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Think about traducir español

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He probably didn't even think about it.
Probablemente ni siquiera lo penso.
Just ten minutes in their day where they didn't have to think about whatever terrible illness they had.
Solo diez minutos al dia en que no tenian que pensar en la terrible enfermedad que tenian.
But if you think about it as a whole, an understandable response to what must have seemed like an impossible situation.
Pero si lo piensa en su conjunto, es una respuesta comprensible a lo que debio parecerle una situacion imposible.
Yeah, well, think about it...
Sí, bueno, piensa en ello.
You've got to think about the implications of what you create.
Tienes que pensar en las consecuencias de lo que creas.
You do need to think about the implications of the things you create.
Necesitas pensar en las implicaciones de las cosas que creas.
May, think about what you're doing.
May, piensa en lo que estás haciendo.
But think about it.
Pero piénsalo.
Think about how confused our people are.
Piensa en cómo está de confundida nuestra gente.
Think... Think about what they're feeling, the people that you put in a life-or-death situation.
Piensa... piensa en lo que están sintiendo... a gente que has puesto en una situación de vida o muerte.
- Let's take a moment and think about that, Sweeney Todd.
- Vamos a tomarnos un momento... para pensar en eso, Sweeney Todd.
I had a lot of time after you shattered my spine to think about what I'd do when I saw you again.
He tenido mucho tiempo desde que me partiste la columna... para pensar en lo que haría cuando volviera a verte.
Think about your boy.
Piensa en tu chico.
You ever think about the families of the men you put down?
¿ Alguna vez piensas en la familia del hombre al que matas?
You ever think about us?
¿ Alguna vez has pensado en nosotros?
I wonder what your girlfriend's son would think about that.
Me pregunto qué pensaría el hijo de tu novia de eso.
He's got more important things to think about.
Tiene cosas más importantes en que pensar.
Don't think about it.
No lo pienses.
I try not to think about those escapes.
Intento no pensar en esas formas de escapar.
I'll think about the moon.
Pienso en la luna.
I'm sorry, I didn't think about it.
Lo siento, no se me ocurrió.
You didn't think about it.
No se te ocurrió.
And think about what you have done!
¡ Y piensen en lo que han hecho!
You don't think about home and families and babies.
No piensas en el hogar, familias y bebés.
He told me he would think about it, but I haven't heard anything, and I don't know now if I will.
- No me rebatió. Me dijo que lo pensaría, pero no sé nada aún, y no sé si lo tendré.
Are you... think about what you're saying.
¿ Estás...? Piensa lo que estás diciendo.
I don't need to think about it.
No necesito pensarlo.
I'm gonna need to think about it.
Tengo que pensarlo.
And she said she needed to think about whether or not she could forgive me.
Dijo que necesitaba pensar si podía perdonarme o no.
You should think about nursing school.
Deberías considerar estudiar enfermería.
Think about it.
'Kay, just don't even think about it.
Está bien, ni siquiera lo pienses.
The more you think about it, the worse it's gonna be.
Cuanto más lo pienses, peor será.
Then you should think about yourself and the ways in which you could contribute, given more influence, more control, more access to decision making.
Entonces deberías pensar en ti misma y en las maneras en que podrías contribuir obtener mayor influencia, más control, mayor acceso a la toma de decisiones.
And don't even think about trying to escape!
¡ Y ni se le ocurra intentar escapar!
It is grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with the word "and," but I get so upset when I think about Ike.
Es gramaticalmente incorrecto terminar una oración con la palabra "y", pero me angustio mucho cuando pienso en Ike.
I can think of about a million reasons why not, but Radcliffe did it anyway.
Puedo pensar en un millón de razones por las que no... pero Radcliffe lo hizo igualmente.
No, I think that you're talking about project Tahiti.
No, creo que estás hablando del Proyecto TAHITI.
Don't forget about implanting bogus memories and letting me think I'm off my gourd.
No olvides implantar recuerdos falaces... y dejarme pensar que se me había ido la chaveta.
I think my daddy might have something to say about that.
Creo que mi padre podría tener algo que decir al respecto.
I don't think much happens around here without your family knowing about it.
No creo que pasen muchas cosas por aquí que tu familia no sepa.
.. last about half an hour, cos I've got to go somewhere at four o'clock, so if you just lay out some copies of the report... I think there'll be about six of them arriving...
... dure alrededor de media hora, porque tengo que ir a un sitio a las cuatro, así que si acabas de hacer unas copias del informe... creo que sobre las seis ellos llegarán...
I don't think very much about love at all.
No pienso mucho sobre el amor.
Do you think I care about the graphic details?
¿ Crees que me importan los detalles gráficos?
You don't think I've had fantasies about you?
¿ Crees que no tuve fantasías sobre ti?
What do you think the good lord would say about this?
¿ Qué creen que diría el Señor de todo esto?
Because she's gonna think that I blew it because I was upset about Tara.
Porque pensará que lo arruiné porque estoy molesto por lo de Tara.
So that's what you think I'm all about.
Entonces piensas que es todo lo que me importa.
But I think you're about more than just working at that place.
Pero creo que mereces más que solo trabajar ahí.
Hey, I hope you don't think I forgot about our dinner.
Oye, espero que no pienses que olvidé nuestra cena.
If you didn't know about the Baudelaire orphans'unfortunate history and you saw them disembark from the Fickle Ferry and arrive at Damocles Dock, you might think they were bound for an exciting adventure.
Si ustedes no conocieran la desgraciada historia de los Baudelaire y los vieran desembarcar del ferry Veleidoso en el muelle Damocles, los imaginarían en una aventura emocionante.

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