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Horrible things traducir español

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Horrible things!
¡ Unas cosas horribles!
Those horrible things.
Esas cosas horribles.
I guess horrible things happen in war.
Sí, pasan cosas horribles en una guerra.
Wonder what horrible things will happen.
Me pregunto qué horribles cosas sucederán.
" The most horrible things can happen.
Pueden pasar las peores cosas.
We couldn't help what happened, any more than we could have helped all the other horrible things which continue to haunt any rational human being.
No podíamos evitar lo que pasó, más lo que pudimos evitar todas las otras cosas horribles que continuaron rondando a cualquier ser humano racional.
Will horrible things.
Le hará cosas horribles.
I shouldn't have thought such horrible things.
No deberÃía haber pensado cosas tan horribles.
Horrible things have happened since then.
Cosas terribles, a las que no se encuentra explicación.
I have done many horrible things.
He hecho muchas cosas... terribles.
Such horrible things
Esas cosas horrendas
Will you believe me and stop thinking such horrible things?
¿ Vas a creerme y a dejar de pensar esas cosas horribles?
I'm so afraid, all these horrible things.
Estoy muy asustada. Están sucediendo cosas terribles.
That's not the point. How often do you read of horrible things happening in just such a situation?
No sé cómo puedes estar tan tranquilo con todo lo que está pasando.
Imagine showing all those horrible things I don't want you to show.
- Imagina enseñar esas cosas horribles.
It was the big worms, miss, crawling horrible things.
Fueron los gusanos gigantes, señorita, esas cosas horribles que se arrastran.
In 1555, in Rome itself, in an orphanage just like this one, three orphans were responsible for horrible things, which could only be the work of a diabolical mind. Two of them became seriously ill. And the third finally died, killing all three.
En 1555 en la misma Roma, en un orfelinato como este tres huerfanas hicieron cosas horribles que sólo podía haber concebido una mente diabólica dos de ellas se pusieron seriamente enfermas y la tercera murió, al final, murieron las tres...
To warn'em about the horrible things he'll do.
Para advertirles las cosas horribles que les hará.
I heard horrible things about you.
Me dijeron cosas horribles de ti.
They're screaming horrible things that the children can hear them.
Están gritando cosas horribles y los niños las pueden oír.
The question is, why make up horrible things when there is so much real terror in the world?
La cuestión es por qué inventar cosas horribles cuando hay mucho más terror real en el mundo.
This woman wrote horrible things about us.
Esa mujer ha escrito cosas horribles sobre nosotros.
Horrible things.
Qué cosas tan horrorosas.
It's one of those soft nose revolver bullets, horrible things.
Es una bala de uno de esos revólveres de cañón corto, son horribles.
Things got so bad they had to clear out.
Era tan horrible que se fueron.
Roger, the horrid things that went on last night was only a dream wasn't it?
Roger, la horrible aventura de esta noche no ha sido más que una pesadilla.
We would be sitting around, waiting for a taxi to take her to the hospital, and she would be sitting there, saying things like, "It's dreadful, it's awful, it's disgraceful."
Estábamos sentandos, esperando por un taxi... para ir al hospital, y la gatita a mi lado decía,... es horrible, terrible, vergonzoso.
She'd just keep saying things like that, "It's awful, it's horrible."
No dejaba de decir es horrible, terrible...
- Oh, yes, it was awful. But you've got to try and understand from here things look different.
Sí, fue horrible, pero tienes que comprender que desde aquí todo se ve diferente.
It was not that I feared to look upon things horrible... but that I grew aghast... lest there should be nothing to see.
No es que temiera contemplar cosas horribles, sino que me aterraba la idea de que no habría nada que ver.
Aristocrats do not practise biting and clawing, and things like that.
Los aristogatos no practican mordiscos ni arañazos ni cosa parecida. Es horrible.
Things horrible.
Cosas horribles.
If things had been the other way around... and Tom had known about you, he'd never had done such a horrible thing.
Tom nunca habría hecho algo tan horrible de estar en su situación.
If Stacquet took them on a tour, he'd say the same things we just said. He'd show them the shop.
Pero si Stacquet les enseñara la fábrica diría un poco lo mismo aquí ahora... enseñaría las instalaciones... y diría : "Lo ve es horrible".
It's terrible, the things you have to do for old women like that.
Con una vieja como esa, es horrible, hay mucho que hacer.
The things you say are an awful anomaly to me.
Las cosas que dices me parecen una horrible anomalía.
It's horrible to face such things at your age, but just drop it!
Es horrible enfrentar estas cosas a vuestra edad, pero solo suéltenlo!
The things she said were so horrible.
Lo que dijo era horrible
It called me all kinds of horrible names and things, for ratting on my brother.
Me llamaba de maneras horribles por haber denunciado a mi hermano.
There are things more horrible than that.
Hay cosas más horribles que ella.
That if things were left to my choice I would much rather marry him than any other and that he adds to the dread that I have of the husband they want to force upon me.
y que por él veo un horrible tormento en este esposo que me quieren dar.
At first, you're right, it is horrible, but then you start to think about a thousand other different things :
Bueno, tienes razón, es horrible... Pero cuando empiezas a pensar, en otras cien cosas diferentes :
How horrible. There are terrible things on this island.
En esta isla hay cosas terribles.
Things are horrible.
Las cosas están horribles.
Dreadful things.
- Un trasto horrible.
The things going on in the world are horrible.
Las cosas que siguen en el mundo son horribles.
That must mean that they think I believe all the hοrrible things they're saying.
Eso significa que piensan que estoy de acuerdo con las cosas horrible que se están diciendo.
Horrible, furry things, hopping around, breeding, and eating carrots!
Monstruos peludos que saltan, gritan y comen zanahorias.
My jealousy, that I've kept hidden for 5 weeks, erupts in a scene where I say all the idiotic things I've vowed to never...
Mis celos reprimidos salen y monto una escena horrible. Me oigo decir toda clase de idioteces y juro que nunca más...
The things that would be unleashed that night were to be horrific.
Lo que se iba a desatar esa noche era horrible.
And over there, that night, it was the most horrible night for all the people, because the memory of all those things, what people went through with each other, all the joys and the happiness,
Se había enterado en el camino. ¿ Este encuentro entre Carel y tú, fue cuánto tiempo después de la llegada?

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