Throw them out traducir francés
367 traducción paralela
Today we throw them out and our demolition begins.
Nous allons déloger tout le coin et ainsi commencer immédiatement la démolition...
We'll give them a drink and throw them out.
On va leur donner un verre et les mettre dehors.
Smythe. Give them one drink, throw them out.
Smythe, donnez-leur un verre et jetez-les dehors.
I'll go down and throw them out.
Je vais les mettre dehors.
I don't care how you get them there, you can throw them out, carry them out or drag them out, but your orders are deliver the body, dead or alive.
Je me fiche de votre façon de faire. Vous pouvez les pousser, les transporter ou les tirer, mais les ordres sont de livrer chaque corps, mort ou vivant.
Don't sit there like a bump on a stump, go down and throw them out.
Ne reste pas là à ne rien faire. Descends et fais-les partir.
Say, look, show him how you throw them out in the aisle.
Montre-leur comment tu les balances hors du ring.
You want me to throw them out the window.
Et vous voudriez que je n'en tienne pas compte?
I may have to throw them out.
Je foutrai vos témoins à la porte!
He sent a big angle with fire to throw them out.
alors, II envoya un grand ange et du feu sur eux.
- Throw them out.
- Mettez-les dehors.
Throw them out! Throw them all out!
Jetez-les dehors!
- Yes sir. If I find the slightest lack of discipline I'll throw them out of their soft beds, And they will sleep in the mud again.
En cas de baisse de discipline je les renverrai aussitôt dormir dans la boue.
No one ask me nothing. I throw them out.
Sans qu'on me demande rien.
- Throw them out. - Oh, yes, sir.
- Fiche-les dehors.
They had to close the saloons to throw them out of office!
Ils sont si corrompus qu'il faut fermer les saloons pour les virer.
- I'll throw them out.
– Je les flanquerai à la porte.
I can't throw them out, they need me.
Je ne peux quand même pas les fiche à la porte. Ils ont besoin de moi.
- I told you to throw them out.
- Fichez-les dehors!
If they ask for his resignation, I'll throw them out of the window.
S'ils exigent sa démission, je les fous par la fenêtre.
If you throw them out of the window I'll throw you off the roof.
Si tu fais ça, moi, je te jette du toit.
Throw them out or find a spot for them.
Je ne sais pas. Jette-les ou pose-les n'importe où.
Bertrand, throw them out!
- Bertrand, chassez - les!
Throw them out!
Jetez-les dehors!
I'll take this packed house, the whole three of them, throw them out, lock the door, and ( WHISTLES ) we're off for Las Vegas.
J'irai à la clientèle, ils seront trois, je les jette dehors, je ferme la porte, et... en route pour Las Vegas.
Sergeant, see that they do, and if they don't, throw them out!
Sergent, qu'ils obéissent ou qu'ils sortent!
If you won't throw them out I will.
Si vous ne les renvoyez pas, je m'en charge.
And that's how come the ángel with the flaming sword had to throw them out of Eden.
Voilà pourquoi l'ange à l'épée enflammée a dû les bannir d'Éden.
Her poems, like open dust-bins stir contents and throw them out just to see them.
Ses poèmes sont des poubelles ouvertes qui dégorgent leurs ordures pour offenser nos yeux et nos narines.
If you don't want them, throw them out the window.
Si t'en veux pas, jette-les par la fenêtre.
Of course, you can't just throw them out there in orbit, where they could cause accidents, so we're grinding the tubes into fertilizer to convert them into the succotash.
On ne peut pas les envoyer en orbite, cela provoquerait des accidents. Alors on les broie et on les mélange à de l'engrais pour obtenir du hachis.
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Il en a fallu 6 pour me jeter dehors, compris?
Throw them wild, you'll wear your arms out.
Arrête de lancer les bras.
Throw him out. We need to keep this thing smart. Tell these monkeys if they sit on their hands, I'll chop them off.
Dis-leur d'applaudir ou ils se retrouveront manchots.
- Shall I tell them to throw him out? - No, I'll see him.
- On le met à la porte?
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Jetez des seaux d'essence sur le pont avant et allumez.
If I don't watch them, they'd throw the medicine out.
Si je les surveille pas, ils jettent les médicaments.
I don't want you to throw out the extra cans of gas as you use them.
Ne jetez pas les bidons d'essence que vous utilisez.
Save the cans and throw them all out at one time.
Gardez les bidons et jetez-les tous en même temps.
Get your things out of this house before I throw them into the street.
Avant que je ne te jette dehors avec tes affaires.
There's probably a dusty little man that rakes the centavos out every morning and blesses the credulous fools that throw them in.
Un type doit ramasser les centavos chaque matin en bénissant les naïfs qui les jettent.
You just say the word and I'll throw them all out.
- Parlez et je les flanque dehors.
You're not gonna throw me out like you did the rest of them!
Vous ne m'abandonnerez pas comme les autres!
Get your things out before I throw them and you with them.
Prenez vos affaires et disparaissez.
Gonna let my eyebrows grow out and throw them back!
- On m'a scalpé! Je porterai les sourcils longs!
You've got to get out of the car and throw stones at them.
Il faut leur jeter des pierres.
If I were you, I'd throw them all out, myself included.
Jetez-les donc tous dehors, moi compris.
I've a good mind to push it all in the river and let them throw me out again.
Autant tout jeter, qu'ils me renvoient une fois de plus.
I'll throw them out.
Je vais les expulser.
If I take this to them, they won't throw me out.
Oui, si je leur remets ils ne me mettront pas à la porte.
They keep you waiting, throw the whole routine out of gear, and then they expect you to be ready for them the moment they arrive.
Ils vous font attendre, ils perturbent le planning, et vous devriez être prêt dès qu'ils arrivent. ( À un assistant ) Bien, relâchez-le.
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outside 883
outer 19
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out of order 40
out of my mind 17
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out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
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out of nowhere 149
out of my sight 38
out of order 40
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out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
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out of town 49
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out of nowhere 149
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outside of work 17
out like a light 17
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out of my house 22
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out of time 18
out of the way 896