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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / Have you been smoking

Have you been smoking traducir francés

95 traducción paralela
Have you been smoking?
À cause du tabac?
Have you been smoking?
Tu fumais?
Who can one trust? How long have you been smoking?
Il n'a jamais eu d'autorisation pour consulter des documents.
Marcy... Huh? ... have you been smoking something awful?
Marcy, vous avez fumé quelque chose de dégoûtant?
And have you been smoking?
Est-ce que tu as fumé?
What have you been smoking?
Qu'est-ce que t'as fumé?
- How long have you been smoking?
- Vous fumez depuis longtemps?
Kevin, have you been smoking?
Kevin, tu as fumé?
Have you been smoking the dope in the evidence room again?
Est-ce que tu recommences à fumer du cannabis dans la salle des preuves?
- About two weeks. How long have you been smoking marijuana?
Depuis quand fumez-vous de la marijuana?
What have you been smoking?
T'as fumé ou quoi?
Oh um ok, Van Galder, I'm counselor Mackey, have you been smoking marijuna?
Pas de sédatif! Je suis M. Mackey, le conseiller de l'école.
He said, " What the fuck have you been smoking?
Il m'a dit : " Putain, qu'est-ce que tu as fumé?
- What have you been smoking?
- Tu as fumé la moquette?
Have you been smoking in here?
Vous avez fumé ici?
Have you been smoking weed?
Vous avez fumé ou quoi? - Non, non.
Have you been smoking pot since high school?
Tu continues à fumer des joints depuis le lycée?
Have you been smoking?
Tu as encore fumé?
Have you been smoking?
As-tu fumé?
- Have you been smoking?
- Tu as fumée?
Have you been smoking?
Tu as fumé?
So you're telling me this is the professor's and it's 600 years old? - What have you been smoking?
Le verre appartient au professeur mais date de 600 ans?
Have you been smoking again?
Tu as encore fumé?
Have you been smoking?
Vous avez pas repris la cigarette?
Have you been smoking marijuana?
Est-ce que tu as fumé de la marijuana?
Have you been smoking?
Avez-vous fumé?
Susan, what the hell have you been smoking?
Qu'est-ce que t'as fumé, Susan?
Have you been smoking? It smells so bad.
Tu sens la cigarette.
- How long have you been smoking?
- Ça fait longtemps que tu fumes?
Have you been smoking?
T'as fumé?
What have you been smoking?
Qu'est que vous avez fumé?
Have you been smoking again?
As-tu de nouveau fumé?
Have you been smoking one of your ponchos?
Tu as fumé l'un de tes ponchos?
– Have you been smoking?
- Vous avez encore fumé Marley?
although we have been seeing strictly wire effects here, Sherriff and whale mix it with intriguing traveIIing-matte work you've just seen, for the cigarette lighter, the handling of the cigarette and smoking effect.
Tous les trucages étaient mécaniques jusqu'ici, mais s'y ajoutent les caches animés qui produisent cet effet fascinant avec le briquet, la manipulation de la cigarette et la fumée.
Comrades, you must have been smoking a lot.
Vous avez beaucoup fumé, on dirait.
Have you been smoking again, Uncle?
Vous avez encore fumé!
Have you been smoking? - No, sir.
Tu as fumé?
Have you been telling him some smoking-room stories?
Lui racontez-vous des histoires égrillardes?
I'm gonna tell Miss Sherley you two have been smoking.
j'admets que Jane à un talent étonnant!
What, have you been smoking crack?
Quoi, tu as fumé du crack?
Have you been smoking?
Qui a fumé?
You should've asked Smokin'Joe what have he been smokin'?
Tu aurais dû demander à Smoking Joe ce qu'il avait encore fumé.
Have you been smoking weed?
Tu as fumé ou quoi?
- How much have you been smoking?
- Tu es défoncée?
I regret to tell you that one or more of the children... may have been smoking in the storage room adjacent to the dye-house.
J'ai le regret de vous apprendre que certains enfants fumaient sans doute, dans l'entrepôt attenant à la teinturerie.
If you'd been more miserable and not smoking pot, we wouldn't have crashed into the tree, and we wouldn't be dead!
C'est juste que je déteste avoir l'air misérable. C'est trop déprimant. Si tu t'étais un peu plus inquiété, on n'aurait pas eu d'accident de voiture.
What have you been smoking, man?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez fumé, mec?
You haven't been smoking out, have you?
Je pars dans un mois. Tu fumes plus de hasch?
What we don't know is what you guys have been smoking.
Ce qu'on ne sait pas, c'est ce que vous avez fumé.
And if Ms Zeder would have been able to quit smoking, would you have kept her on the payroll?
Et si Melle Zeder avait été capable d'arrêter de fumer, vous l'auriez gardée comme employée?

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