Which is impossible traducir español
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It's not up to me to prove my innocence, which is impossible and against reason.
No me incumbe a mí demostrar mi inocencia, cuando es algo imposible y contra toda razón.
This signifies that it's useless to cry out like the revisionists do and request a democratic reform of the universities, because either this reform will make the universities return to a liberal bourgeois framework, which is impossible, considering the irreversible development of capitalism in our country, or it aims to obtain from the capitalists second-rate arrangements and in better conditions, even obtain integration in the educational system of a capitalist monopolistic state.
Eso significa que es inútil reclamar... una reforma democrática de la universidad ya que... o bien ésta se restablece en el marco liberal burgués... cosa imposible, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo del capitalismo... o bien no pretende más que modificaciones secundarias... y una mejor integración al sistema educativo capitalista del Estado.
Forget your feelings, which is impossible for you.
Olvide sus sentimientos, es imposible.
It would require physical contact, which is impossible, Captain.
Requeriría contacto físico, lo cual es imposible, Capitán.
It's my opinion that we should fight the war to win in Korea, rather than try to settle at the diplomatic table, which is impossible when you're dealing with Russia.
Mi opinión es que debemos pelear la guerra para vencer en Corea, en vez de tratar de llegar a acuerdos en la mesa diplomática, lo que es imposible cuando de está tratando con Rusia.
which is impossible, but never mind, that adds up to 600 minutes. 10 hours.
lo cual es imposible, ni pensarlo, eso sumaría 600 minutos. 10 horas.
And this is a great logic of the history's progress, which is impossible to stop!
Y en eso radica la fuerza del progreso histórico cuyo correr es imparable.
He is holding his Stetson, which is impossible if his wrist is shattered.
Sujeta su sombrero, lo cual es imposible si le han disparado en la muñeca.
Say you go $ 5,000 to $ 12,000 at the most, which is impossible for him.
Digamos que pagas entre $ 5.000 y $ 12.000 como mucho, algo imposible para él.
- Which is impossible.
- Lo que es imposible.
The red blood cells are biconvex, which is impossible.
Las células rojas son biconvexas, lo que es imposible.
And if the disease to the retina is reduced or in check, which is impossible to know at this point, but if that is the case, using this new procedure, there is a good possibility we can give you sight.
Y si la enfermedad de la retina esta reducida o en camino a eso, es imposible saber en este punto, pero si es así en este caso, usando este nuevo procedimiento, hay una buena posibilidad de devolverle la vista.
Which is impossible, as it only appears for a single frame.
Eso es imposible. Aparece sólo en un cuadro.
Which is impossible, considering it's a childhood disease and she would have been dead 30 years ago.
Lo cuales imposible, ya que es un mal de la niñez y habría fallecido hace 30 años.
Which is impossible considering it's a childhood disease- -dead 30 years ago
Lo cuales imposible, ya que se trata de un mal de Ia niñez habría muerto hace 30 años.
- Which is impossible.
- Es imposible.
The only explanation is that you assimilated it into your system, which is impossible.
La única explicación es que lo haya asimilado... su organismo, lo cual no es posible.
Which is impossible.
Lo cual es imposible.
There is a certain difference in our walks of life, sir, which makes it impossible for me to sit at the same table with yourself, sir.
. Hay una diferencia de clase entre nosotros, Sr. que me impide sentarme en la misma mesa con usted.
Don't let people dictate what you shall do or shall not do because it would be impossible for you to do anything which is not fine and decent and true.
No dejes que la gente te diga lo que puedes hacer o no porque es imposible que hagas algo que no sea bueno, decente y recto.
It is impossible for me not to comment on the several acts of savagery to which you have admitted.
Me es imposible no comentar varios de los actos de salvajismo que usted mismo ha admitido.
Which is physically impossible for one man.
Lo cual es físicamente imposible en un hombre.
But if the tranquilliser does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order.
Pero si el tranquilizante no funciona, lo que es claramente imposible entonces debe haber una alteración radical de nuestra forma de pensar.
Now he writes, telling me that it'll be impossible for me to visit him... which is peculiar because I made no such request.
Me escribió para decirme que no puedo ir a visitarlo... lo cual es raro, porque nunca le dije que lo haría.
Which is scientifically impossible under conditions there.
Algo científicamente imposible bajo las condiciones que hay allí.
They boggle again and again at the undefined grandeur of their own goals, until a situation is imposed in which all return will be impossible.
Alucinan una y otra vez con la grandeza indefinida de sus propios objetivos, hasta que se impone una situación en la que todo retorno será imposible.
A wall of pedestrians, which is nearly impossible to traverse with a camera in your hands.
Un muro de peatones, que es casi imposible de recorrer cámara en mano.
You follow across the ceiling the sinuous lines of a thin crack the futile meandering of a fly, the progress - which it is almost impossible to plot - of the shadows.
