Get him in traducir español
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- Get him in the back.
- Súbelo atrás. - Lo llevaremos al veterinario.
Get him in there!
¡ Mételo ahí!
And once we get him in the ocean, the guy's going to be set.
Y una vez que lo llevemos en el océano, el tipo va a establecer.
Get him in!
Now look, if he's not going to come with us willingly then I need to go and get him in that car no matter what.
Mira, si no viene con nosotros voluntariamente... entonces tendremos que ir y meterlo en el auto no importa qué.
Get him in.
Get him in line, Vincent! We can't afford any miscommunication.
No podemos permitirnos ninguna falta de comunicación.
- He can get him in.
- El puede ponerle en contacto.
Bring him in, get him in.
Tráelo, que entre.
I think he might be starting something special and I want to get in early, do a photo-essay on him.
Creo que podría estar comenzando algo especial y quiero llegar temprano, Para hacer un ensayo fotográfico de él.
Every guy has to get over being in love with someone who can't love him back.
Todos los chicos tienen que superar estar enamorados de alguien que no les corresponde.
Get ready to haul him in.
¡ Prepárate para meterlo!
I'm out here in the fucking desert with a kidnapped daughter of a drug cartel kingpin to confront him, to get a confession out of him and to put a bullet in his fucking head.
Estoy aquí en el puto desierto con una hija secuestrada de un capo del cártel de drogas para enfrentarse a él, para obtener una confesión de él y poner una bala en la cabeza de mierda.
You should not be in this casino... because De Luca is here and I need to get close to him.
Tú lo eres. No deberías estar aquí, porque De Luca está aquí y debo acercarme.
So Valeriy's been trying to call him in the village, but hasn't been able to get ahold of anybody.
Así que Valeri ha estado tratando de llamarlo en la aldea, pero no pudo contactar a nadie.
That's okay for him to get in your face like that?
- ¿ Está bien que la trate así?
Get him out in the world.
Le das...
I called him out tonight. I made him look like a fool in public and now he'll never get over that, and he hardly ever shuts the door but when he does it, it stays shut. I...
Lo ataqué esta noche.
We get him across the street, I can keep him in until he signs himself out, which he will do.
Si lo llevamos al frente, podría mantenerlo ahí... hasta que se dé de alta, lo cual hará.
Guy in the car park, get rid of him.
Individuo en el aparcamiento, deshacerse de él.
I just hope John can get in contact with him soon.
Solo espero que John pueda establecer contacto con él pronto.
Aye, well, what I'd like to do is drop him in the nearest canal and let him get the answers he wants from the slugs at the bottom.
Sí, bueno, lo que me gustaría hacer es dejarlo caer en el canal más cercano y le permitirá llegar las respuestas que quiere de las babosas en el fondo.
Not only did he get me a job, he got me in one of the best teams... If not the best team... In the championship, competing against him.
No sólo me consiguió un trabajo, me puso en uno de los mejores equipos, si no el mejor, en el campeonato, compitiendo contra él.
The crowds were anxious to get in and see him.
Sobre todo en la pista de carreras, la multitud ansiaba entrar y verlo.
He didn't get away in time and they arrested him there.
No huyó a tiempo y lo detuvieron allí.
When he found himself on trial in Nuremberg, facing a probable death sentence with other IG Farben employees, he thought this information would be sufficient to blackmail Del Mar into using his influence to get him released.
Cuando se encontró en el juicio en Nuremberg, enfrentando una probable sentencia de muerte con otros empleados de IG Farben, pensó que esta información sería suficiente para chantajear a Del Mar para que usara su influencia para liberarlo.
Option one, somebody murdered Mike, left him in the bathroom and then moved the body when you went to get help.
Opción uno, alguien asesinó a Mike, lo dejó en el baño y luego movió el cuerpo cuando fuiste a buscar ayuda.
How did you get in touch with him?
¿ Como entraste en contacto con el?
He can convince them not to eat us long enough for him to turn fully human, and I can get in those dirty jeans.
Él puede convencerlos de no comernos el tiempo suficiente para que él a su vez plenamente humano, y puedo estar en esos pantalones vaqueros sucios.
