Get him out traducir español
10,828 traducción paralela
- I'm trying to get him out of here.
- Intento sacarlo de aquí.
Get him out of here.
Sácalo de aquí.
Scotty, get him out of here as soon as you can.
Scotty, sácalo de aquí lo antes posible.
Let... let me go get him out.
Deja... déjame que lo saque.
We got to get him out of there.
Tenemos que conseguir que de ahí.
Get him out of here!
¡ Sacadle de aquí!
Get him out of there before people find out.
Sácalo de allí antes de que la gente se entera.
You know, I can't wait to introduce you to Clarence when I get him out of prison.
Tu lo sabes, no puedo esperar para presentarles a Clarence cuando lo saque de la cárcel.
Come on, get him out of here.
Vamos, saquémosle de aquí.
Try to get him out of his seat and away from the other passengers.
Intenta sacarle de su asiento y llevarlo lejos de los demás pasajeros.
We have to get him out of that place.
Tenemos que sacarlo de ese sitio.
Hey, Severide, we gotta get him out of there.
Oye, Severide, tenemos que sacarlo de allí.
Find Michael and get him out.
Encuentra a Michael y sácalo de aquí.
Get him out of here. Judge?
Sácalo de aquí.
- Get him out of here!
- ¡ Sáquenlo de aquí!
Get him out!
¡ Que se vaya!
I know the back channels that can get him out of the U.S.
Conozco las puertas traseras que podrían sacarlo de los EE.UU.
I was trying to get him out of the country.
Estaba tratando de sacarlo del país.
Hey, sexy, get him out of here.
Oye, chato, quita de aquí.
Ooh! I know what'll get him out.
Ya sé que lo sacará de ahí.
Let's get him out of here.
- Salgamos de aquí.
We got to get him out of here.
Debemos sacarlo de aquí.
We'll get him out.
Lo sacaremos de aquí.
Can you just get him out of here?
¿ Puedes sacarle de aquí?
Okay, let's get him out of here.
Vale, vamos a sacarlo de aquí.
Get him out of there!
¡ Llévenselo de aquí!
Get him out!
- Dese la vuelta.
- We need to get him out.
- Necesitamos sacarlo de allí.
Pulaski, get him out of there.
Pulaski, a salir de allí.
I haven't seen him since he found out he didn't get that ASA nomination.
No lo he visto desde que se enteró Él no consiguió que la nominación ASA.
I can maybe get him to eke out another $ 75,000.
Puedo tal vez conseguir que eke otros $ 75.000.
We can carry out Your will, and we ask that You to keep talking to him, Lord, so that You can guide him and he can find out a way to get to Julio.
Podemos llevar a cabo Su voluntad, y nosotros pedimos que a seguir hablando con él, Señor, para que pueda guiarlo y se puede encontrar una manera de llegar a Julio.
has given him the opportunity to get out.
le ha dado la oportunidad de salir.
But you got to let us take Danny out, get him the attention he needs.
Pero debes dejarnos... sacar a Danny... y darle la atención que necesita.
If they can convince Lepke to turn himself in on lesser drug charges, the feds will hand him over to Dewey for murder, giving Luciano the leverage he thinks he needs to get out of prison.
Si pueden convencer a Lepke para que se entregue por cargos menores de drogas, los federales se lo entregarán a Dewey por asesinato, dándole a Luciano la ventaja que cree que necesita para salir de prisión.
Can this still get a rise out of him?
¿ Puede esto todavía conseguir un aumento de él?
Be easy enough for him to have phoned Maui, get a boat out there, pull the girl out and take her somewhere else.
Fue fácil para él telefonear a Maui, coger una barca, - sacar a la chica y llevarla a otro sitio. - ¿ Te estás oyendo?
You won't get any sense out of him.
No logrará que diga nada con sentido
And he's been trying for years to get me to come out and visit him, so I decided to take my friend up on his offer and come here to Jarden.
Y ha estado durante años intentando que le visite, así que decidí aceptar la oferta de mi amigo y venir aquí a Jarden.
So, you think I was wrong to get him to butt out?
Entonces, ¿ crees que estuve mal al sacarlo?
Although I have dreamed of strangling the life out of Victor's body or having him get hit by a train or drowning in a bath of his own brandy vomit, I think it's kinder to have him arrested for battery.
Aunque he soñado con estrangular a Victor o que fuera golpeado por un tren o ahogarlo en la bañera con su propio vómito de coñac, creo que es más amable que sea arrestado por agresión.
We captured the Osela operative, but before we could get anything out of him, the Malian army blew the place wide open.
Capturamos a un agente de Osela, pero antes de que pudiéramos obtener algo de él. el ejercito de Mali voló por completo el lugar.
He said some people were out to get him.
Dijo que había algunas personas buscándolo.
They will get the information out of him.
Le sacarán toda la información.
Get him to reach out to CACO, make sure the family's notified.
Haré que llame a Asistencia, para asegurarme que avisen a la familia.
If you want to get back at Theo, why don't you just go to his new school and out him as a narc.
Si quieres volver con Theo, por qué no te vas a su nueva escuela y les cuentas a todos que es un estupa.
He might get the crap beat out of him by a mob of angry students.
Puede que sea apaleado por la multitud de estudiantes enfadados.
Carlito made me smuggle him down to Mexico... so me and him busted in to get Lucia out, and we got her, and then... all hell broke loose, and...
Carlito me hizo hacer contrabando a México... así que él y yo irrumpimos allí para sacar a Lucía... y la cogimos, y después... se desató el infierno, y...
Him and I both agree "yes, we do fight", but we can get it out of our system and move on and forget it ever happened.
Él y yo coincidimos en que sí peleamos, pero podemos sacarlo de nuestro sistema. Y seguir adelante y olvidar que alguna vez pasó.
Donald Ressler- - his little oxy addiction will get him drummed out of the Bureau.
Donald Ressler, su pequeña adicción a los analgésicos hará que sea expulsado del FBI.
Now, we should get him into bed and out of his wet things.
Debemos llevarlo a su cama y sacarle la ropa mojada.
get him out of my sight 28
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him out of there 81
get him out of here now 19
get him 1464
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him out of there 81
get him out of here now 19
get him 1464
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in there 30
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in there 30
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him inside 37
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896