And then we'll traducir español
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You'll propose in the final episode, and then we'll do a two-hour special when we introduce the spin-off.
Te le declararás en el episodio final, y luego haremos un especial de dos horas donde introduciremos un giro.
We're waiting for some backup and then we'll be right over.
Estamos esperando refuerzos y luego iremos allá.
I'm going to get my friend Oliver Lawless to come to this reunion and then we'll see which issue is which.
Haré que mi amigo Oliver Lawless venga a la reunión, y luego veremos cuál es el asunto.
And then we'll get over it, and we'll be able to work together, and we're gonna hurt each other again.
Y entonces lo superaremos, y seremos capaces de trabajar juntos y nos volveremos a herir otra vez.
All we need now is a shower, some bug spray, a cold drink, and then we'll be ready for board games.
Todo lo que necesitamos es una ducha, repelente, una bebida fría, y estaremos listos para los juegos de mesa.
And then he'll ask us both if we aren't damned sorry to have missed the last one and how we should be gung ho to do our duty in the next.
Y entonces nos preguntarán si no nos da pena habernos perdido la última y cómo deberíamos cumplir con nuestro deber como fanáticos en la siguiente.
Anne and I will then take those chosen leads, we'll procure a ship, we'll recruit men, and we'll create, from nothing, a new crew from which we three will each hold a share.
Anne y lo haré a continuación, tomar esos contactos elegidos, vamos a procurar un barco, vamos a reclutar a los hombres, y vamos a crear, de la nada, una nueva tripulación de la que tres tendrán cada uno una cuota.
Then we'll go and pack.
Entonces vamos a la casa.
Then the pressure will be lower and we'll try again.
Cuando la presión sea menor lo intentaremos de nuevo. ¿ De acuerdo?
Then we'll just let him go off and join the Navy and I'll never be able to enjoy myself for the rest of my life again.
Entonces dejémosle irse y alistarse en la marina y nunca volveré a ser feliz el resto de mi vida.
And then we'll need some hot water.
Vamos a necesitar agua caliente.
The first thing we'll do is take your medical history, then check your weight and blood pressure and baby's heartbeat.
Lo primero que haremos será tomar su historial médico, luego comprobaremos su peso, la presión arterial y el latido del bebé.
Why don't I give Raymond his medicine and then we'll pray together?
¿ Por qué no le doy yo a Raymond su medicina y luego rezamos juntas?
They'll try and break him, Farnaz, and then we'll all be at risk.
Van a tratar de quebrarlo, Farnaz, y entonces estaremos todos en riesgo.
We'll get you five miles from the mountains, then we'll take you by horseback and foot over the Turkish border.
Los llevaremos a cinco millas de las montañas, luego, los llevaremos a caballo y a pie sobre la frontera con Turquía.
Then we'll all put on our Sunday best, and we'll go to court.
Entonces todos nos ponemos nuestra mejor ropa, y vamos a ir a la Corte.
Order, like, six more of these, and then we'll go dancing, and we'll split that hit of ecstasy I've been saving since 1998.
Pide como, seis mas de estos Y entonces nos iremos a bailar y dividiremos ese trozo de éxtasis que he estado guardando desde 1998
It's true, because if... We'll eat them and then we'll get so fat.
Es verdad porque nos los vamos a comer y nos pondremos gordos.
Right, so we'll go to D.C., we'll wait for the storm to pass, and then we'll head to North Carolina.
Vamos a DC, esperamos y vamos a Carolina del Norte.
He's gonna figure out that we didn't okay his release till now and then he'll write something bad about that.
Verá que no aprobamos su liberación y dirá algo malo.
So we'll take the Bart there and then we'll drive back.
Entonces llevamos el Bart allí y luego volvemos.
Start with the bar and then little by little, we'll add weights.
Empieza con la barra... y poco a poco arreglaremos peso.
And then we'll turn it into a nishiki-e.
Y luego lo transformaremos en una estampa. ( nishiki-e )
And then we'll take it from there.
Y veremos que hacer entonces.
