Get them off traducir español
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Food was running out, but Shackleton had imposed strict limitations on the amount of penguin and seal meat stockpiled insisting he would get them off the ice before winter.
Los víveres se agotaban. Shackleton había impuesto un estricto límite en la cantidad de carne de pingüino y de foca que almacenarían, insistiendo en que les sacaría del hielo antes del invierno.
Do you fink that would get them off in a court?
¿ crees que eso le libraría del juicio?
My advice is to get them off right after your shoes, and before your trousers.
Mi consejo es que lo hagas después de quitar te los zapatos, y antes de los pantalones.
I've got to get them off.
Debo sacarlos de ahí.
Get them off me!
¡ Quítenmelas de encima!
- Politics is picking up the phone and getting a guy who's rehabilitated out of prison so he can support his family and get them off welfare.
- ¿ Política? Tomar el teléfono para que un tipo rehabilitado salga de la cárcel para mantener a su mujer e hijos y no dependan del Estado. - ¿ Es eso un delito?
You can't deliver to a customer what they want... so you substitute it with an inferior item just to get them off your back.
No puedes darle al cliente lo que quiere... así que lo sustituyes con algo de menor calidad para que no te presione.
Nephew, go get them off.
Primo, ve y sácalos.
Don't let them go through with it. Get them off the story. I tried.
No les dejes que sigan con esto, sácales de la historia
- You can't get them off skin.
No obtienen huellas de la piel.
Get them off!
¡ Quítatelos!
Get them off
los perderemos
I needed to find a way to get them off my back.
Necesitaba buscar una manera de sacármelo de encima.
We'll never get them off on time.
Nunca vamos a conseguir apagarlo a el tiempo.
GUNN : Get them off me!
Get them off the street.
sacadlos de la calle.
I used to go down to the guys and dance in front of them, and then get tips off them, and you'd do a little hand job, you know, for... ten bucks, or they wanted to fuck.
lba a los tíos y bailaba delante de ellos, me daban propinas. Les hacías un trabajito por 10 pavos.
She asks you to get dressed in your warm clothes because it's very cold outside - and to set off to find these people and persuade them to join the Clean Town Movement, and you'll be chairman.
Te pide que te vistas con ropa de abrigo por que hace mucho frió fuera para que vayas en busca de esta gente y les persuadas de que se unan a la Organización Ciudad Limpia de la cual eres líder.
Get on the pool table. Get on and take them all off!
, todas al billar, subiros y quitaros todo!
If you don't get these stamped, janitors will take them off.
Si no los sella los barrenderos los van a sacar.
Humans hire vampires to feed off them. They, you know, get off on the rush.
Los humanos contratan vampiros para que se alimenten de ellos.
Get them down here, hand this guy off.
Que bajen y que se lo lleven.
Where would Barron get money to pay them off, though?
¿ De dónde sacaría Barron el dinero para pagarles?
After we get everyone situated, you, me, Michael, Isabel, and Tess will start picking them off one by one.
Después de situarnos, Michael, Isabel, Tess, Ud. y yo los eliminaremos... uno por uno.
So they'll die if we don't get these things off them?
¿ Entonces, ellos morirán si no les quitamos esas cosas?
- Get them off.
- Fuera ropa.
That is, if I can ever get them to order off the damn menu.
Eso si logro que ordenen del maldito menú.
Just a few things : Don't walk on them, No heavy furniture, Don't let sun get on them, and as far as having kids, I'd hold off for at least 5 years.
Un consejo, no lo pise, no ponga muebles pesados, cuidado con el sol, y en cuanto a los niños, yo esperaría al menos 5 años.
Sponges are animals, but they're rooted to the bottom and can't get away from something that's trying to eat them or grow over them, so they produce chemicals to ward off predators or other encroaching sponges,
Las esponjas son animales, pero están arraigadas al fondo y no pueden huir de algo que está tratando de comérselas o de crecer sobre ellas, entonces producen químicos para alejar a los depredadores u otras esponjas invasoras.
Look... she was probably flirting with an officer and forgot to file those intercepts... so she hid them rather than get told off.
Mira probablemente estaba coqueteando con un oficial y olvidó archivar, lo que había interceptado o sea que lo escondió en vez de decirlo.
If he can jump the lines out there, we can reroute them. That door will open and we can get off this thing before it blows up.
Podremos salir de aquí antes de que todo explote.
Get off them ropes!
¡ Aléjate de las cuerdas!
I get them and bring them back here with the gloves on, and once they're back here, I take the gloves off and reveal them.
Los atrapo con los guantes puestos y luego me los quito y los desenmascaro.
People away from home. Everyone's got a reason to be here. But if you secretly wanted to get close to someone because you wanted to finish them off, this is where you'd come.
La gente está fuera de su casa, todo el mundo tiene una razón para venir, pero si quisiera acercarse a alguien porque quiere cargárselo, podría venir aquí.
Tell them to get the hell off my property.
Diles que se larguen de mi propiedad.
Now you call off those names and you get them on that truck.
Llámelos por sus nombres y súbalos a ese camión.
Please, get these ropes off me. Take them off now!
Por favor, quítame estas cuerdas. ¡ Apártalas de mi ahora!
I'm telling them to get off this planet.
Estoy diciendo que salgamos de este planeta.
They can strike any time. Next time you see a lawyer you'll get epiphanied off at them.
Quizás cuando veas a un abogado tengas otra epifanía.
You get back here, get off that ship, and send them to kingdom come.
vuelvan aqui, abandone a la nave, y que se vayan al diablo.
You know, it's got great benefits and afternoons off, and whenever I have a family, I'll get to spend a lot of time with them.
Tiene muy buenos beneficios, en las tardes estoy libre y si llego a tener una familia, podré pasar mucho tiempo con ellos.
People get cheesed off when you shake them down.
La gente detesta que le saquen dinero.
What better way to get Lucy, Trinity and Ricky off his back p so he can go off and have his new little relationshi than to marry them all off to each other?
La mejor manera de sacárselos de encima y empezar su nueva relación, es hacer que se casen. Es un gran plan.
Look, man, you better get your hands off me...'fore I beat the brakes off your monkey-ass... in them Bob Hope pants on.
Mira, es mejor que saques las manos de mí... antes de que te rompa el trasero de mono... con tu pantalones Bob Hope puestos.
When I jumped up to the grill to get the toast, my trousers caught alight, so my sister put me in the bath, poured cold water over me and pulled them off but half my skin came off, too.
Cuando fui a la parrilla a tomar las tostadas mis pantalones se incendiaron. Mi hermana entonces me llevó al baño me tiró agua y me sacó los pantalones, pero la mitad de mi piel se salió también.
Get whatyou want fast cos I want them off my back.
así que date prisa, no los quiero encima mío.
We have to get them to back off.
Tiene que hacer que retrocedan.
Get them to hold off.
Just hold them off long enough to get to a slipstream portal.
Sólo tienes que ganar el tiempo suficiente para llegar a un portal del torbellino.
After the fall, most of the tourists managed to get off-world, but some of them stayed, along with the warders.
Después del Otoño, la mayoría de los turistas estaban fuera de este mundo, pero algunos de ellos se quedaron, junto con los guardianes.
Get them off me!
get them 247
get them inside 18
get them out 77
get them back 18
get them up 74
get them mad 26
get them out of there 39
get them out of here 150
off we go 156
office 169
get them inside 18
get them out 77
get them back 18
get them up 74
get them mad 26
get them out of there 39
get them out of here 150
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
off i go 35
official business 23
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
off i go 35
official business 23