We had him traducir francés
2,463 traducción paralela
If we had him, which we don't.
- Ce qu'il n'est pas.
Course we thought we had him before, but he's a slippery devil.
Ça compte. On pensait l'avoir coincé, mais c'est un sacré lascar.
We had him assessed, and he... He's not performing at grade level.
Il a eu une évaluation... et son niveau scolaire est faible.
Look, I promised that we'd be in complete control of neal while we had him out.
On doit garder Neal à l'œil tant qu'il est dehors.
We had him perform anyway, so we could steal the ticket money.
On l'a laissé se produire, afin que nous puissions voler l'argent des billet vendus.
We found him yesterday. He had both your numbers in his cell.
Il avait vos numéros, à tous les deux.
love was being complicated thats why we had a break up then you missed him then you become friends abhay thinks he is a atm machine
l'amour était compliqué thats pourquoi nous avions une fracture en haut alors vous l'avez manqué alors vous devenez des amis l'abhay pense qu'il est une machine de l'atm
We also had testimony from the valet who actually saw him pull in the back alley.
On avait aussi le témoignage du voiturier qui l'avait vu reculer dans la ruelle.
What about the ankh he had when we arrested him? Heading to the lab to process it.
Et pour l'ankh que Vance avait?
And we had him, too.
Et on l'avait aussi.
Before I've... Uh, we've even had a chance to come to know him?
Avant même que j'ai... que nous ayons eu l'occasion de le connaître?
We brought him in the office, Took down his pants for an exam, And he had testicles the size of christmas hams.
On l'a amené au bureau et baissé son pantalon pour examen, il avait les testicules de la taille d'un jambon.
You said you'd go out with him on Valentine's? I thought we had plans.
Je croyais qu'on avait des projets.
Why didn't we I.D. him earlier, if he had a record?
Pourquoi n'a-t-on pas pu l'identifier plus tôt?
He thought it would seem weird that the sofa had one pillow, and somehow we'd be on to him.
Il a cru que si le canapé n'avait qu'un seul coussin, ça nous conduirait à lui.
You should've seen him when we had dinner with Paul McCartney's ex-wife.
Comme quand on a mangé avec l'ex-femme de Paul McCartney.
The mobile number we had for him was dead.
Son numéro de portable n'existait plus.
You know, if we had a cooler house, maybe he and his friends would hang out here more. And that's not a bad thing,'cause we could keep our eye on him.
on pourrait le surveiller.
His guys had dumped Ike's body so that we could never find him.
On n'a jamais retrouvé le corps d'Ike.
We had to fake his death a while back in order to remove him from the public eye, and he's been... difficult ever since.
On a dû simuler sa mort pour qu'il se fasse oublier, et depuis, il a été difficile à gérer.
We profiled that the unsub may have had his daughter taken away from him.
We profiled that the unsub may have had his daughter taken away from him.
With him we had no chance.
Il nous empêchait de fuir!
We found a letter that Miss Kosokov had written to him.
On a trouvé une lettre que Mlle Kosokov lui avait écrite.
{ * Yes, } We { * did have } had to ground him for the language in the novel {, of course }.
Il a bien sûr fallu le punir pour son langage.
Uh, well, when we convicted Rick, I told him that I knew that he had killed that FBI informant and that I was going to dedicate my life to proving it.
En inculpant Rick, je lui ai dit que je savais qu'il avait tué l'indic du FBI, et que j'allais consacrer ma vie à le prouver.
I'm sorry, sir, but we have him on film, and he had I.D. on him when he was killed.
Désolée, il a été filmé, et il avait ses papiers sur lui.
I had to bike him a package urgently a few months ago and he gave me a different address to the one we had on file.
J'ai dû lui envoyer un colis urgent il y a quelques mois et il m'a donné une adresse différente de celle de son dossier.
When we found him, he had drugs and alcohol in his system.
Quand on l'a trouvé, il avait de la drogue et de l'alcool dans son système.
can make someone feel as bad as lying, so I told him the truth last night and we had a big fight.
Du coup, je lui ai dit la vérité et on s'est disputés.
All of what we suffered... Was worth what little time we had together, and I would bear any cost to be reunited with him, even for a moment.
Toute notre souffrance valait le peu de temps passé ensemble, et je paierai n'importe quel prix pour être réunie avec lui, même pour un instant.
We had to kill him or he'd tell people we tried to kill him.
On devait le tuer avant qu'il révèle qu'on a tenté de le tuer.
And the witness that we had from the church bombing failed to identify him.
Et les témoins du bombardement de l'église ne l'ont pas identifié.
Then one day, my mama told me we had to sell him.
Un jour, maman m'a dit qu'on devait le vendre.
We had to rush him to the emergency room.
On a dû l'emmener aux urgences.
Yep. We had a misunderstanding so I brought him coffee, we had lunch, totally hit it off.
- On était parti du mauvais pied alors je lui ai acheté un café, on a déjeuné ensemble.
Have we not a had a good six months without him?
On était pas bien sans lui?
You know, when I was a kid, we had a dog, and when he died we never once considered turning him into a jacket.
Quand j'étais enfant, on avait un chien, et quand il est mort on n'a jamais eu l'idée de le transformer en veste.
We airlifted him to Landstuhl, had a femoral prosthetic inserted.
Une prothèse fémorale a sauvé son membre.
We've already lost so much, I just haven't had the heart to tell him.
On a déjà tant perdu. Je n'ai pas osé le lui dire.
We had to cut him loose after that.
- On a pas insisté.
By the time we got to him, he had split. We figured he had already crossed the border.
Il s'était tiré, on s'est dit qu'il avait passé la frontière.
Which is why we had to release him.
- C'est pour ça qu'on l'a libéré.
He's getting a taste Of the kind of action that you and I get into, If we hadn't had to let him go
Il a un aperçu de la vie qu'on mène, si on avait pas eu à le laisser partir.
Ed kept hanging around and we had to get rid of him in case he told on us.
Ed arrêtait pas de traîner avec nous et on a dû s'en débarrasser au cas où il nous dénoncerait.
Unfortunately, Donnelly killed him before we had a chance to get enough information.
Donnelly l'a tué avant qu'on ait pu obtenir une information.
We've duplicated his wardrobe and every item he had on him.
On a dupliqué sa garde-robe et tout ce qu'il avait sur lui.
We had no confirmation from witnesses that it was anything but that until an anonymous call said a punch put him on the ground.
Aucun témoin n'a voulu évoquer autre chose avant l'appel anonyme parlant d'un coup qui l'a fait tomber.
Lucas? We needed a stunt mannequin down at the job, so I had one made that look just like him.
On avait besoin d'un mannequin pour le boulot, alors j'en ai fait un qui lui ressemble.
Roommates with Phil Reiser, who had what in his boat when we found him dead?
En colocation avec Phil Reiser, qui avait quoi, sur son bateau?
We had to put him under a warmer for a day until he got better.
On a dû le mettre en couveuse pendant un jour.
But, Lou, he had a heart attack, and we're busting him out because we've got this cook-off coming up... shit.
Lou a fait une crise cardiaque. On l'extrait car on a un pique-nique... Merde.
we had a 51
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20