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You called me traducir español

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And I can still picture the way you looked at me when you called me a son and you crushed my heart with your fist.
Y todavía puedo imaginar la forma en que me miraste cuando me llamaste un hijo y aplastado mi corazón con su puño.
That's the first time you called me that since I got out.
Es la primera vez que me llamas así... desde que salí...
That's why you called me.
Por eso me has llamado.
- That's why you called me?
- ¿ Por eso me has llamado?
I was kind of surprised you called me.
Me sorprendió que me llamaras a mí.
You called me for a reason.
Me llamaste por una razón.
Did one of your girlfriends accuse you of being too picky, and so you called me to prove her wrong or what?
¿ Una de tus amigas te acusa de ser muy exigente, y me llamas para probar que ella está equivocada o que?
No, because you called me.
No, porque me has llamado.
Is that why you called me in?
¿ Es por eso que me llamaste?
At the bowl-a-thon, you called me over with two fingers.
En el Bowl-A-Thon tú me llamaste con dos dedos.
You called me over like this!
Me llamaste con dos dedos.
Be that as it may, you called me "Beeker" last night too, and I realized... you don't know who I am.
Sea como sea, anoche también me llamaste "Beeker", y me di cuenta... de que no sabes quién soy.
You called me a name right now. Ba-bam!
Me pusiste un sobrenombre ahora.
Ricky called me earlier to lodge a complaint of harassment against you and -
Ricky llamó esta mañana para presentar una queja por acoso contra ti y...
Oh, seriously, I'm so glad I ran into you,'cause believe me, I had called everybody, and I mean, everybody I liked in high school, and they've all moved.
En serio, me alegra tanto haberme topado contigo, porque créeme, llamé a todo mundo, de veras, a todos los que me caían bien en la preparatoria, y todos se han mudado.
I'm glad you called.
Me alegra que llamaras.
They called you- - They called me "The Pacifier."
Te llaman... te llaman "El Pacificador".
Heard you called in a chit, got me the same surgeon who does the mayor.
Supe que convocaste una reunión, me conseguiste al mismo cirujano que al alcalde.
JT called you because I'm getting married and he figured a guy should have some family around on his big day, right?
JT te llamó porque me voy a casar y se imaginó que un hombre debería tener alguna familia a su lado en su gran día, ¿ verdad?
You could have called me.
Me podrías haber llamado.
Get away from me! For three years you've had Angie because I was called an unfit mother.
Durante tres años has tenido a Angie porque me llamaron una mala madre.
Oh, no, you can look good as the dumpee. Just tell him you were using me for sex, and then you were relieved when I called it off.
No mira puedes quedar bien diciendo que me usabas para el sexo y que ahora estás aliviada de que lo haya dejado.
I'm so glad that you called.
Me alegra que me hayas llamado
You always called me nora.
Siempre me llamabas Nora.
I'm glad you called. How you holding up?
Me alegra que me hayas llamado. ¿ Cómo estás?
- What did you tell your so called friends?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste a tus amigos? - Que mi tío me obligaba a irme.
Sorry to bother you on your day off, sheriff, but- - no, I'm glad you called.
Siento interrumpirla en su día libre, sheriff, pero... No, me alegra que hayas llamado.
You should've called me.
Debiste haberme llamado.
- Hey. - Hey. Glad you called.
Me alegro de que llamaras.
I called the station, but Chris said you hadn't come in.
He llamado a la comisaría, pero Chris me ha dicho que no habías llegado.
- You should have called me!
- ¡ Deberías haberme llamado!
I called you before I went into practice, you never called me back.
Te llamé antes de ir al entrenamiento. Y no me respondiste.
You should've called me before you changed his parking spot.
Debiste llamarme antes de quitar su lugar de aparcamiento.
Whatever it's called, you can't convince me that a laptop's a musical instrument.
Como se llame... no me pueden convencer... que una laptop es un instrumento musical.
Can you believe that tramp called me a bitch?
¿ Te puedes creer que esa zorra me ha llamado cabrona?
Kind of love that you just called me a lady.
Clase de amor que me llamó una señora.
When's the last time you took me out to dinner or called me up on the phone just to talk?
¿ Cuándo fue la última vez que me llevaste a cenar o que me llamaste simplemente para hablar?
You know, I've been called a lot of stuff...
Sabes, me han dicho un montón de cosas
The director just called me to ask why you grounded all Monument Air flights out of Miami.
El director me ha llamado para preguntarme... por qué hiciste aterrizar todos los vuelos de Monument Air de Miami.
Yeah, they told me that when I called there asking about you.
Sí, me dijeron eso cuando llamé allí preguntando por usted.
I wish you'd called me first.
Ojalá me hubieras llamado primero a mí.
Well, I called it in, made sure they knew you were emergent.
Bueno, les llamé, me aseguré de que supieran eras una emergencia.
Well, I'm just glad you called, Jacqueline.
Bueno, me alegro de que llamases, Jacqueline.
I was wondering... now that you called off the wedding...
Me preguntaba... Ahora que mencionas lo de la boda...
Well, you didn't answer your phone so I called Elliot, he said that you were here, and that your middle name is Xander, with an "X," aka JXK.
Bueno, no contestabas al movil asi que llamé a Elliot, y me dijo donde estabas. y que tu segundo nombre es Xander, con "X", por eso JXK.
And one of the nurses from the hospital there, she called me your "little protector" because when you cried out when you were getting the stitches, I yelled at the doctor,
Y una de las enfermeras del hospital, me llamó tu "pequeño defensor" porque cuando gritaste porque te estaban dando los puntos, le grité al médico,
You could have called me or Gunner.
Podrías habernos llamado a mí o a Gunner.
I wanted someone to come with me, for, you know, support or just to make it just a tiny bit less horrifying, and everyone I called couldn't make it.
Quería que alguien viniese conmigo, como, ya sabes, apoyo o para hacerlo un poquito menos horrible, y nadie de los que he llamado podían.
I'll not be called a common sheep, thank you kindly.
No me llamaréis como una oveja normal, gracias.
I'm not someone who often makes mistakes, but, well, I was wrong earlier when I called you a moron.
No soy alguien que a menudo cometa errores, pero, bueno, me equivoqué antes cuando te llamé imbécil.
She was riding with me when you called, and we came straight here.
Ella viajaba conmigo cuando llamaste, y llegamos directamente aquí.

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