Which is a shame traducir español
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Which is a shame because there was a little something in that coffee you've been drinking all day to make you want to piss all night. Hey, Willie.
Qué pena, porque le he puesto algo en el café que está bebiendo que le hará meartoda la noche.
Which is a shame, because we need to talk.
Lo cual es una pena porque, tenemos que hablar.
- Which is a shame.
- Lo que es una vergüenza.
Which is a shame because if there was, I'd be the first to say,'Let's do it.' Hmm... Unless....
- Lo cual es una lástima porque si hubiera una forma yo seria el primero en decir'Vamos a hacerlo'.
I assume you're not going with insanity, which is a shame.
Supongo que no declararán demencia. Lástima.
Which is a shame, because I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a handful of students who are brighter, wittier or smarter than Eric.
Que es una pena, porque estaría en apuros si me preguntaran por un puñado de estudiantes que sean más brillantes, más ingeniosos o más inteligente que Eric.
Case closed on Boris Badenov, which is a shame, because I was gonna have an NY tattooed on my ass to commemorate the Yankees World Series victory.
El caso Boris Badenov está cerrado, es una lástima, porque iba a tatuarme NY en el trasero para conmemorar la victoria de los Yankees en la liga mundial.
Which is a shame cause you've got great hair.
Toda una lástima porque tienes un pelo estupendo.
- Nobody has, which is a shame... because she wrote 16 amazing novels, nine plays and there are some who claim... it was Powell who made the jokes that Dorothy Parker got credit for.
- Igual que todos. Es una lástima... porque escribió 16 novelas increíbles, 9 obras de teatro y, según algunos... hasta creó los chistes que se le atribuyeron a Dorothy Parker.
Which is a shame.
Y es una lástima.
Which is a shame, because... Get his gun, Charlie.
Y es una pena, porque... agarra su pistola, Charlie.
But it didn't get past the censors, which is a shame, because there were some wonderful numbers with Mickey Rooney... who was huge with fisting.
Pero no pasó realmente la censura lo cual es una vergüenza, porque tiene números maravillosos con Mickey Rooney, que era grande con su puñeteando.
Which is a shame.
Lo que es una pena.
You're supposed to choose one image, which is a shame.
Se supone que eliges una imagen, lo que es una pena.
He said he'd never date your daughter out of respect for you. Which is a shame, really, cos I thought he was jolly nice.
Dijo que nunca saldría con tu hija por respeto a ti, lo cual es una pena, porque creo que él es muy agradable.
Which is a shame given all he's done for you.
Lo cual es una lástima dado todo lo que ha hecho por ti.
No, we don't have contact with her, which is a shame because she strikes us as a very nice lady.
No, no tenemos relación con ella. Y es una lástima porque parece muy agradable.
Which is a shame, because I really love it here.
Lo cual es una lástima porque realmente me encanta este lugar.
But you didn't... which is a shame.
Pero no lo hiciste... lo que es una pena.
They'll drain you dry, which is a shame, really.
en serio.
They'll drain you dry, which is a shame, really.
Te dejarían seca, lo que sería una pena, en realidad.
- Which is a shame, considering you are clearly clever enough for the job, given the way you bluffed Natalie yesterday.
- Lo que es una lástima, considerando que claramente eres lo suficientemente lista para el trabajo, dada la forma en la que engañaste a Natalie ayer.
It's just that girlies do Hannah Montana more, which is a shame. Because I wish they would do a bit more metal.
Es sólo que... las niñas oyen más a Hannah Montana, lo cual es una pena, porque yo desearía que oyeran más metal.
He looks just like his father, which is a shame.
Se parece a su padre, lo cual es una lástima.
They're holding him with Jo, which is a shame Because he loves swing and they're having a dance tonight.
Lo están reteniendo con Jo, lo cual es una pena porque a él le encanta el swing y hay un baile esta noche.
Well, then you're not going to talk to new building owner, which is a shame, because I hear he's a very reasonable guy.
Bueno, entonces no vas a hablar con el nuevo dueño del edificio, lo cual es una pena, porque escuché que es un tipo muy razonable.
Amos has informed me that his paintings are not for sale, which is a shame.
Amos me ha informado que sus pinturas no están a la venta, lo cual es una lástima.
- I'd call it a criminal invasion... of the rights of decent people... an assault upon the very privacy which is the cornerstone of self-respect... an infamous pursuit without shame or ethics... a vile calling, masquerading in the cloak of respectability... but actually sprung from the cesspools ofhumanity.
Yo diría que es una intrusión en los derechos ajenos. Un asalto a la privacidad, base de la autoestima, sin ninguna ética. Una vil persecución disfrazada de respetabilidad, pero nacida de las cloacas.
It is no cause for shame for a musician to starve in a world in which Mozart starved, and was buried in a pauper's grave.
A nadie le importa que un músico muera de hambre en un mundo en el que Mozart murió de hambre - y yace en una tumba de pobres.
Did you know that there are primitive people for which eating is considered disgusting, it's considered a shame.
¿ Sabe usted que hay pueblos primitivos para los que comer es algo repugnante, una vergüenza?