I am going to call him. In addition, see if he can get us a clean extraction and some of our tools.
Lo llamaré a ver si puede conseguirnos una extracción limpia y algunas de nuestras herramientas.
And if something were to happen to him in the actual race, that would put the film on hold and probably never get done.
Y si algo llegara a suceder a él en la carrera real, eso sería poner la película en espera y probablemente nunca lo hagan.
- Why don't you come in and tell him to get lost for me?
- ¿ Por qué no entras y le dices que se vaya por mí?
- Is your husband in? - I will get him.
- ¿ Está su marido dentro?
I don't want him to perform, because I suspect we're not even in the first act of his show, and it's gonna get a lot more scary.
No quiero que lo haga, porque sospecho que ni siquiera estamos... en el primer acto de su espectáculo, y se va a poner mucho más aterrador.
Prescott, tomorrow, when you go see your father and Brenda or Janet or Yum-yum or whatever post-graduate, anorectic scurvy he's arranging in his yoga room these days, please tell him that I still need to get the wooden braces
Prescott, mañana, cuando vayas a ver a tu padre y Brenda o Janet o Yum-Yum o lo que sea de escorbuto anoréxico de postgrado que está teniendo en su sala de yoga en estos días, dile por favor que todavía tengo que conseguir las llaves de madera para mis viejas raquetas de tenis.
Once you get him where you want him, he's all in.
Una vez que lo consigue donde lo quieres, él es todo en
- If you could maybe just, um, reiterate to him when you do how much I respect him and - - and - - and I would never want to get involved in his personal life, of course.
Cuando lo hagas, reitérale lo mucho que... que lo respeto y que nunca quise... involucrarme en su vida personal, por supuesto.
We just have to get him to his house safely, then it's in the bag.
Tenemos que llevarlo a su casa seguro, entonces está en la maleta.
So you get knocked up by some investment banker, make him buy you a loft in the fucking west village.
Se enamoran de algún banquero de inversión, y hacen que les compren un piso en la puta villa oeste.
Well, if you can think of something to say to him to get him to fall in line, now would be a good time.
Bueno, si se te ocurre algo que decirle para que se comporte, este sería un buen momento.
Did everything in your power to get him to change his fucking narrow mind and take me back?
¿ Hiciste todo lo que pudiste para hacerlo cambiar su maldita opinión y hacer que me recibiera?
And in the moment it was clear that the sacrifice it would have taken to get him out of that fort was simply too great.
Y en el momento en que era evidente que el sacrificio que habría tomado para sacarlo de ese fuerte era simplemente demasiado grande.
Stavros is flying in to get me, and I am going to go live with him for a little bit.
Stavros vendrá por mí, y me iré a vivir con él por un tiempo.
If the prick in a stupid coat turns up looking to get involved, I want you to tell him as politely as possible to fuck off.
Si ese imbécil con su estúpido abrigo resulta que quiere involucrarse, quiero que le digas de la forma más educada posible que se joda.
"And now they're impatient to trade him, " hoping to get in return this man, Powers, "that, perhaps, has not yet given up all the information that he has to give."
Y ahora están impacientes por canjearle, con Ia esperanza de recuperar a Powers, que tal vez aún no nos ha dado toda la información que tenía ".
I can get you in a room with him today.
Puedo reunirlo con él hoy.
He's a sneaky bastard, so we need to get rid of him in one shot.
Es un maldito escurridizo. Debemos deshacernos de él de un tiro.
And I'm gonna get me a baby, too, and I'm gonna put him right in there.
Y voy a conseguir un bebé, también, y lo voy a poner bien ahí.
Get in there on him.
Entra allí sobre él.
Steinmark had a shot at him, but he couldn't get there in time.
Steinmark tenía un tiro en él, pero no pudo llegar a tiempo.
I never understood, how did you get him away from her in the first place?
Nunca entendí cómo lograste apartarlo de ella en primer lugar.
get him in there 30
get him in here 22
get him in the car 26
get him inside 37
get him 1464
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him in here 22
get him in the car 26
get him inside 37
get him 1464
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him out of here now 19
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