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Have you seen him traducir español

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Have you seen him?
¿ Lo has visto?
I'm looking for Mr. X. Have you seen him?
Busco al Sr. X. ¿ Lo has visto?
No, I'm looking for my uncle. Have you seen him?
No, busco a mi tío. ¿ Lo viste?
Listen, have you seen him or not?
Escucha, ¿ lo viste o no?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo viste?
Have you seen him, hmm?
¿ Lo vieron?
Oh yeah, but have you seen him?
Sí. ¿ Pero lo haz visto?
- Have you seen him since the accident?
- ¿ Lo ha visto desde el accidente?
Have you seen him lately?
¿ Lo has visto? No.
Have you seen him?
- ¿ Lo has visto?
Um... have you seen him?
¿ Lo ha visto?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo vieron?
- Have you seen him or not?
- ¿ Lo ha visto o no?
The guy that was with me - -Have you seen him?
El chico que estaba conmigo.
So, have you seen him?
Entonces, ¿ lo has visto?
Have you seen him or Nanna'?
¿ Lo viste a él o a Nanna?
Have you seen him before?
¿ Lo has visto antes?
I don't know. Have you seen him?
No lo sé. ¿ Lo has visto?
- Have you seen him?
- ¿ Lo habéis visto?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo ha visto?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo han visto?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo ven? No. ¿ No les gusta?
Mm. have you seen him lately?
¿ Le has visto últimamente?
Have you seen him?
Lo ha visto?
Hey, babe, you should have seen him today.
Eh, cariño, deberías haberlo visto.
Anyway, um, I'm sure this is the last conversation you want to have right now, but I've seen your severely troubled friend talking to Amber a few times, I thought maybe you'd ask him if he's seen her.
De cualquier forma, estoy seguro que está es la última conversación que quisieras tener ahora, pero vi a tu problemático amigo hablándole a Amber algunas veces quizás él la vio.
You have seen him where
No no le he visto
I'm feeling generous, so I offer him one of my girls, and you should have seen his eyes light up and said he needed girls.
Si me paga el precio, me pongo generoso... ... y le ofrezco una de mis chicas. Debiste ver cómo se le iluminaron los ojos.
Have you ever heard of him? Or seen his work?
¿ Has visto sus trabajos?
I wish you could have seen him. - Alright,
- Muy bien.
You should have seen him.
Debería haber visto.
You must have seen him leaving.
Seguro que te has cruzado con él.
Yeah, well, you haven't seen him, have you?
Bueno, todavía no lo viste, ¿ no?
Forget all that you've been taught about God from those that have never seen him and see him for yourself.
Olvida todo lo que aprendiste sobre Dios de aquellos que nunca lo han visto y velo tu mismo.
So have you talked to him or seen him or anything?
¿ Y has hablado con él o lo has visto o algo?
You have seen him before.
Es que lo has visto antes.
Hey, have you guys seen lan Reilly? We're looking for him.
- ¿ Han visto a lan Reilly?
you should have seen him at the crime scene- - he was devastated.
Debieron verlo en la escena del crimen, estaba devastado.
Yeah, I haven't seen him around much, have you?
Si, no lo he visto por aquí mucho, ¿ sabes?
Come on, Ali, you must have seen him.
Venga, Ali. Tienes que haberle visto
You should have seen him out there.
Debiste haberlo visto allí.
You must have seen him in some mental asylum.
- Debe haberle visto en algún manicomio.
Have you ever seen him smoke?
¡ Tú no sabes cómo fuma!
I don't know. Have you seen how happy she looks with him?
No lo sé. ¿ Has visto lo feliz que se le ve con él?
Ida's cat got out again. You haven't seen him, have ya?
El gato de Ida se salió otra vez, ¿ no lo has visto?
All he wants is to be back with you. I've seen him. He may as well have his arms off.
¿ Es culpa de papá que estés gorda?
Have you met anybody who's seen him lately?
¿ Hay alguien que lo haya visto últimamente?
If you get to anybody who claims to have seen him lately, bag them and get them in here.
Si alguien dice haberlo visto últimamente, - tráiganlo.
You should have seen him last night when he was there.
Debías haberlo visto anoche.
You haven't seen him, have you?
No lo viste, ¿ no?
You should have seen me today, the things I pulled off. I was amazed with myself. I could have asked him for his bank card and PIN, his house keys, they were about....
Me tendrías que haber visto hoy, en que cosa me convertí estaba asombrado de mi mismo, le habría podido pedir el código del cajero, las llaves de casa, estaba

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