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Looks that way traducir español

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Looks that way, doesn't it?
Es lo que parece...
I know it looks that way, but I'm really not that calculating.
¿ Realmente volviste?
Looks that way.
Algo asi...
Kind of looks that way.
Eso parece.
Looks that way.
Así parece.
Well, obviously, because it looks that way.
- Porque eso es lo que parece. - Entiendo.
- No, it just looks that way.
- No, sólo así parece.
It looks that way.
Parece que así es.
It looks that way, sir.
Así parece, señor.
So, we're back on? - Looks that way.
- ¿ Entonces lo haremos?
- Looks that way.
- Eso parece.
Looks that way.
Eso parece.
- Yeah, it looks that way.
- Sí, así parece.
- It looks that way.
- Eso parece.
It looks that way.
Así parece.
Yeah, it definitely looks that way.
Se ve que es un baño.
Looks that way, yeah.
Eso parece, sí.
- Yeah, I guess it looks that way.
- Sí, parece que sí.
Yeah, looks that way.
Parece que sí.
Looks that way, doesn't it?
Así parece ¿ no es cierto?
Looks that way. Why?
- ¿ Por qué?
We've been detected. It looks that way.
- ¿ Nos han descubierto?
- Looks that way to me.
- Parece que sí.
- Looks that way.
- Parece que sí.
Looks that way, doesn't it?
Eso parece, ¿ verdad?
That's the way it looks to me.
- Bien. Así me parece.
That's the way it looks from here.
así se ven las cosas desde aquí.
That's sure the way it looks.
Tiene mucha razón, eso es lo que parece.
Well, that's the way it looks.
Eso es lo que parece.
The tetryon emissions are modulating in a way that looks like somebody's controlling the energy.
Las emisiones están adaptándose como si alguien controlara la energía.
One face that still knows you, looks at you the same way it always did.
Un rostro que aún te reconozca, que te mire como solía mirarte.
She has a unique way... to lift her eyes to heaven during lovemaking, so that she looks like... a Madonna with wax tears in painful ecstasy.
Tiene un modo especial de levantar los ojos hacia el cielo durante el amor que la hace parecerse a una madona con lágrimas de cera medio extasiada de dolor y gozo.
~ It's just the way he looks at me That gentle loving stare ~
Es la forma como me mira Esa mirada gentil y amorosa
Looks that way.
- Asi parece.
Looks like that gate's the only way out of here.
Parece que el portón es la única salida.
Looks like the only way to reach the exit is through that there house.
Parece que la unica manera de alcanzar la salida es a traves de aquella casa.
- If she said that's the way it ought to be - Hey, that looks good.
- Eso se ve bien.
That people in Dodge are complaining you're too quick to bash a man... ... just because you don't like the way he looks.
En Dodge se quejan de que enseguida se te va la mano con cualquiera... solo porque no te guste su aspecto.
- Your hair looks better that way.
- Te queda el pelo mejor así. - Gracias.
It looks nice that way.
Así está bien.
Looks like a larger body of troops went that way.
Parece que un grupo más grande de tropas se fue por allá.
Don't you see the way that he looks at you?
¿ No has visto la manera en que te mira?
Looks like it's well on the way to closing that wound.
Parece que está en buen camino de cerrarse esa herida.
Well, that's certainly the way it looks.
Ciertamente, eso es lo que parece.
- Looks that way.
Eso parece.
Laura Peters looks like someone pinched her face and it stuck that way.
Laura Peters se ve como si alguien le hubiera pellizcado la cara y se quedó de esa manera.
That doesn't mean I'm blind. Now, I've seen the way she looks at you.
No significa que esté ciego He visto la forma en que te mira
It looks better that way.
Queda mejor así.
- That's the way it looks.
¡ es ridículo! - ¡ Es lo que parece, Marcy!
She's got this way she looks at you that can just...
Hay cierta manera en que te ve... que te puede parar el corazon,
I was moving stuff around... and it seems that the room looks a little better this way.
Estaba moviendo cosas... y parece que este cuarto se ve un poco mejor así.

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