uso de cámaras. No se permite en los vuelos ni en el aeropuerto.
You will note that we have supplied both rebels and government forces on an equal basis.
Notarán que hemos abastecido tanto a fuerzas rebeldes como gubernamentales... en una base de igualdad.
That was how it was returned to me on my wedding day, together with a vile note urging a curse upon my house and saying he'd never forgive me.
Así es como me fue devuelta... el día de mi boda, junto con una nota malvada, pidiendo una maldición sobre mi casa... y diciendo que nunca me perdonaría.
She had to die in a way that... would make him appear blameless. Mm-hmm. So he bribed a records clerk, he wrote that note toJohnny Crane, took the photos, and was going to work... his nightmarish mind-game on Johnny...
Se dio cuenta que sería igual si atemorizaba a su sobrina, ella ya estaba en el hospital.
then, at hialeah, what i'd like to do is- - so, that's a c-note on the double, then one each on the 2 exactas- - yeah, a deuce on the quinela, and a half on the perfecta.
Luego, en Hialeah, lo que quiero hacer es... Entonces, eso es un anota C en el doble, Luego uno en cada dos exactas...
I noticed that he was freshly shaved, that all his buttons were firmly sewed on, and that his clothes were darned with care, which makes the mend invisible.
Noté que estaba recién afeitado que todos sus botones estaban firmemente cosidos y que sus ropas estaban zurcidas con cuidado que hacía el zurcido invisible.
sign that note and you're on board, buddy.
firmar esa nota y ya está a bordo, amigo.
"What's that?" I wondered, and noticed a red stain on my dress.
"¿ Qué es eso?" Me pregunté, y noté una mancha roja en mi vestido.
Well, sir, you're note was found on the dead man's body and from it we learned that you had planned to stay here in this house last night.
Bueno, señor, se encontró su nota en el cuerpo del difunto y por ella supimos que tenía planes de quedarse aquí en esta casa anoche.
I'm bound to say that I make nothing of the note except that there's something's on hand, and a woman, as usual, is at the bottom of it.
Debo admitir que no he sacado nada de la nota excepto que hay algo entre manos y una mujer, como es usual está implicada en ello.
And as it's not regulated, on a purely personal note, I would advise caution, that is all.
Y como no lo está, personalmente le invito a ser prudente, nada más.
On the surface, Heather Duke was the vivacious young lady we all knew her to be... but her soul was in Antarctica, freezing with the knowledge of the way fellow teenagers can be cruel... the way that parents can be unresponsive... and as she writes so eloquently in her suicide note,
Aparentemente, Heather Duke era aquella joven vivaracha que todos conocíamos pero su alma estaba en la Antártida, congelándose al ver lo crueles que pueden ser los adolescentes lo indiferentes que pueden ser los padres y, tal como escribe de forma tan elocuente en su nota, que la vida puede ser un asco.
Listen, I talked to the bank, and I asked them if we could miss a payment or two, and they told me that they had just sold the note on the farm... to Mark and his partners.
Hablé con el banco... y les pedí una prórroga en un par de pagos. Me dijeron que le vendieron la hipoteca de la granja... a Mark y sus socios.
Please note that this afternoon's main race has been taken off the turf and will be run at a mile and one-sixteenth on the main track.
La carrera principal del día ha abandonado el turf y se correrá en la pista principal de 2 Km.
And if you care to look at your watch, you will note... that the long hand is on 12, and the short hand is on 9.
Si no le importa mirar su reloj, notará... que la manecilla larga está en el 12 y la corta en el 9.
But at this point, unless you have a note from your doctor saying that you have pneumonia- - And I wanna see that chest x-ray. - -l expect to see each and every one of your smiling faces on that bus.
Pero a esta altura, a menos que tengan una nota del doctor que diga que tienen neumonía, y quiero ver esa radiografía espero ver todas y cada una de sus caras felices en el autobús.
But then I realized what was going on and I said that she left a note.
Pero luego me di cuenta de qué estaba pasando y dije que había dejado una nota.
Well, on that note, why don't we just go ahead and start the game?
¿ Por qué no empezamos a jugar?
For who can enjoy the lovely land and the sun that pours down on the earth when white will note live equally with the black a land where the white man has evething and the black man nothing.
¿ Pero quién puede gozar de ese país y del sol que lo ilumina, si no hay igualdad entre blancos y negros? Allí el blanco lo tiene todo, y el negro nada.
I mean it's not like you think you're gonna wake up one morning and find out that he shaved his head and tattooed the entire third act of Henry IV on it and then just gone off to live in some commune in Brazil where they worship a giant butterfly named Fred and then two years later, he sends you a note and says he can't come back because he's allergic to psychics, is it?
Es decir tú no crees que un día te despertarás y descubrirás que se afeitó la cabeza y se tatuó el tercer acto de Henry IV en ella e irá a vivir a una comuna en Brasil donde adoran a Fred, una mariposa gigante. Para que dos años después te envíe una nota diciendo que no regresará porque es alérgico a los psíquicos, ¿ no?
I'll go out and buy two dozen roses, and then I'll put a little note on each rose that says, "hope you're enjoying your space."
Compraré dos docenas de rosas y en cada rosa podré una nota que diga "Espero que disfrutes tu espacio".
And his handwriting will match the note on the card that he delivered to his victim.
Y su escritura coincide con la de la nota... que le entregó a su víctima.
and only then 44
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one more thing 220
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and one other thing 34
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one more thing 220
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and one other thing 34
and only you 38
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and one of you will be out 19
and on the other 17
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and one of you will be out 19
and on the other 17