Which is it traducir español
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'Which is it today?
" ¿ Qué fue hoy?
Morphine or cocaine... which is it today?
Morfina o cocaína... ¿ qué fue hoy?
Which is it?
Lo que me lleva a...
So... which is it? Swine or stupid?
Así que, ¿ qué eres, idiota o estúpido?
Follow the bouncing ball. Which is it?
Seguid la bolita. ¿ Cuál es?
So which is it?
Entonces, ¿ cuál sería?
Which is it?
- Decídete.
Which is "male" spelled backwards, but it is his real name apparently.
Que significa "Varón" ( Male ) deletreado al revés. Pero es su nombre verdadero aparentemente,
Which is actually where I met Susannah. I like it, you know.
Que es en realidad donde conocí a Susannah.
It's the second Tuesday of the month, which means my son is expecting my call.
Es el 2do martes del mes. Significa, que mi hijo espera mi llamada.
Which is ironic considering that's where it all started in the first place.
Lo cual es irónico teniendo en cuenta ahí es donde todo empezó en el primer lugar.
Which means you don't have to sit in the ditch eating MREs or dodging mortar fire, it means that if there is another 9 / 11, it'll be your fault.
Lo que significa, que no se sentarán en las trincheras... o esquivarán fuego de mortero. Significa que si hubiera otro 11 de septiembre... seria su culpa.
It gets to a point when you ask yourself, which is worse.
Llega un punto donde te preguntas qué es peor :
It is the beginning, the first of many steps, which will someday put men on the surface of the moon.
Es el principio, el primero de muchos pasos, que algún día llevarán al hombre a la superficie lunar.
I told her exactly what I told you, which is that it's a harmless medical condition.
Le dije exactamente lo mismo, que es que es... una condición médica inofensiva.
Shit, w-which app is it?
Mierda, ¿ cuál es esta aplicación?
And that top number is today's date but reversed like the European way, which makes sense when you look at FLT and you think it's not "flight," it's probably "flat," like apartment.
Y el número superior es la fecha de hoy invertida cosa que tiene sentido cuando ves "APT", no refiere a "aeropuerto" sino a "apartamento".
Is it known which faces did Crosby and Andreyeva order?
¿ Se sabe qué caras pidieron Crosby y Andreyeva?
Then use your brain, such as it is, to eliminate the impossible, which in this case is the ghost, and observe what remains, which in this case is a solution so blindingly obvious even Lestrade could work it out!
¡ Entonces usa tu cerebro, tal como es, para eliminar lo imposible, que en este caso es el fantasma, y observa lo que queda, que en este caso es una solución... tan obvia que incluso Lestrade podría descifrar!
I'll buy it on Amazon, which is probably what I should have done in the first place.
Lo compraré en Amazon, que es probablemente lo que debería haber hecho en primer lugar.
Which, I suspect is what it was.
Lo cuál, sospecho que es lo que era.
It's... It's echolalia, which is just the repeating of language that they hear.
Es ecolalia... que es sólo la repetición del lenguaje que escuchan.
It's a Princess cut, which is really nice.
Es corte princesa.
It feels like he's really trying, and, plus, it shows he knows how to read, which is really heartening.
Parece que se está esforzando y además sabe leer, lo que es muy alentador.
Which in reality is the dreaded 13th floor, is it not?
Que en realidad es el temido piso 13, ¿ no es así?
There you go. - which is where you save the skin, and you stuff it so it's preserved for posterity.
- Aquí tienes. - Conservas la piel y la rellenas para luego preservarla.
Dad, it means hundreds of employees being transferred and later released. It's a very unpopular decision, which is why he needs us.
Papá, estos procesos significan cientos de empleados siendo trasladados y luego despedidos.
An ounce, not a lot, but it was packaged for sale, which is the part that fucks you.
Una onza, no mucho, pero estaba envuelta para la venta, lo cual te mete en problemas. Se niega la fianza.
