Which is worse traducir español
364 traducción paralela
I don't know which is worse, the fact that you think I'm lying, or that you don't care that your own daughter is dead.
No sé qué es peor, el hecho de que usted piensa que estoy mintiendo, o que no le importa que su propia hija está muerto.
If you're not shot down at the dam, you'll be forced down in the desert, which is worse.
Si no consigues derribar la presa, tendrás que aterrizar en el desierto lo que es peor.
- And you're a fool, which is worse!
- ¡ Y usted es tonto, que es aún peor!
I don't know which is worse, with a part or without.
No sé qué es peor... tener papel o no.
Yet there is a type of suffering for the artist, which is worse than any winter or part of it can do.
Aun así, hay un sufrimiento para el artista que es peor que el invierno o la pobreza.
Well, you're flirting with me, which is worse.
Entonces coqueteas, que es peor.
Don't you realise that her sister told me the truth, how you were a young fool, and I was an old one, which is worse.
¿ No te das cuenta que su hermana me dijo la verdad? Tú fuiste un joven tonto ; yo, un viejo tonto, lo cual es peor.
And you're a pain, which is worse.
Y tú me fastidias, que es aún peor.
I wonder which is worse.
Me gustaría saber cuál es más vicioso.
I don't know which is worse, the atom bomb or you kids in your do-it-yourself cars.
No sé qué es peor, si la bomba atómica o ustedes con su pasión por los autos.
Which is worse : to betray a friend or to betray Rome herself?
¿ Qué es peor, traicionar a un amigo o a la misma Roma?
- No, I'm soft, which is worse.
- No, peor, soy blando.
- I don't know which is worse, by George : having you so happy you sing all the time, or so glum you won't even talk.
No sé qué será peor : verle feliz y cantando o triste y callado :
Pardon my soul, I don't know which is worse : a crazy man... who thinks he's smart or a Frenchman who admits he's stupid.
¿ Qué será peor? ¿ Un loco que se cree listo o un francés que se cree estúpido?
They overestimate our number, which is worse.
Han sobreestimado nuestro número, que es lo peor.
But they nearly always betray us with half-truths, which is worse than lies.
Pero casi siempre nos traicionan con medias verdades, que son peores que las mentiras.
The village is too small to hide certain things. And people like to gossip, which is worse.
Este pueblo es demasiado pequeño para ocultar ciertas cosas, y lo peor es que la gente comenta.
Because it conforms to their expectations and to mine as well, which is worse.
Porque cumple sus expectativas y también las mías, lo que es peor.
I don't know which is worse.
No sé cuál es peor.
I don't know which is worse : sacrilege or sacrilegious mockery.
No sé qué es peor, si el sacrilegio o la burla sacrílega.
Now tell me, which is worse... having one blow up when you don't want it to... or not blow up when you do?
Ahora dime qué es peor... ¿ que exploten cuando no se quiere... o que no exploten cuando se quiere?
And there is his tenderness, which is worse than a blow.
Y allí está su ternura, que es peor que un golpe.
I don't know which is worse, him or those damn drums.
No sé que es peor, él o esos malditos tambores.
I was wondering which is worse :
A veces me he preguntado qué es peor :
I do not know which is worse.
No sé que es peor.
Oh, I don't know which is worse, the music or the Shakespeare.
No sé qué es peor. La música o Shakespeare.
I don't know which is worse, the jogger assholes or the bicycle riding creeps.
¡ No sé qué es peor, los gilipollas que hacen "footing" o los "frikis" que montan en bici!
And she has a Polish husband, so I don't know which is worse.
Y tiene un esposo polaco, así que no sé qué es peor.
Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!
Senorita Carlota, si lo que haceis no es mas que un juego, un simple coqueteo o algo peor, sois, a pesar de vuestro dulce rostro y vuestra voz que suena cual mensaje celestial, una diablesa!
I don't know which is the worse torture.
No se que es peor tortura.
And now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death.
Y ahora estoy en un mundo que para mí es peor que la muerte.
Well, I can wish her no worse fate than that for which she is heading now.
No puedo desearle un destino peor que al que se dirige.
As I seemed to be her only friend in the world, I thought if I threw you out - which, heaven knows, you've richly deserved time and again in the last six years - Iris would be in a worse position than she is now.
Como era usted su única pariente, pensé que si la echaba, algo que se ha merecido en los últimos seis años, Iris estaría en peor posición de lo que está ahora.
And there is a draught in this room, which makes your conduct worse.
Aquí hay corriente, Io que empeora tu conducta.
To fright you thus, methinks, I am too savage ; to do worse to you were fell cruelty, which is too nigh your person.
Tal vez sea brutal asustaros así, pero más atroz sería el ataque que ya tenéis muy cerca.
Poor and desperate, which is even worse!
¡ Soy pobre y desesperado, que es mucho peor!
His nose is crooked, which is a sign of far worse moral crookedness.
Tiene la nariz torcida, señal de una moral aún más retorcida.
Which one is worse?
¿ Qué es peor?
All Jamie meant is he may have a touch of something else which makes his cold worse.
Lo que dice Jamie es que tiene algo que empeora su resfriado.
- She spends too much time alone. - Or with adults, which is even worse.
Pasa demasiado tiempo sola, o lo que es peor, con adultos.
He was responsible for executions, which is considerably worse than the sentence he gave me.
Fue responsable de ejecuciones, que son considerablemente peores que la sentencia que me dio a mí.
And how could we arm this village of sinners, which is godless, lawless, and at times worse than the pirates?
Cómo vamos a entregarle armas a este pueblo de pecadores, sin Dios y sin ley, a veces peor que los propios piratas.
Thou wilt be touched by worse... unless thou surrender rapidly that golden helmet... which is justly mine.
Algo peor te pegará a menos que entregues rápidamente ese casco dorado que es justamente mío.
We are now at the condition of dread, which is getting worse and worse.
Ahora vemos su condición de pavor, que empeora a cada momento.
Wegler lost his right arm, which is very much worse.
Wegler perdió su brazo derecho, que es mucho peor.
I feel positively middle-aged, which is infinitely worse.
Pues yo me siento como si tuviera una edad intermedia que es infinitamente peor.
Which is probably worse.
Y eso es probablemente peor.
I don't know which one of us is worse...
No sé cual de los dos está peor...
If one of you is guilty, which I find hard to believe, it's a bad idea to hide because there's nothing worse. It's better not to hide but, on the contrary, to confess and repent.
Si alguien es culpable, cosa que me niego a creer, en vez de esconderse - no hay nada peor que esconderse - será mejor que no lo haga, y que al contrario, confiese y se arrepienta.
- I don't know which species is worse.
Burke, no sé cuál de Ias dos especies es peor.
- Hard to say which one is worse.
- No sé cuál es la peor.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112