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What were we thinking traducir francés

203 traducción paralela
What were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qui nous a pris?
What were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'on croyait?
What were we thinking?
A quoi on avait la tête?
Christ, what were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'on s'imaginait?
- What were we thinking?
- Ca nous dépassait.
I know, I know. What were we thinking?
Je sais pas ce qui nous a pris.
Trying to be a restaurant, what were we thinking?
Dire qu'on a essayé de monter un restau.
They offered to help. What were we thinking?
Nina voulait nous aider, pourquoi j'ai dit non?
What were we thinking?
A quoi pensions-nous?
What were we thinking, Peyton?
A quoi pensait-on, Peyton?
What were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qui leur a pris?
What were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qu'on allait pas imaginer?
Was that what you were thinking of all afternoon when we were being so very reasonable?
C'est à ça que tu pensais cet après-midi - quand tu faisais le raisonnable?
- What were you thinking? - That we could live together?
Tu croyais qu'on allait habiter ensemble?
What were you thinking when we walked together in the street, last night?
Qu'est-ce que tu pensais quand on marchait ensemble dans la rue, hier soir?
I mean, if you were thinking of discussing with the vicar what we've been discussing,
N'allez pas raconter au curé ce dont nous avons parlé. Croyez-moi.
What were you thinking about while we were doing it?
A quoi tu pensais pendant?
Have you been thinking about what we were talking about?
Tu as réfléchi à propos de ce dont on a parlé?
So that is what has really led, I think... to this very strong, deep reaction against science that we're seeing now... just as the Nazi demons that were released in the'30s in Germany... were probably a reaction against a certain oppressive kind of knowledge... and culture and rational thinking.
D'où ce rejet de la science qu'on observe actuellement. La montée du nazisme dans les années 30 était aussi une réaction contre la tyrannie de la culture et de la raison.
Anyway, we were thinking, wouldn't it be nice if he took the kid here to keep him company, and show them jerks up there what kind of material he runs with.
J'ai oublié leur nom. De toute façon, certains ont pensé que ce serait bien qu'il emmène cette gosse pour lui tenir compagnie et peut-être montrer à ces cons là-bas le genre qu'il a ici, hein?
- That's what we were thinking.
- C'est ce que nous croyons.
Miriam and Beulah, I could see what they were thinking when we came out.
Miriam et Beulah... je sais bien ce qu'elles pensaient en sortant.
I don't know what we were thinking about.
Je ne sais pas à quoi on pensait.
You're my daughter. I was thinking about what we talked about the other night when you were so mad.
J'ai réfléchi à propos du soir où tu étais si en colère.
We would, in a free thinking society be asking hard questions about why he was killed and what forces were opposed to him.
Dans une société libre, nous exigerions de savoir la vérité, et quelles forces ont joué.
You know, we were thinking, what could be a bigger threat than aliens invading from space?
Qu'est-ce qui ferait plus peur qu'une invasion extra-terrestre? Ouh!
I've been thinking about what we were talking about and I'd like to be a witness.
J'ai repensé à ce qu'on s'est dit, et j'aimerais témoigner.
What were you thinking when we all thought that that plane was gonna crash?
A quoi pensais-tu quand on a cru que l'avion allait s'écraser?
What the hell were we thinking?
On a perdu les pédales.
We were thinking about what you said.
Nous pensions à ce que tu viens de dire.
Just what we were thinking
Vous y avez pensé en même temps.
That's what we were thinking. OK.
C'était bien ce qu'on pensait.
- That's what we were thinking.u
C'est à ça que vous pensiez?
So, what I was thinking is if we were to combine our resources, we would reduce our expenses.
Alors, je me disais que qu'en combinant nos ressources nous réduirions les frais.
I was thinking we should try to remember what it was like when we were kids.
Souvenons-nous comment on était à son âge.
I was thinking about what we were talking about last time you were here.
Je pensais à notre dernière conversation.
That's what we were thinking.
C'est aussi ce que nous pensons.
Really crazy. - What the hell were we thinking?
Qu'est-ce qui nous a pris?
You know what I kept thinking when we were looking at that house?
Tu sais ce que je me disais pendant qu'on visitait cette maison?
What were you thinking about when we were making love, Jerry? - Cabana Boys?
Tu pensais à des garçons de plage quand on était au lit?
What were you thinking before we came over?
A quoi tu pensais avant qu'on s'approche de toi?
- Yes. But what's impossible is thinking that somehow, some way the Beast found where we were hiding spiked the drinks we made ourselves snuck through this unreasonably large apartment on the tippy-toes of his cloven feet, right up to the vault and killed poor Manny, unseen and unheard.
Mais ce qui est impossible c'est de penser que d'une façon ou d'une autre, la Bête a découvert où nous étions cachés, a drogué les boissons que nous nous étions préparés, a traversé sur la pointe de ses gros pieds fendus cet appartement aux dimensions démesurées
What were we thinking?
J'essaie de l'oublier!
Hey, what if we were thinking about this whole thing a little too globally?
Et si on étudiait cette affaire à trop grande échelle?
We were thinking about what to name our baby.
Nous réfléchissions à un nom pour notre bébé.
That's okay. I understand. I was kind of tuckered out myself. Look, here's what I'm thinking. Last night, we were very old people.
Oui, j'ai fini le boulot au bar, et j'étais épuisée, et... sans énergie pour les courtiers en bourse.
What were you thinking? That we'd just stay at my mom's?
Tu t'es dit qu'on irait chez ma mère?
None of us wanted to say what we were thinking :
Aucun de nous ne voulait dire ce que nous pensions :
But what I got instead is some half-assed "I wish we were doing better" platitude... that's meant to fool maybe a six-year-old girl into thinking you're doing your job.
Et vous qui dites des conneries du style : "Dommage qu'on s'en sorte pas mieux", censées convaincre une fillette de six ans que vous faites votre boulot.
When we started, the Pathway was just a game... that had this strange ability of knowing what we were thinking.
Quand on a commencé, le Chemin n'était qu'un jeu qui avait l'étrange pouvoir de lire dans les pensées.
What if he set us up to go in like cowboys, thinking we were taking out a reactor before Zaysan could re-core it only, it's already been re-cored.
S'il s'était arrangé pour nous persuader de la nécessité d'anéantir le réacteur avant que Zaysan ne le réarme, alors qu'il était déjà réarmé?

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