To feel shame for a cause is also a waste for you must rather spend time correcting that of which you are ashamed.
Estar avergonzado por una causa, también lo es. Pues deberías vivir corrigiendo el mal del que te avergüenzas.
He is not only a great writer also he is an angel the only person, thinking next to which I have a sense of shame
No es solo un magnífico escritor, es un ángel La única persona que me hace sentir vergüenza si me comparo con ella
But all the while at the bottom of you is that America, older than that woman's face, which gnaws at you and which it would be such a shame to give up.
Pues en vuestras entrañas existe además esa América, más antigua que ese rostro de mujer que os reconcome y a la cual sería una verdadera lástima renunciar.
Which is why, when I came to Alaska, out of shame and remorse over what my kin had done, I dropped the "De" from the family name.
Por eso, cuando llegué a Alaska... por vergüenza y remordimiento por lo que había hecho mi familia... dejé de usar el "De" del apellido.
How stand I then, that have a father kill'd a mother stain'd excitements of my reason and my blood and let all sleep while to my shame I see the imminent death of 20,000 men that, for a fantasy and trick of fame go to their graves like beds fight for a plot whereon the numbers cannot try the cause which is not tomb enough and continent to hide the slain?
¿ Cómo soporto yo, asesinado mi padre y envilecida mi madre la excitación de mi razón y de mi sangre y dejo que todo duerma mientras para mi deshonra veo la muerte inminente de veinte mil hombres que por una fantasía o un engaño de la gloria van a sus tumbas como si fueran camas que no es tumba ni continente suficiente para ocultar a los muertos?
But for Peter, Dr. Benton, which would be a shame considering how much work he's put into getting where he is.
Pero para Peter, el doctor Benton, sería una lástima teniendo en cuenta lo que ha trabajado para llegar donde está.
Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious.
Lo que es una pena, porque va a estar delicioso
Which is why, frankly, I think it's such a shame.
Es por eso, sinceramente, por lo que pienso que es una vergüenza.
For me, slavery don't exist anymore, which is a damned shame.
para mi. la esclavitud ya no existe. lo que es una terrible pena.
And I'm never gonna get my pictures back, which is a real shame...'cause they'll never let me under the bleachers anymore.
Y nunca me voy a poner mis fotos espalda, que es una verdadera lástima... Ya que nunca me dejará debajo de las gradas más.
Which is such a shame because I'm just dying to take... my 7-year-old little sister to a movie where the mom gets... killed by the evil male hunter.
Pero nada me gustaría más que llevar... a mi hermanita a una película donde la madre... es asesinada por un cazador.
Which means you won't be able to keep coming here, which is a real shame.
Lo que significa que no vendrás más por aqui. ¡ Qué pena!
And for the criminals Is in reality a gift A shame that Presents Which increases their Passion for freedom Their hope for redemption.
Y para los criminales es en realidad un regalo la penalidad que ensalsa a si mismo que enarbola su pasión por la libertad su esperanza para la redención.
I have three children, I do not wish anyone any harm. "Reading in the city prison of shame is a deep grave." "Lie down there, which became syntisparka canker." "Back to the Tomb of the garment liekein, is the grave of the name oo." "There the Court until he quietly levätköön." "Needless tears are shed, or sigh in vain." "He loved what killed it, let the death of right." "It will listen to anyone who killed their loved ones." "Some gun is sighted, in others it is the word." "A coward resorts to a kiss, a brave seize the sword." I have been in jail often.
" En la Cárcel de Reading, junto a la ciudad de Reading se encuentra un pozo de vergüenza en el que yace un desgraciado por dientes de fuego devorado. Yace en mortaja llameante y está su tumba sin nombre. Y allí, hasta que Cristo llame a los muertos, que en silencio descanse.
I just don't remember us, which i--is a shame,
No sólo no recuerdo lo de nosotros, lo cual yo... es una vergüenza,
A shame about this plague which is killing him.
Pena de esa viruela que le está matando.
Ooh! What's interesting is that Volta, when he writes to the Royal Society, effectively gives away all his secrets, which is a bit of a shame for him because this turned out to be one of the greatest technological discoveries of all time.
Lo que es interesante es que Volta, cuando escribe a la Real Sociedad, en realidad entrega todos sus secretos, lo cual es una pena por él, porque esto resultó ser uno de los descubrimientos tecnológicos más grandes de todos los tiempos.
I didn't even... go down on you, which is a great shame, because I love to go down on women, don't I, Mark?
Ni siquiera bajé al pilón, y es una pena porque me encanta el pilón, ¿ verdad, Mark?
Which is such a shame.
Lo que es una pena.
We only had two passengers booked into First Class and the passengers in question have just cancelled, which is a dreadful shame.
Sólo teníamos dos reservas para primera clase que acaban de ser canceladas, lo que es una pena.
Which is a real shame, because, uh... you could do with that money right now to pay for a lawyer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Lo que es una verdadera lástima, porque, eh... lo que podrías hacer con ese dinero ahora sería pagar un abogado. ¿ Tienes otro sobre?
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which is understandable 21
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is understandable 21
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
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which is great 112
which is ironic 37