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Have you seen traducir español

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Have you seen her?
¿ La has visto?
Have you seen him?
¿ Lo has visto?
Have you seen Eugene?
¿ Has visto a Eugene?
Have you seen enough?
¿ Has visto suficiente?
Have you seen what's going on next door?
¿ Has visto lo que está pasando al lado?
Clark, have you seen Damona?
Clark, ¿ has visto Damona?
Have you seen this?
Has visto esto
Have you seen my lad anywhere?
¿ Han visto a mi muchacho en algún lado?
Have you seen what I do?
¿ Has visto lo que hago?
Have you seen "Easy Money"?
¿ Has visto "Snabba cash"?
- Have you seen the doctor?
- ¿ Has ido al médico?
Katarina, sorry to disturb you, but have you seen...
Katarina, siento molestarla, pero ha visto...
- Have you seen the girl?
- ¿ Ha visto a la chica?
Her name's Lily Travis. Have you seen her?
Lily Travis es su nombre. ¿ La has visto?
You see, that's my daughter. Have you seen her?
Ves, ese es mi hija. ¿ La has visto?
Have you seen this girl?
¿ Han visto a esta chica?
- Have you seen these?
¿ Han visto estos?
Have you seen any of my doctors from Angels?
¿ Has visto alguno de mis médicos de ángeles?
Have you seen the list of medical volunteers?
¿ Has visto la lista de los médicos voluntarios?
Have you seen Myeong Ju?
¿ Has visto a Myung Joo?
So, have you seen Myeong Ju?
Entonces, ¿ has visto a Myung Joo?
- Have you seen Mr Ko?
- ¿ Has visto al Sr. Go?
Have you seen a soldier in a war?
¿ Ha visto un soldado en una guerra?
By any chance have you seen my son?
Por causalidad, ¿ ha visto a mi hijo?
"Hola, papi. Have you seen my computer?"
Hola, papi. ¿ Has visto mi computador?
Have you seen this lipstick?
¿ Has visto este lápiz labial?
Have you seen this?
¿ Has visto esto?
Have you seen a diamond earring?
¿ Has visto un pendiente de diamantes?
- Have you seen Jules?
- ¿ Has visto a Jules?
Have you seen Molly?
Ey, Harry. Has visto a Molly? Has visto a Molly?
Have you seen what I pay him?
¿ Has visto lo que yo le pago?
Richard, have you seen Isabella?
Richard, ¿ has visto a Isabella?
Candy, have you seen Blaine?
Candy, ¿ has visto a Blaine?
It will not serve anyone, least of all yourself, to reach a conclusion that you have not seen first-hand and which you cannot prove.
Los amigos no pasean cogidos del brazo. No debería importar a quién rodeas con tus brazos.
Man, I have never seen anyone as bad at basketball as you are.
Vaya, nunca había visto a alguien tan mala en baloncesto como tú.
You know, I don't know if you've seen any of their informationals, but, I mean, they have a ton of cool stuff on soil sustainability and aeroponics.
No sé si ha visto sus folletos informativos, pero, a ver, tiene un montón de cosas bárbaras en sostenibilidad del suelo y aeroponía.
If we are considered for the new position, Mrs Bumble and I would hope to maintain the very high standards you have seen before you this evening.
Si se nos considera para la nueva posición, la Sra. Bumble y yo esperamos mantener los muy altos estándares que han visto esta noche.
- Have we seen you in Bangalore quizzes?
¿ Nos hemos visto en los concursos?
I've never seen her like that. Have you?
Nunca la había visto así. ¿ Y tú?
I know what you must have seen when you were in my head.
Sé lo que debes de haber visto cuando estuviste en mi cabeza.
Have you never seen a two-and-half star movie?
Nunca has visto una dos horas y media estrella de cine
You forget. I have seen first-hand what it is like for a royal family to be overthrown because they were out of step with the people.
Olvidas que vi con mis propios ojos cómo derrocaban a una familia real por estar desconectada del pueblo.
Have you seen "Die hard 2"?
¿ Has visto Duro de matar 2?
So, what else have you been up to lately? I mean, any- - anything I would've seen?
¿ Qué más has hecho últimamente?
You should have seen her go to town on that Hot Pocket.
Os voy a demostrar que puedo hacer algo más que cagar. ¿ Yak Girl? Deberíais haber visto cómo se merendó aquel bizcocho.
I have barely seen you for two months.
Apenas te vi en dos meses.
You should have seen the look on her husband's face!
¡ Debiste ver la expresión en la cara de su esposo!
Have you ever seen her have a seizure before?
¿ Alguna vez ha visto a su tiene una convulsión antes?
Have you ever seen The Ladykillers before?
- ¿ Alguna vez viste Ladykillers? - No.
It is clear they were in league against me and it would not serve you well to deny what you have seen either in passing or as an active participant.
Está claro que estaban asociados en contra mía y no le vendría bien negar lo que ha visto ya sea como al pasar o como participante activo.
You should have seen Jody take out that vamp.
Tenías que haber visto a Jody machacar a ese vampiro.

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