Pull him in traducir francés
260 traducción paralela
There he is, boys. Pull him in.
Déviez pour qu'on s'approche de lui.
'You can pull him in for mine,'and that will square things all around.
Vous pourrez l'avoir... pour le mien. Et tout reviendra dans l'ordre.
Come in alone, we'll pull him in after!
Revenez en premier. On le tirera ensuite!
Yes, pull him in!
Pull him in, then?
I can't swim! Pull him in!
J'ai rien pour le tirer.
If he puts his hand in the water, that's when we'll pull him in!
You'll pull him in on a rope.
On le ramènera au bout d'une corde.
Pull him in. Persuade him to tell us what he knows.
Amène-le et persuade-le de nous dire tout ce qu'il sait.
"Will Graham made me write them " to pull him into a trap in Washington, District of Columbia.
" dictés par Will Graham afin de l'attirer dans un piège à Washington, district de Columbia.'
If ever I find this slimy snake in the grass, I propose to take him by his beastly neck, shake him till he froths and then pull him inside out and make him swallow himself.
L Si jamais trouver ce serpent visqueux dans l'herbe, l proposer de l'emmener par son bestial cou, secouer jusqu'à ce qu'il mousser puis tirez lui intérieur et lui faire avaler lui-même.
If Thad Beaumont shows up, you pull him in on suspicion... Murder one.
Si Thad Beaumont se montre, arrêtez-le pour suspicion de meurtre.
Pull him in!
Pull him in! We need him.
On a besoin de lui.
I'll have him pull the dirt in over him.
Je vais l'aider à refermer le cercueil.
Now drop him down to bottom. Then pull up about six inches, maybe... so he look fish straight in eye and say, " Look here.
Descends au plus profond, puis tire sur 15 cm pour qu'il voie bien le menu :
A boy may be warm in bed. He may pull the clothes right over his head. But that young man will softly creep his way to him
Un gamin, au chaud dans son lit, peut se cacher sous les couvertures, pourtant mon ami se glissera jusqu'à lui et l'éventrera!
Pull him in, can't ye?
Pull in. Do you want him to die?
Vous voulez qu'il meure?
But behind him is a great army of men and women, equally dedicated to fulfilling Uncle Sam's guarantee of delivery. Whether it involves sending junior's old sweater to summer camp or shipping a million dollars in currency to San Francisco.
Mais derrière lui, il y a toute une armée d'hommes et de femmes dévoués à remettre à l'Oncle Sam son courrier à temps, qu'il faille envoyer son pull au petit en camp de vacances, ou un million de dollars
I want to put him in the electric chair... where he belongs, and pull the switch myself.
Je veux le mettre sur la chaise électrique où il appartient, et la mettre en route moi-même.
Have him act as marshal till you pull out in the fall.
Il servira de shérif jusqu'à votre départ à l'automne.
I heard you beat up that poor little boy in the woods... and it took all three of the Fern sisters to pull you off him.
Vous avez battu le petit Daigle! Il a fallu l'arracher de vos mains!
If we hitched him to the buckboard... you put her in the back, and you drove, do you think he'd pull it?
Si on l'attachait au chariot,... tu Ia mettrais à l'arrière et tu conduirais,... tu crois qu'iI tirerait?
And pull them down with him in the lake.
Et il les entraine avec lui au fond du lac.
Pull up! Pull up and then reel him in!
Remontez la canne et tournez le moulinet.
OK, pull up. That's it. Now reel him in.
C'est ça, ramenez-le.
I'll pull Humbert in for questioning, confront him with those safebreakers. But I feel that's going to be a formality.
j'aurais Humbert et je le confondrai avec ses perceurs de coffre-fort juniors, mais ce sera juste une formalité.
At least this storm will allow him to pull up in front of the prison.
Je pense que oui. Au moins cet orage lui permettra de s'arrêter devant la prison.
I told him that if he wanted to stay on the job another 24 hours he had better pull in his horns and let Tony Draco go to work.
Je lui ai dit que s'iI voulait garder son emploi encore 24 heures, iI ferait mieux de mettre son ego de côté et de laisser faire Tony Draco.
I am asking you to give him a few short, tiny weeks out of your life, till I get the house in Memphis straight so he can't pull out.
Je te demande de lui accorder quelques semaines de ta vie. Jusqu'à ce que je m'organise, à Memphis.
And him, this man, was in a polo-shirt... or a sweater.
Quant à lui, il portait un... quelque chose comme un polo... ou bien un genre pull-over...
Pull thejob without him and write me... when you're back in stir so I'll know where you are.
Fait le boulot sans lui et écrit moi quand tu bougeras.
Deep enough so that someone could put a gun in his hand without waking him and then pull the trigger.
Assez profond pour lui mettre une arme dans la main sans le réveiller et appuyer sur la gâchette.
Pull him up. Come on, Quint, bring him in.
Allez, Quint, faut le remonter.
You know, if that guy keeps burning rubber, some brave soldier in a black and white is gonna pull him over before we reach that piggy bank. Right.
S'il continue à rouler à toute allure, une voiture de police va finir par l'arrêter avant qu'on n'atteigne la tirelire.
Hindley! - Pull in front of him.
Pull that in flight test, it's all over for him.
Ça dans un vol d'essai... et adieu Berthe!
Pull him in.
Il faut le ramener.
I saw him once go in there and pull out a guy's spine and show it to him.
Je l'ai vu arracher une colonne vertébrale et la montrer au mec.
I had to pull quite a few strings, use friends in high places to get him out.
J'ai dû utiliser mes relations, faire appel à des amis haut placés, pour le tirer de là.
His books are in a mess and we're trying to pull together an inventory and we were wondering if perhaps you bought something from him?
Ses registres étaient tellement mal tenus et nous essayons de dresser un inventaire. On se demandait si tu lui avais peut-être acheté quelque chose?
I had to go to the bathroom, and I begged him to pull in to a truck stop.
Je mourais d'envie d'aller aux toilettes. J'ai supplié qu'on s'arrête.
You want me to go back in that tunnel and pull him out by his hair? Just say it!
Tu veux que je le bute, dis-le-moi.
You know, it would bejust like him to leap me in here to... pull a- - [Beeps]
Ce serait bien Lui, ça, de m'envoyer ici pour me faire un- -
I got to get him in. I can't pull the teams watching Ferrie.
Je n'ai même pas de quoi protéger Ferrie.
Don't let him pull you in.
Il faut pas qu'il puisse te coincer.
You pull in someone like Spenser maybe scam him, maybe not.
Vous utilisez quelqu'un comme Spenser. Peut-être que vous l'entubez.
I can picture him now- - rugged good looks, sweater knotted about his shoulders... curly locks shining in the sun like spun gold!
Une beauté sauvage, un pull sur les épaules. Des boucles blondes brillant au soleil comme des cheveux d'or.
I said,''Maxon, come away.''I tried to pull him away from the door. He was completely in a trance. He pushed the door open again.
Il se cramponnait à la porte, dans un état second, et l'a ouverte à nouveau.
Sometimes a guy will give you a strong grip, late release and pull you in for the too-close conversation. To him I say, " That's three strikes.
Parfois, on vous les impose.
pull him up 48
pull him out 34
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