All of which is to say, we request a bail commensurate with his family's ability to raise it.
Por eso solicitamos una fianza que su familia pueda pagar.
So it's drunk girl-araoke, which is awesome.
Así que es chica-araoke de borrachas, lo cual es impresionante.
It was hell on my parents but we spent months searching which is why I came here.
Fue un infierno con mis padres... pero pasamos meses buscando, que es por lo que vine aquí.
It is. Which prison?
¿ En qué cárcel?
So, he picks up a witness unsupervised, which is against protocol, doesn't even log it in, and he still has time to get to Genghis Connie's before anyone else.
Busca a un testigo sin supervisión, en contra del protocolo, ni siquiera lo registra y tiene tiempo para llegar a Genghis Connie's antes que nadie.
You know, it's funny, I don't actually know... which window is yours.
Sabes, es gracioso, no sé cuál es tu ventana.
We'll see which it is.
Veremos cuál de los dos.
It appears that the permit is all too easy to match Panzer - which must point vyölleen a new victim.
Por el ránking de ares, esta pelea parece muy fácil para Panzer, que añadirá otra víctima a su tanteador.
But it honors Hannah and it will make a difference, which is what she always wanted to do.
Pero honra a Hannah y marcará la diferencia, y eso es lo que ella siempre quiso.
All travel on the line is to cease immediately until said inspection has taken place, and it is determined which railroad has a rightful claim to Ogden.
Todos los viajes en la línea deben cesar inmediatamente hasta que dicha inspección haya tenido lugar y se determine qué ferrocarril tiene derecho legítimo sobre Ogden.
Designed a lot in the fifties, which is when it looks this house is from.
Diseñó mucho en los años cincuenta, que es cuando se ve de donde esta casa.
Nikki's going to jail right now, which is not where we're goin', so you need to drive this fucking car before I do it for you.
Nikki se irá a la cárcel ahora mismo... lo cual no es a donde vamos. Así que tienes que manejar este maldito coche... antes de que lo haga yo por ti.
It's just a little bit, which is a good thing, right?
Es muy poca, lo que es bueno, ¿ de acuerdo?
Oh. Which is neither here nor there, is it?
Que no hay ni aquí ni allí, ¿ verdad?
It's like the fat free yogurt of vegetables, which is bad because vegetables are like the soy milk of food.
Es como el yogur libre de grasa de verduras, lo cual es malo porque las verduras son como la leche de soja de la comida.
- Which is a good name for it,'cause man it is speedy.
Lo cual es un nombre apropiado porque es muy rápido.
You build it by owning the land upon which that burger is cooked.
Se construye por hacerse propietario del terreno donde se cocinan las hamburguesas.
People will think it's the whole company, not just the real estate arm which we strongly suspect is what you hope.
La gente va a pensar que se refiere a la compañía entera y no solamente a los bienes raíces. Lo cual sospechamos que es tu intención.
As per the terms of your agreement, while you are entitled to maintain ownership of this location, you no longer have the right to call it McDonald's, McDonald or any such variation so as to confuse or infringe upon the McDonald's trademark which is now the exclusive intellectual property of Mr. Raymond A. Kroc.
Según los términos de su acuerdo aunque tengan el derecho de seguir como propietarios de este local ustedes ya no tienen el derecho de nombrarlo McDonald's McDonald o cualquier otra variación para no confundir ni infringir la marca registrada de McDonald's que es ahora la exclusiva propiedad intelectual del Sr. Raymond A. Kroc.
So which is it?
Entonces, ¿ cuál es?
Neither can anyone else, which is why they shut it down.
Nadie más puede, por eso han cerrado.
Madness is such a hard thing to define, which makes it such an easy label to affix to one's enemies.
La locura es algo muy complicado de definir, por eso es tan fácil ponerles esa etiqueta a los enemigos de uno.
- Which leg is it?
- ¿ Qué pierna es?
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37