Observas, en el techo, la línea sinuosa de una delgada grieta, el itinerario inútil de una mosca, la progresión casi reconocible de las sombras.
Which is, uh, as you know, impossible...
Lo que es, como sabes, imposible...
I consider marriage to be based on something which is completely impossible for me.
Considero que el matrimonio... está basado en algo que es totalmente imposible para mí.
Where is that immense love which made a husband's life impossible to live in the separation of his wife.
Dónde está ese inmenso amor que hizo la vida de un marido imposible de vivir por la separación de su mujer.
A Communist Party, which, moving away from Stalinism, transforms and reinvents itself in socialist democracy something the reactionaries would say is impossible.
Un Partido Comunista que, apartándose del stalinismo,... se transforma y reinventa una democracia socialista algo que los reaccionários dirían que es imposible.
And all I have to do now is get my posing routine down more perfect... which is almost impossible to do.
Lo único que me falta es perfeccionar mi rutina de poses... lo cual es casi imposible.
Many physicists think this is fundamentally impossible that we could not build a device which would carry us backwards into time.
Muchos físicos creen que es imposible que no se puede construir un aparato que nos lleve atrás en el tiempo.
Many physicists think this is fundamentally impossible that we could not build a device which would carry us backwards into time.
La esfera gira, la rueda rota y visto desde la Tierra, Marte hace su rizo.
It is impossible to say which came first to his mind - - the sight of this young girl or the resolution which followed.
"'Es imposible decir qué fue lo primero que le vino a la mente... "'la visión de esa joven o los actos que siguieron.
One tells them something is impossible and they dig out an old paper in which one had said it was easy, very tedious.
Les dices que algo es imposible y encuentran un viejo documento donde alguien dice que es fácil.
It is also completely fuel-efficient... and is operated entirely by microprocessors... which make it virtually impossible for it to be involved in any kind of mishap or collision.
Tiene el mejor rendimiento de combustible... y lo operan en su totalidad microprocesadores... lo que hace que sea prácticamente imposible... que tenga un percance o una colisión.
While I was doing research on my novel, Murder on the Amazon, I came across an obscure curare derivative... which is almost impossible to trace...
Al investigar para mi novela Asesinato en el Amazonas descubrí un derivado del curare poco conocido que es casi imposible de rastrear- -
In Saurer vehicles, which are very spacious, maximum use of space is impossible, not because of any possible overload,
Sólo quedaré yo en el mundo, si salgo de aquí.
It is impossible to know yet how many more fatalities there are following this earthquake, which hit at 5 : 04 yesterday, in the middle of rush hour.
Y torna imposible saber que daños provocó este terremoto, que se manifestó a las 5 : 04 de hoy, a la hora de mayor movimento.
Because it's impossible to predict what's going to happen with our country, so there's a danger of losing whatever we have - a kind of inner pivot which is ever present...
Porque es imposible predecir que va a ser de nuestro país, y que hay un peligro : el de perder esto que tenemos, esta especie de pilar en el fondo de nosotros mismos que siempre está presente...
It's a dance. Which I am trying to make into a great dance. Which is almost impossible since apparently the idea of school spirit... is out the window.
Es un baile que voy a intentar que sea un gran baile lo que parece imposible desde que la idea de espíritu escolar se fue por la ventana
He did the well-remembered music for the crime series on Lt. Stanley and Sgt. Morrison titled "impossible Duty," which is what the critics said about seeing the series.
Se recuerda su música para la serie policial sobre el Tte. Stanley y el Sgto. Morrison titulada "Deber imposible", rebautizada por los críticos "lmposible de ver".
Alone with our body Alone with our life which is like a tunnel, impossible to share.
Solos con nuestra carne, con nuestra vida que es como un túnel, imposible de compartir.
It's from a life-form which doesn't seem to be carbon-based, which, by the way, is impossible.
Procede de un ser que no contiene carbono, lo que resulta imposible.
Anyway, I'd have to get 200 people... to sign my ballot petition by next week... which is basically impossible.
Como sea, necesito 200 firmas en mi petición para la próxima semana y eso es imposible.
Which obviously is an impossible thing to do.
Que, obviamente, es algo imposible de hacer.
Now I'm supposed to look pretty and girly, which is completely impossible... because I'm gross, and I have nothing to wear.
Ahora debo verme bonita y femenina, lo cual es muy imposible... pues soy desagradable y no tengo que ponerme.
Almost made a new one, which I think is... statistically impossible for a man of my age.
Lo cual es estadísticamente imposible para un hombre de mi edad.
Since it is impossible for me to pursue my career in motion pictures here... the next best thing for me... is to start a small venture on the side, which is what I have done.
Ya que es imposible para mí dedicarme a mi carrera cinematográfica aquí... mi segunda mejor opción... es echar a andar una empresa, cosa que ya hice. Una empresa.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112