We'll have lunch, then we'll let the new guys introduce themselves and I'll cover the comp.
Comeremos y luego dejaremos que los nuevos se presenten y yo pago.
That would be so nice, and then we'll just do it from there.
Seria genial. Y luego... Y de ahí veremos.
Why don't you go get cleaned up, and then we'll start all over again?
Ve a limpiarte, y empezamos de nuevo.
And then we'll have a drink later.
Y nos tomamos algo después.
So we'll be doing scoop and binder, resus, repeat primary and then CT.
Cucharada e inmovilización pélvica, box, repetimos primaria y luego Tomografía.
We should sleep at the mission office tonight, and then we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning.
Debemos dormir en la oficina de la misión de esta noche, y luego nos iremos mañana a primera hora.
So we'll have to cross it and then move to the main interstate.
Así que tendremos que cruzarlo y luego pasar a la interestatal principal.
All right, so we'll get the demon and we'll get the goblin out and then we'll have our fun Pete back.
Esta bien, entonces nosotros le sacamos al diablo, sacamos el duende Y tendremos de vuelta a nuestro Pete.
We will say what we have to say and then we'll leave.
Diremos lo que tenemos que decir y luego nos marcharemos.
I'll step on it, and then we go down, okay?
Me pararé sobre ella, y luego bajamos, ¿ está bien?
We'll make a custom mold beforehand and then you pick the size and shape you want.
Podemos hacer un molde a medida de antemano y luego puedes elegir el tamaño y forma que quieras.
We'll bring'em back, and then maybe everything will be normal again.
Los haremos regresar y, quizá, todo volverá a ser normal.
Maybe I'll just casually bring it up to him and then he won't even know what we're talking about.
Tal vez solo mencione casualmente y el ni siquiera sabrá de que estamos hablando ¡ Ja!
And then we'll talk
Hablaré con él, más tarde.
Or they'll flee and then we'll lose them.
O huirán y los perderemos.
And then we'll begin.
Y luego empezaremos.
... the company into and then-then we'll start with Desi, twirling her titties, and then Toulouse and Penny will do their beauty and the beast act, with a twist, uh, followed by Bette and Dot and then Paul,
La intro grupal y luego empezaremos con Desi, meneando las tetas, y luego Toulouse y Penny harán su número de la bella y la bestia con un baile, seguidos de Bette y Dot y después Paul, lo que dará tiempo a las siamesas para cambiarse
Why don't we cuddle up on the couch, watch a movie, and then maybe later I'll wear that little red thing?
¿ Por qué no nos acurrucamos en el sofá, vemos una película, y quizás más tarde use la cosa roja?
We'll just wait a few minutes, turn on this monitor, and then we'll tell Ben that we talked it out and made up.
Solo esperaremos unos minutos, encenderemos el monitor y luego le diremos a Ben que lo hablamos y nos reconciliamos.
♪ And then we'll try something new ♪
* Y luego probaremos algo nuevo *
You just pop it out, and then afterwards, we'll pop it back in.
Solo tienes que sacarlo, y después, lo ponemos en su sitio de nuevo.
Catch me a German, and then we'll talk.
Cógeme un alemán, y ya hablaremos.
Then we'll take all the money and we'll fix this place up.
Con ese dinero, arreglaremos este lugar. No te preocupes.
Let's work on empathy, and then we'll worry about free clothes.
Vamos a trabajar la empatía y luego nos preocuparemos de la ropa gratis.
I think what we'll do is we'll send you the list, and then if there are any red flags, you can send those back to us, and... and we'll adjust accordingly.
Lo que haremos será enviarte la lista. Si ves algo que te alarme, remítela, y la corregiremos según corresponda.
And we'll make it official then. In the meantime, you are Jew-ish.
Mientras tanto, eres casi judía.
Get me the number, and then we'll start depositing funds into your accounts.
Me dará el número, y luego empezaremos a depositar fondos en sus cuentas.
and then we'll talk 37
and then we'll go 22
and then we'll see 25
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then we'll go 22
and then we'll see 25
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i said 46
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then later 35
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i said 46
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then later 35