That hurt traducir español
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Ouch. Does that hurt?
¿ Eso duele?
Yeah, that hurt.
Sí, eso dolió.
The detectives have arrested one of the men that hurt you, and he says your friends are still alive.
Los detectives arrestaron a uno de los hombres que te hacen daño, y dice a sus amigos siguen vivos.
Did that hurt, my daughter?
¿ Te dolió, hija?
But not if all you're worried about is... settling scores with a ghost that hurt your friend.
Pero no si todo lo que eres acerca preocupado es... ajustar cuentas con un fantasma que perjudican a su amigo.
Because you only had one dumb barrette and silver spray that hurt my eyes.
Porque solo tenías un estúpido pasador y un spray plateado que me hacía daño en los ojos.
So it was him that hurt her.
Así que ella lo arañó.
So it was him that hurt me..
Así que fue ella quien lo arañó.
No, all this time, all I've had is the fact that I'm innocent, and I would never hurt my daughter, and he can't ask me to say I did.
No, todo este tiempo... todo lo que he tenido es el hecho de que soy inocente, y que nunca le haría daño a mi hija, y que él no me puede pedir que diga que lo hice.
Did your father hurt you that night?
¿ Su padre la lastimó esa noche?
Just know that if you contradict Brett's alibi, it might hurt him.
Pero debes saber que si contradices la coartada de Brett, eso podría perjudicarle.
That's because they need to hurt.
Es porque necesitan ser heridos.
Why don't we put some safety standards in place? So that we know at least what we are consuming is gonna be safe enough. It's not gonna hurt us.
¿ por qué no imponer reglas de seguridad... para saber si al menos lo que consumimos será seguro?
We'll have to warn them, so they won't say anything that might hurt him.
Hay que advertirles antes, porque si no Andrea se sentirá mal.
In fact, I want to tell you something else that will really hurt you.
Ahora te diré una cosa que te hará mucho daño.
"And that can be hurt And it can get tired"
Puede ser herido, y se puede hundir.
Whoa, that must have hurt.
Eso tuvo que doler.
I don't wanna see you hurt, that's all.
No quiero verte lastimado, eso es todo.
But it's the ones around me, the... the people that I care about the most who end up getting hurt.
Pero los que me rodean, las... las personas que más me importan... son las que terminan siendo heridas.
I just hate that you got hurt.
Odio que te haga daño.
I understand that you don't want him to be hurt by what Nate said, but Lena was and still is.
Entiendo que no quieres herirlo con lo que Nate dijo, pero Lena lo estuvo y aún lo está.
Because, Mom, when someone calls one person the n-word, it doesn't just hurt that black person.
Porque, mamá, cuando alguien llama a otra persona con la palabra con N, no solo hiere a esa persona.
After that defeat. Do they hurt like this?
Después de esa derrota. ¿ Es que duelen como este?
I was afraid that they'd hurt me like they hurt her.
Tenía miedo de que ellos me hirieran como lo hicieron con ella.
Put that thing down before you hurt yourself, Guyliner.
Baja esa cosa antes de que te hagas daño, chico de los ojos pintados.
That actually hurt my feelings a little bit.
Que en realidad herido mis sentimientos un poco.
What I like about this idea is that it definitely won't end in hurt feelings.
Lo que me gusta de esta idea es que definitivamente no va a terminar en sentimientos heridos.
- Look uh, you know that gross word that you're supposed to use if you feel really badly about hurt your
- Mira uh, sabes esa palabra bruta que se supone que debes usar si se siente muy mal por daño en la
Your son would never try to hurt you like that.
Tu hijo nunca intentaría hacerte daño de ese modo.
All I could think about was just beating the living hell out of that scumbag who tried to hurt her.
En lo único que podía pesar era en revolver el infierno para coger al cabrón que intentó hacerle daño.
A hurt that will never heal.
Una herida que nunca sanará.
That's why it must hurt so bad Ooh.
- Por eso fastidia tanto - Qué bien.
He's a fucking fighter that doesn't like to hurt people.
Es un puto luchador al que no le gusta herir a la gente.
That's gotta hurt.
Eso debe doler.
And I feel horrible that I hurt him because I... [bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep]. - What?
Y me siento mal por haberle hecho daño porque yo... - ¿ Qué?
( BOTH GROANING ) That brain blast didn't hurt you?
¿ Ese disparo cerebral no te lastimo?
Come in here knowing nothing, that's how you get hurt, fool.
Venir aquí sin saber nada, así es como te hieres, tonta.
She's not tried to hurt the boy or herself but that one time.
No ha intentado hacer daño al muchacho o a ella mas que en una ocasión.
Everyone you ever loved and lost, everything that ever hurt you... just one button?
Cada uno que alguna vez amaste y perdiste, cada cosa que alguna vez te lastimó... ¿ solo un botón?
Everyone you ever loved and lost, everything that ever hurt you...
Todos los que has perdido y amado, todo lo que te ha hecho daño...
Caleb, I love you so much. But I know that you'll hurt me...
Caleb, te amo mucho pero se que me harás daño...
I endured years of agony in the sewers of this city, but what hurt the most, Joris was that those "innocents" took you and your father from me.
Pasé años agonizando en las alcantarillas de la ciudad. Pero lo más duro, Joris ¡ Es que estos "inocentes" me separaron de ti y de tu padre!
That's probably why Mike said that. He was... he probably doesn't want you to get hurt.
Esto es probablemente porqué Mike dijo eso, El estaba... el probablemente no quiere hacerte daño.
That's what really hurt.
Eso realmente te hirió.
- You don't want anybody getting hurt. - Too late for that.
- No quieres que alguien salga herido.
I also remember you iced yourself so that you wouldn't hurt any of us.
Y también recuerdo que te disparaste para así no herir a ninguno de nosotros.
- I never wanted to hurt that girl.
- Nunca quise hacerle daño a esa niña.
How that must hurt.
Cuánto debe de doler.
My wife and I want to make sure that Avery's death means something, that no transgender child should ever again be singled out or hurt, but we also want to make sure that the tragedy is not compounded by the tragedy
Mi esposa y yo queremos asegurarnos de que la muerte de Avery signifique algo, que ningún chico transgénero nunca más debería ser señalado o herido, pero también queremos asegurarnos de que la tragedia no se vea agravada por la tragedia
Praise to God that you did not get hurt too badly yesterday.
Reza a Alá por no haber sido malherido ayer.
If you'd really gotten to know me, you'd know that I would never do anything to hurt you, Jemma.
Si de verdad hubieses llegado a conocerme... sabrías que nunca haría nada para hacerte daño, Jemma.
that hurts 363
that hurts my feelings 22
hurt 179
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62
hurt you 34
hurts like hell 20
hurt them 18
hurtful 19
that hurts my feelings 22
hurt 179
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62
hurt you 34
hurts like hell 20
hurt them 18
hurtful 19
hurt him 32
hurt her 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
hurt her 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
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that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
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that is not true 434
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that was stupid 112
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189