In high school traducir francés
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Hey, you know that thing that happens to lesbians in high school?
Hé, tu sais, ce truc qui arrive aux lesbiennes, au secondaire?
I did yearbook in high school, so...
J'étais responsable de l'album, au secondaire.
Yeah, they used to call me beer can in high school.
Oui, on m'appelait la cannette de bière, à l'école secondaire.
He's the younger brother of a girl I dated in high school.
C'est le petit frère d'une fille avec qui je suis sorti au lycée.
Her parents died when she was in high school.
Ses parents sont morts quand elle était au lycée.
We met in high school. We grifted.
On s'est rencontré à l'école.
I was a lifeguard my junior year in high school.
J'ai été sauveteur en première année du lycée.
All I ever wanted in high school was for Troy Barnes yo notice me, and then I ended up living with you.
Tout ce que je voulais au lycée c'était que Troy Barnes me remarque, and voilà que je finis par vivre avec toi.
I had a chance to be your friend in high school, but I was too busy trying to be cool.
J'aurais pu être ton ami au lycée, mais j'étais trop occupé à essayer d'être cool.
Wow, is that Carrie in high school?
C'est Carrie au lycée?
He did mention that there was some guy bothering Vicky back in high school.
Il a parlé d'un gars qui embêtait Vicky au lycée.
- You were never on the outside in high school.
- Tu n'étais pas à l'écart au lycée.
Well, I am glad we did not meet in high school.
Je suis contente qu'on ne se soit pas rencontrés au lycée.
I have every photo I took in high school, I...
J'ai gardé chaque photo que j'ai prise au lycée, je...
Wow, this... reminds me of that memorial we had for Vicky Lannister in high school.
Ça... me rappelle le mémorial qu'on a fait pour Vicky Lannister au lycée.
I used mousse in high school.
J'utilisais de la mousse au collège.
If we fall off in high school, we'll never get back on, and then we'll grow into socially awkward weirdos who make their own organic juices and sell them at farmers'markets.
Si on en tombe au lycée, on ne remontera plus jamais, et on se transformera en tarées bizarres et asociales qui fabriquent leur propre jus bio et le vendent au marché.
Sam Hess. You remember Sam- - he used to beat you up in high school.
Tu te rappelles de Sam, il te tabassait au lycée.
You're in high school.
T'es au lycée.
She married a guy in high school, okay?
Elle a épousé un gars au lycée.
I'm not in high school.
I played a lot of sports in high school, but there was one thing I could never do... swim.
J'ai fait plein de sports au lycée, mais il y a une chose que je n'ai jamais pu faire...
You know, your old man was quite the grappler back in high school.
Tu sais, ton vieux père était un sacré lutteur au lycée.
Dad had a record in high school?
Papa avait un record au lycée?
I don't dominate in high school.
Je ne domine pas au lycée.
Believe it or not, I wasn't very popular in high school.
Crois-le ou non, je n'étais pas très populaire au lycée.
Because... you're not supposed to only hang out with your parents when you're in high school, Warren.
Parce que... tu n'est pas sensé sortir seulement avec tes parent quand tu es au lycée, Warren.
- Marcy, when we were in high school, you were really mean to me, and so I decided...
- Marcy, quand on était au collège, tu étais vraiment méchante avec moi, j'ai donc décidé...
I took Latin in high school.
J'ai étudié le latin.
I had a very good friend in high school who went away to college and she subsequently had an illegal abortion and died.
J'avais une très bonne amie au lycée qui est partie à la fac, a eu un avortement clandestin et en est morte.
I know he did a lot of terrible things, but he was a really sweet guy in high school.
Je sais qu'il a fait des choses terribles, Mais c'était quelqu'un de bien au lycée.
I know you guys dated in high school.
Je sais que vous vous fréquenté au lycée.
- Oh. Did you even have S.A.T.s when you were in High School or Asian kids?
Les examens d'entrée ou les asiatiques existaient à l'époque?
Back in High School, I was in the A.V. club.
À l'école, j'étais dans le club audiovisuel.
It means we're friends. I just have this weird guilt trip thing about being friends with you, because I was so awful to you in high school.
Quand il t'a recruté, il ne cherchait pas juste une voix comme une autre.
Sorry, please proceed with your story about banging my daughter in high school.
Désolé, continue ton histoire où tu baises ma fille en seconde.
- You know I ran track in high school.
- J'étais un coureur au secondaire.
She's in high school.
Elle est au lycée.
Tom and I are currently co-parenting a rabbit with a girl in high school.
Tom et moi élevons un lapin avec une lycéenne.
It was in high school - senior prank.
Pour une blague, en terminale.
Now, the only people that drink those are in high school or on cruise ships.
Les seules personnes qui boivent ça sont au lycée ou sur des bateaux de croisières.
I read that in high school too.
Je l'ai lu au secondaire aussi.
So, Bella, did you stay in touch with Tommy after high school?
Alors, Bella, tu es restée en contact avec Tommy après le lycée?
Were you in love with Hank, during high school?
Tu étais amoureuse de Hank, au lycée?
There was never a bomb in that high school, Cyrus.
Que ça n'a jamais été une bombe dans ce lycée, Cyrus.
And our high school is so tolerant and accepting, the outcasts are the in crowd.
Et notre lycée est un exemple d'acceptation et de tolérance, les marginaux sont acceptés.
Way to go, high school! Adult Adam : As much as Erica hated that my mom was always in her business, at that moment, she sort of wished
Même si Erica détestait que ma mère se mêle toujours de ses affaires, à ce moment précis, elle espérait un peu que Beverly vienne la sauver.
Adam Hetrick to break the story of the two girls from the same high school in Ohio who made it big in the same Broadway show.
♪ Je crois ♪ ♪ Au paradis ♪ ♪ Ensuite toutes les couleurs vont ♪
Beth Sanchez, I have been in love with you since high school.
Beth Sanchez, je t'aime depuis le lycée.
The time I went to do gymnastics in class is the sixth most humiliating moment of my high school years.
Quand j'ai du faire de la gymnastique en classe c'est le sixième moment le plus humiliant de mes années lycée.
Eiji and I are from a different school, so we don't know Shun. But Takahata-kun, Ichika-san, and Amaya-kun are going in the same high school so they must've known each other.
alors on ne connait pas Shun. Ichika-san et Amaya-kun donc ils doivent se connaitre. celui qui n'a pas d'alibi... c'est- -
in high 25
high school 173
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
school bell ringing 72
high school 173
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
school bell ringing 72
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in hindsight 63
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in hindsight 63
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49