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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / Have some breakfast

Have some breakfast traducir español

275 traducción paralela
Swell. Then we can have some breakfast.
- Fantástico, podremos desayunar.
- Will you have some breakfast?
- ¿ Quiere desayunar?
Won't you have some breakfast?
¿ No tomará algo de desayunar?
You want to have some breakfast, don't you?
Quieres desayunar, ¿ no es cierto?
- I think you better have some breakfast.
- Mejor desayuna.
- Have some breakfast.
- Desayuna algo.
- Won't you have some breakfast with me?
- ¿ Quisiera desayunar conmigo?
- Sit down and have some breakfast.
- Siéntese y desayune.
Come on, dear, let's have some breakfast now. Come on.
Venga, vamos a desayunar.
Give Sarah your hat and coat, Judge, and come in and have some breakfast with me.
Dele su abrigo a Sarah y desayune conmigo.
Have some breakfast.
Well, I think I'll have some breakfast.
Bueno, creo que sí que voy a desayunar.
Maybe you'd like to have some breakfast, freshen up a bit.
Quizá quiera desayunar, refrescarse un poco.
Let's have some breakfast.
Vamos a desayunar.
We'll have some breakfast.
Desayunaremos algo.
Have some breakfast, Mr. Allnut.
Desayune, Sr. Allnut.
- Wasn't so bad. Have some breakfast.
- No fue tan terrible, desayunemos.
Let's have some breakfast and get going.
Desayunemos y pongámonos en marcha.
Let's go have some breakfast.
Vamos a desayunar.
Have some breakfast.
Desayune algo.
Have some breakfast with me, Jim.
Desayuna conmigo, Jim.
Come have some breakfast.
Ven a desayunar.
You go into that dining room in there, and at the back of the room you'll see the door that will take you upstairs to the kitchen, and you have some breakfast.
Entra en ese comedor. Por esa puerta puedes subir a la cocina. Ve a desayunar.
I thought we'd all go and have some breakfast. Together.
- ¿ Y si vamos a desayunar... todos juntos?
Come on, let's have some breakfast.
Vamos, desayunemos.
Let's have some breakfast.
- Vamos a desayunar.
Will you have some breakfast?
- ¿ Quiere desayunar algo?
Come and have some breakfast, Harry.
Ven a tomar el desayuno, Harry.
Look, can I have some breakfast?
- ¿ Podría desayunar?
Isabel, let's have some breakfast for the son of José Dages!
¡ Isabel, démosle algo de desayunar al hijo de José Dages!
Come on in and have some breakfast.
Pase y desayune.
- Have some breakfast.
- Desayuna.
I have been trying to persuade Mrs. Treadwell to have some breakfast.
Estaba tratando de persuadir a Mrs. Treadwell para que tome su desayuno.
Is it too late for a poor, broken-down old man to have some breakfast?
¿ Es demasiado tarde para que un anciano pobre y destartalado tome el desayuno?
Why don't you just take a few minutes... -... and have some breakfast?
Querido, ¿ por qué no esperas un poco y tomas el desayuno?
Come have some breakfast.
Ven a desayunar algo.
Want to have some breakfast?
¿ No desayunas?
Have some coffee or breakfast or drinks or something.
Tomen café, un desayuno, un trago, algo.
I told you, you should have had some breakfast.
Te dije que debías desayunar.
Come on now and sit down and have some breakfast, you'll feel better
Pues vete a descansar hasta que tengas hambre.
I told you you should have had some breakfast.
Te lo dije, deberías haber desayunado algo.
Perhaps I should have had some breakfast after all.
Quizá debiera de haber desayunado algo.
- Desayuna algo.
- Have some breakfast.
- Desayune algo.
We're gonna have some guests for breakfast.
Vamos a tener invitados para desayunar.
Pull up a chair, have yourself some breakfast.
Arrima una silla y desayuna conmigo.
Jimbo, he wants to see the stuff. Well, i'm going to have some breakfast while you're counting it.
Voy a desayunar mientras la contáis.
I was going to cook breakfast. Would you have some with us?
Quédese a desayunar con nosotros.
But I have some things to clear up at the office. And I don't need any breakfast.
Pero yo tengo mucho que hacer en mi oficina y no necesito desayunar.
Have you had some breakfast?
¿ Tomaste el desayuno?
All we have to do, we just sit them down, we give them some breakfast... and then you tell them.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es sólo reunirnos, sentarnos a desayunar... y luego se los dices.

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