Know your place traducir francés
925 traducción paralela
You don't know your place.
Tu ne connais pas ta place.
You never will know your place.
Tu ne la connaîtras jamais.
- You know your place.
Tu connais ta place.
- And learn to know your place.
- En apprenant à tenir sa place.
- You know who was killed in your place?
- Sais-tu qui a été tué á ta place?
You never know who's sitting on the bench waiting to take your place when you fall out of the game.
On ne sait jamais qui est sur le banc à attendre que l'on perde sa place.
if this place should happen to be robbed, tonight for instance, and the rest of the securities stolen, they would never know that your $ 30,000 wasn't taken with the rest, would they?
Si on cambriole cet endroit, mettons ce soir, et qu'on vole les registres, la disparition des 30 000 $ passerait inaperçue.
You have to be very close together, you know First you must do many turns. And in the second part, you must shake your hips.
D'abord on tourne presque au même endroit et en reste sur a même place ce qui il faut se rapprocher.
You know, Agnes, after 30 years of it - one-night stands and split weeks - that's about all you ever dream of, a place of your own.
Après 30 ans de voyages et de spectacles. C'était mon rêve. - Quelque chose à moi!
Oh, I know how you feel about McKay. I'd feel the same way in your spot, but you didn't kill him.
Vous êtes peiné pour McKay, je le serais à votre place.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was your place.
Je suis désolée, je ne savais pas que j'étais chez vous.
If I was in your place, I know what I would do.
Si j'étais à ta place, je sais ce que je ferais.
You know, I never could understand how a man with your brains ever got into a place like this.
J'ai jamais compris comment un homme aussi intelligent s'était retrouvé ici.
Now, Mommy, you know better than to come to a place like this... your first day out of bed.
Maman, tu n'aurais pas dû sortir à peine guérie.
Tommy, you know we have Sgt. Higginbotham to thank... for your being let out of the expedition.
Tommy, nous devons remercier le sergent Higginbotham de partir à ta place dans cette expédition.
I know you're not running this place for your health.
Vous ne faites pas ce boulot pour le plaisir.
- I know a place where you can get a table d'hôte dinner... with a choice of three vegetables and your fortune told for 35 cents.
Je sais où on peut manger un menu à la carte pour 35 sous... avec un choix de trois légumes et une diseuse de bonne aventure en sus.
No, Your Excellency. I have no illusions. I know the life I lived.
Je sais qu'après la vie que j'ai menée, ma place est ici.
I know you wanted to tell me about taking your place with the gang... but I'll make it easy for you.
Je sais que vous vouliez me dire de prendre votre place avec le gang, mais je vous facilite la tâche.
I know you haven't had the best of breaks since you got back, but... you ought to stick here and slug it out a while longer on your own home ground.
Je sais que ça n'a pas très bien marché pour toi depuis ton retour, mais à ta place, je resterais encore un peu et j'essaierais d'en mettre un coup.
- You know what I'd do in your place?
- Vous savez ce que je ferais? - Non.
It's nice to have a place of your own and know your children'll grow up there.
C'est bien d'avoir son propre foyer où ses enfants grandiront.
He's always telling me, " Cluny Brown, you don't know your place.
"Cluny Brown, tu ignores où est ta place."
Virginia, you know that that's no place to leave your doll.
Ne laisse pas ta poupée ici!
Look lady, I may not know about high society manners, but if I don't drop by your place, why do you drop by mine?
Je ne sais pas comment on dit ça chez vous mais je ne vais pas chez vous, alors ne venez pas chez moi.
I wouldn't care to scratch your surface... because I know that underneath I'd find, instead of a heart, a piccolo.
Je n'ai pas envie de gratter votre vernis, car je sais qu'en dessous, je trouverais un piccolo à la place de votre coeur.
You sit there on your bustle, the big boss, and think you know how to run this place.
Vous êtes assise sur votre faux cul et pensez savoir diriger cette prison.
You know that mica vein I've been working on my 60 acres near your place?
Tu connais ce filon de mica qui se trouve sur mes 60 acres près de ton terrain?
