Have you read it traducir español
864 traducción paralela
- Have you read it?
¿ Lo ha leído?
And bring this book as a present. Have you read it?
Le llevaré este libro como obsequio, ¿ ya lo leyó?
- But have you read it?
- ¿ Ya lo ha leído?
Have you read It?
¿ Lo ha leído?
- Have you read it? Time.
- ¯ La ha leído?
- Have you read it?
- ¿ Ya lo leíste? - Sí.
- Have you read it?
- ¿ Lo ha leído?
Have you read it yet?
¿ Lo ha leído?
Have you read it through?
¿ Ya la ha leído?
Have you read it?
¿ Lo ha leído?
Have you read it?
¿ Lo has leído?
Have you read it, general?
¿ Lo ha leído, general?
" You don't have the right to read it yet!
" No tienes derecho para leerla todavía!
I read somewhere in a book that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Leí en alguna parte, en un libro, que no puedes tener un pastel y a la vez comértelo.
I have it here, and I'm going to read it to you.
Aquí lo tengo, y voy a leerlo.
If you'd let him kiss you, you'd probably have read about it in tomorrow's paper.
Si hubiera dejado que la besara, mañana saldría en el periódico.
I could have saved you the quarter if I read it to you over the phone, but your wife gave me tarnation for that one.
Habría ahorrado los 25 si se lo leía por teléfono... pero su esposa me lo prohibió.
Maybe you do, but I had to sit and listen to it read out loud, and I give you my word, you have no idea how indecent the stuff sounded.
Puede que se lo parezca, pero yo tuve que escuchar cómo lo leían y le doy mi palabra, no tiene idea de lo indecente que sonaba.
Have you read it?
¡ No, pero he visto uno!
- Why have you never read it?
¿ Por qué no la leíste antes?
Ya se lo recitaré, así no tendrá que leerlo.
I'd read it, went into the stables, and... and not that bastard says... that old bastard, that Pjotr... no, he says that you... papa, don't get exited, we have so much time
Yo lo leí, me fui al establo... - y va y me dice ese estúpido... - ¡ Papuchka!
Have you read it?
- ¿ La has leído?
- Have you read it?
¿ La ha leído?
Why don't you drop in and have the priest read it to you on the way uptown.
Para cuando vayas al centro, el cura te la leerá.
- Being excessively rich it isolates, one feels lonely... - Have you read the newspapers?
- La riqueza excesiva, como la mía... aísla, uno se siente objeto de la curiosidad malsana... lectura para bobos...
I'll bet you have. I've read all about it In a big book auntie's got in the gatehouse.
Lo leí todo en un libro que mi tía tiene en la casa.
Well, you could have read it yourself and saved me a trip.
Bueno, tú podrías habérsela leído y haberme ahorrado el viaje.
Well, there's no reason why you shouldn't have read it if you wanted to.
No veo por qué no ibas a leerla, si querías.
- You don't have to read it.
- No tiene que leer eso.
You would have read it in the papers tomorrow, anyway.
Lo habrías leído en el periódico de mañana, de todos modos.
It isn't enough she slaves teaching your stupid kids how to read and write, - and you have to bawl her out.
Ya es bastante con que enseñe a sus hijos a leer y a escribir para que encima...
I have written out my timetable. May I read it to you?
He anotado mi horario, ¿ puedo leérselo?
If she hadn't taken Johnny's letter and I had it would I have asked you to repeat it and not read it myself?
Si ella no hubiera cogido la carta de Johnny y la tuviera yo ¿ le hubiese pedido que la repitiera de memoria en lugar de leerla?
Have you read the statement, Lieutenant? I couldn't make head or tail of it.
¿ Ya ha leído su declaración, Teniente?
It was a silly letter, and I'd like to have it back before you read it, please.
Quería recuperarla antes de que la lea.
Mother, it's such fun to have you read to us... now that you use Baby Breath.
"Madre, qué divertido que nos leas... ahora que usas Aliento de Bebé"
You don't have to read it.
- No necesita leerlo.
I have to read it all back to you as it happened.
Se lo leeré tal como sucedió.
It must have seemed so new and fresh to you, so exciting, to have your lines read just as you wrote them.
Tiene que haberte parecido tan nuevo y fresco, tan emocionante, que tus frases fueran leídas como las escribiste.
Since you have read it, tell me what you think about it.
Pero, ya que lo leíste, ¿ qué opinas?
You haven't read it, have you?
No lo habrás leído, ¿ verdad?
- Have you ever read it, sir?
- ¿ No lo ha leído, señor?
Any time you want to know, I'll have the cops read it to you.
Cuando quieras saberlo pregúntaselo a la policía.
The example that he's set for this student body, even those of us who have graduated, is expressed much better than I could ever express it, in this letter which I am going to read to you.
El ejemplo que supone para nosotros... incluso para los que ya nos hemos graduado, es expresado, mucho mejor de lo que yo podría hacerlo... por esta carta que voy a leeros.
And to show you I have Indeed read the book, It says In ecclesiastes,
Y para demostrarle que en efecto he leído el libro, en el Eclesiastés dice,
You should have read it.
Tenías que haberlo hecho.
Why don't you have each person who wants to read a book Dust it himself?
¿ Por qué no haces que cada uno que quiera leer un libro lo limpie él mismo?
Maybe you don't know it's a privilege only for courting couples, and then only when the banns have been read.
Quizás no sepas que eso es un privilegio de quienes son novios formales y sólo después de haber recibido las amonestaciones.
You could have read it.
Hubieras podido leerla.
- You have read it?
¿ Usted lo ha leído?
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50