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We had an understanding traducir francés

145 traducción paralela
We've been friends for years, and I think it's time we had an understanding about this.
Nous sommes amis depuis longtemps. Nous devons nous expliquer.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on avait un arrangement.
We had an understanding
Nous avions un accord.
I told him we had an understanding about my duties. It would be away, And it would be inconvenient for me to change.
Je lui ai dit que ce changement nuirait à mes obligations.
Why would I have called the paper if we had an understanding?
Alors pourquoi l'aurais-je raconté?
We had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on s'était compris sur ce point.
I thought we had an understanding, Coley.
On s'était mis d'accord, non?
I came this far because we had an understanding, didn't we?
Je suis venu jusqu'ici car nous avions un accord... n'est-ce pas?
Oh, oh, sure! We had an understanding.
On avait un arrangement.
Well, we had an understanding, all right.
Nous avions un accord, certainement.
We had an understanding.
Un accord!
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on s'était mis d'accord.
We had an understanding.
Nous avions un accord.
I thought we had an understanding, you know?
Je croyais que le courant passait entre nous.
I thought we had an understanding, you know?
Je croyais qu'on se comprenait.
Well, not in so many words but I believe we had an understanding.
Tu l'as pas vraiment dit, on avait un accord oculaire.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais que nous étions d'accord.
We had an understanding.
On s'était mis d'accord.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais que nous avions un accord.
We had an understanding, Mr. Lindstrom no commercial sales to anyone else while we were negotiating.
Nous étions d'accord, M. Lindstrom... pas de vente pendant les négociations.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je pensais qu'on était d'accord.
We had an understanding and you broke it.
Nous avions un accord et tu ne l'as pas respecté.
Mr. Holsten, I thought we had an understanding.
M. Holsten, je croyais qu'on avait un accord.
I thought we had an understanding- - you don't do any work, and in return, you don't cash your paychecks.
Je pensais qu'on s'était compris... tu ne fais aucun travail, et en retour, tu n'encaisses pas tes chèques.
I thought we had an understanding.
Et notre accord?
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on avait un accord.
We had an understanding.
On était d'accord.
We had an understanding with regard to tonight and interruptions, Charlie. I thought we were men.
N'avions-nous pas passé un accord concernant les interruptions?
So we had an understanding.
On avait un arrangement.
I know we had an understanding.
Je sais qu'on avait un accord.
And I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on avait un accord.
We had an understanding.
Nous étions d'accord.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on s'était compris.
I thought we had an understanding. I thought this was what we both wanted.
Je pensais qu'on s'était compris, je croyais que c'était ce que l'on voulait tous les deux.
Look, Whitney, I know we've had our differences in the past but before you left, I thought we had an understanding.
On a pas toujours été les meilleurs amis... mais avant que tu partes, on était parvenus à s'entendre.
That we had an understanding we'd see each other again... and that we would give each other pleasure and go on.
Qu'on avait une entente, qu'on se reverrait, qu'on pourrait se donner du plaisir.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on avait passé un contrat.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je pense que nous ne nous sommes pas bien compris.
I thought we had an understanding and a couple days later I found out I was wrong.
Je croyais qu'on s'était compris mais quelques jours plus tard, j'ai découvert que j'avais tort.
- Don't call anyone. - I thought, I thought we had an understanding
- Je croyais qu'on était d'accord.
Wait a minute. I thought we had an understanding, gal?
Attends, on a parlé de tout et on s'est pas mis d'accord?
I can't believe you told her we had an understanding.
Je ne peux pas croire que tu lui aies dit que nous avons eu une explication.
Thought we had an understanding.
Je croyais qu'on s'était compris.
I thought we had an understanding.
Je pensais qu'on avait un accord.
- We had an understanding.
- Nous avions passé un accord.
We had an understanding.
- Nous avions passé un accord.
We may come nearer to understanding the truth, if we remember that the fall of Rome, like her rise, had not one cause, but many. And it was not an event, but a process spread over 300 years.
Afin de mieux cerner ce qui s'est vraiment passé, rappelons-nous que la chute de Rome, comme son essor, eurent de multiples facteurs, et fut le résultat d'un long processus étalé sur quelques 300 ans.
- We had an understanding!
Tu comprends rien!
I'd assumed we had... an understanding with respect to the X-Files.
Il s'agit d'une affaire non-classée.
I knew that we had an understanding.
C'est pas que je l'aimais On s'était mis d'accord.
We had an understanding.
On a un deal.

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