But even if I have earned your hatred you know why the wedding must take place.
Mais même si tu me hais, tu sais pourquoi tu dois m'épouser.
À ta place, je plaiderais coupable.
You have some sick offense within your mind, which, by the right and virtue of my place, I ought to know of.
C'est ton esprit qui souffre. Mon droit, ma qualité m'en vaudraient la raison.
I don't know what I'd do in your shoes, but I'm gonna get that name.
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais a votre place. Mais j'exige ce nom, moi!
Then everyone will know I was coming from your place.
Alors ceux qui savaient encore rien, pour nous deux, ben! ..
Wanna know something? Sleepy little old river town like this ain't no place for a man of your talents.
Un homme de votre talent ne devrait pas rester dans cette ville endormie.
Boy, you know what you could've done, Dad? You could've got a steel cable, run it from your apartment... right down here to the casino.
Moi à ta place... j'aurais fixé un câble... de chez moi au Casino.
I don't want to take your place. I want you to know that.
Je ne veux pas prendre votre place.
Who are you kidding? They all know you have no brain in your head. - You keep your job by being nice to me.
Elles savent déjà que vous devez votre place á mes faveurs.
I know how you feel, even if you think I don't. - I can put myself in your place.
Je comprends ce que tu ressens et je me mets à ta place.
I know how you are. I can put myself in your shoes.
Moi, je connais ta nature, et je me mets à ta place.
You better be getting back to your place and let them know that the Sinclairs are still in the business.
Retourne donc dans ton ranch pour leur annoncer que les Sinclair reprennent les affaires.
You know, if you don't keep your eye on things, people pinch the flower vases, and the grass grows all over the place.
Si on n'est pas vigilant, les gens piquent les vases, et l'herbe pousse de partout.
I know how you feel about involving a friend... and I appreciate your family's feelings about picking up stray girls... but you might consider my position too.
C'est gênant d'impliquer un ami et votre famille n'apprécierait pas, mais mettez-vous à ma place.
You know, Eli, in all the months I've been on this job, there hasn't been one week you haven't had three or four people skulking around your place.
Eli, depuis 4 mois que je fais ce boulot, il n'y a pas eu une semaine où vous n'avez pas vu - 3 ou 4 personnes rôder chez vous. - Écoutez...
I don't know why you got started in this nasty business... but I think your real place is in a home.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu as commencé dans ce métier, mais je pense que ta vraie place est dans un foyer.
I don't know. Go back into town, and return the car to your landlady.
Tu retournes en ville et tu remets la voiture de ta logeuse en place.
Votre problème, c'est que vous cherchiez l'ordre au mauvais endroit.
I am not in your shoes. But I know that...
- Je ne suis pas à votre place, mais je sais que moi...
Your Eminence must know that I revealed to Monsignor Benini the place where the carbonari heads in Romagna were meeting.
Son Éminence doit savoir que j'ai révélé Monseigneur Benini le lieu où allaient se réunir tous les Carbonari de la Romagna.
- You know who was killed in your place?
- Sais-tu qui a été tué à ta place?
Know then, Princess Elaine... that as you are by the grace of God... the only child of our noble king... therefore I now place upon your head... this ancient coronet of the house of Cornwall.
Princesse Elaine... je vous coiffe... de l'ancien diadème du royaume de Cornouailles.
I know one word and I can put the world in your hand.
Je sais un mot et peux avoir votre place dans le monde paume.
know your enemy 19
your place or mine 31
your place is here 21
your place 118
place 132
places 252
placed 18
place your bets 158
place of birth 22
know thyself 21
your place or mine 31
your place is here 21
your place 118
place 132
places 252
placed 18
place your bets 158
place of birth 22
know thyself 21
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
know this 99
know what that is 21
know what i mean 310
know what i'm sayin 29
know what 656
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
know this 99
know what that is 21
know what i mean 310
know what i'm sayin 29
know what 656
know what it is 22
know her 28
know basis 70
know him 81
know that 57
know what i think 31
know you 19
know about what 16
know her 28
know basis 70
know him 81
know that 57
know what i think 31
know you 19
know about what 16