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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / What were you saying

What were you saying traducir francés

1,141 traducción paralela
What were you saying?
Que disais-tu?
What were you saying about Jason?
Alors? Jason?
What were you saying, my dear?
- Que disais-tu, ma chère?
Leo, what were you saying?
Qu'est-ce que tu disais?
What were you saying?
Que disiez-vous?
Go on. What were you saying?
Qu'est-ce que tu dis?
What were you saying about...
Que disiez-vous à propos de...
What were you saying?
Vous disiez?
What were you saying about that film?
Que disais-tu sur ce film?
Let's move on... what were you saying?
Qu'est-ce que vous disiez?
What were you saying? What did you want to say?
Que voulais-tu dire?
- What were you saying? - Me?
- Que voulez-vous dire?
What were you saying?
Que dis-tu?
I'm so sorry. What were you saying?
- Que disiez-vous?
What were you saying?
J'esquinte rien. Qu'est-ce que je t'ai esquinté?
Sorry, what were you saying?
Excusez-moi. Vous disiez?
- What were you saying, Doo?
- Qu'est-ce que tu disais, Doo?
He deserves it. By the way, Pepi. What were you saying the other day,
Au sujet de ce que tu m'as dit, Pepi...
What were you saying about trees?
Que disiez-vous sur les arbres?
What were you saying?
Qu'est-ce que tu disais?
Norm, what were you saying about that do-nothing Congress in DC?
Que disais-tu la semaine dernière sur les incapables du Congrès?
What were you saying, Arnie?
Qu'est-ce que tu disais, Arnie?
I was interested in what you were saying.
Ce que vous disiez m'intéressait.
What was it you were saying, Charlie?
Qu'est-ce que tu proposais, l'autre jour?
- What you were saying?
- Ce que vous disiez.
What were you saying about those bandits?
Que disiez-vous au sujet de ces bandits?
Well, you know what you were saying about me this morning.
Tu te souviens de ce que tu m'as dit ce matin?
What were you saying about Billy?
Que disais-tu au sujet de Billy?
What were you saying?
Tu disais?
What were you just saying?
Qu'est-ce que tu disais?
- About what? What you were saying... about how sexual intercourse happens on the spur of the moment.
ce que tu disais à propos des relations sexuelles qui arrivent sur le moment.
You know what they were saying?
C'est un message signifiant :
For what you were saying just now.
Vous disiez juste.
It's what you were saying.
C'est bien ce que vous disiez.
I guess I did hear the tail end of what you were saying.
J'ai entendu la fin de votre phrase.
What were you saying, sir?
- Vous disiez?
What happened the other night, that was pretty far out... and you were saying some things about it.
L'autre nuit, c'est allé un peu loin. - Vous avez dit des choses.
You've got me so interested in what you were saying I almost forgot why I came over.
Vous êtes tellement passionnant que j'allais oublier.
Excuse me, but what you were saying about Perugino... Don't you think your analysis was a bit too severe?
Excusez-moi, à propos du Pérugin, votre analyse n'était-elle pas un peu dure?
Couldn't you hear what they were saying?
Et vous n'avez rien entendu de leur conversation?
What was that you were saying about the bomb?
Désolé. Que disiez-vous à propos de la bombe?
What you were saying... I talk about that kind of thing with my wife. She reads a lot.
Ce que vous disiez, j'en parle souvent avec ma femme.
- They told me they were done! What are you saying?
Ils ont dit qu'ils avaient fini!
Go on about what you were saying.
Allez-y, M. Moore, poursuivez.
I heard what you were saying.
Je vous ai entendu.
What were you saying?
What were you saying just now?
Que dites-vous?
So, what were you saying about expression? Graffiti is a condemnation of architecture.
Les graffitis sont un rejet de l'architecture.
If what you're saying is true, Captain then there were many other people in Cambridge who were greatly deceived....... which doesn't reflect well on the Italian people.
Si vous dites vrai, Capitaine, moi et bien d'autres à Cambridge avons été dupés. Ce qui n'est pas à l'honneur des Italiens.
What was that you were saying?
Que disiez-vous, donc?
Look, but, w-w-w-what were they saying earlier about... about you girls?
Ce qu'ils disaient plus tôt sur vous, les filles.

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