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What were you traducir francés

23,490 traducción paralela
What were you thinking?
Tu pensais à quoi?
What were you treating him like when you let him have half a dozen guns?
Comment le traitais-tu alors quand tu le laissais avoir des armes?
Yes, Mahavir Singh-ji, what were you saying?
M. Singh, où en étions-nous?
So, what were you and Frank talking about, huh?
De quoi parliez-vous avec Frank?
So, um... what were you doing up at the house?
Alors... qu'est-ce que tu venais faire chez elle?
Then what were you doing there?
Qu'y faisiez-vous?
What were you two talking about?
De quoi vous parliez?
What were you doing that your naked penis was exposed to bumblebees?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais pour que ton pénis soit exposé à des bourdons?
What were you experiencing?
Que viviez-vous?
What if we can prove that you were right?
Et si on pouvait le prouver?
What if we can prove that you were right?
Et si on prouvait que vous aviez raison?
What if we can prove that you were right?
Et si je pouvais prouver que vous aviez raison?
What you think they'd do if they knew we were letting just one person out?
Ils vont faire quoi quand ils sauront qu'on ne laisse sortir qu'une personne?
Wow. So, what were you saying?
Donc, que disais-tu?
You knew exactly what you were doing.
Tu savais exactement ce que tu faisais.
( What the hell did you think you were doing, - He's a breath of fresh air.
À quoi pouvais-tu bien penser en emmenant ce vieux pervers immonde dans notre maison?
Fine. You want to know what we were talking about?
Tu veux savoir de quoi on parle?
You were on what?
Vous étiez sur quoi?
No matter what it was that we were doing, she would always bring it back to you.
Quoi qu'on fasse, elle ramenait toujours tout à toi.
Is that what you were hoping?
C'est ce que tu espères?
Speaking of, did you have a pet when you were little, and if so, what was its birthday?
En parlant de ça, avais-tu un animal quand tu étais enfant, et quel était son anniversaire?
What the hell were you thinking?
Qu'est-ce que vous pensiez?
What if all that tonight was just a smoke screen to stop you from seeing what they were really doing?
Et si tout ce que ce soir était tout simplement un écran de fumée pour vous empêcher de voir ce qu'ils faisaient vraiment?
What if I told you that the Patriots'fans were black, the Giants'fans white?
Si je vous disais que les supporters des Patriots étaient noirs et ceux des Giants blancs?
I did what you were too much of a child to do.
J'ai fait ce que tu n'as pas pu faire.
Whenever something big happened in my life, I would always imagine what it'd be like if you guys were there.
A chaque fois que quelque chose d'important se passait dans ma vie, j'imaginais ce que cela aurait été si vous aviez été là.
When you were handed command of a tumen based on the merit of nothing... you were aware of what happens to deserters, yes?
Quand vous avez reçu le commandement d'un tumen, sans l'avoir mérité, vous saviez ce qui arrivait aux déserteurs, n'est-ce pas?
She thought you were seeing someone else, and she didn't know what to do.
Elle pensait que tu voyais quelqu'un d'autre, et elle ne savait pas quoi faire.
You know - whoever burnt that flat out knew exactly what they were doing as regards destroying evidence.
Quiconque a brulé cet appartement savait exactement ce qu'il faisait en ce qui concerne la destruction des preuves.
How the hell did a book dealer from Leipzig know what you were?
Comment est-ce qu'un marchand de livres de Leipzig peut savoir que tu es Grimm?
I mean, yes, you were just doing what you thought was right.
Je veux dire, oui, vous venez de faire ce que vous pensiez droite.
Quentin, by the time you were ten years old, buddy, I couldn't sit through one more card trick, but if that's what makes the world bearable to you, then you go off and do card tricks.
Quentin, quand tu avais dix ans, je ne supportais plus tes tours de magie, mais si c'est ce qui rend le monde supportable pour toi, alors vas-y, et fais des tours de cartes.
Alice, I don't know what you think Julia and I were, but the truth is that we weren't anything.
Je ne sais pas ce que tu crois à propos de Julia et moi mais on n'a jamais rien été.
If it were to become so, what returns would you expect?
Si ça devait se faire ainsi, quels rendements espérerais-tu?
And if we were to appoint you to the position... what would your first priority be?
Si nous vous nommions pour ce poste... quelle serait votre première priorité?
In fact, you probably didn't even know what it was you were transporting.
En fait, vous ne savez probablement même pas ce qu'il était que vous transportiez.
What would Morra think if he learned you were going on a murder spree while he was running for president?
Qu'est-ce que Morra penseraient s'il avait appris que vous étiez aller sur une folie meurtier pendant qu'il se présentait comme président?
Were you trying to get the kidney back before someone found out what you'd done?
Été vous essayer d'obtenir le rein en arrière avant quelqu'un trouvez ce que vous aviez fait?
That's what you were worried about?
C'est de ça que tu te soucies?
So what exactly were you doing when you hurt your neck?
Que faisiez-vous exactement quand vous vous êtes fait mal au cou?
Do you remember what you were taking them for?
Tu te souviens pourquoi tu les prenais?
Tell me about the pain. What were those sources of pain, and how did you harness them?
Parlez-moi des sources de la douleur, comment les avez-vous maîtrisées?
And this is what you were made for.
C'était en vous.
Coming to "Date With Destiny," what was it that you were seeking or looking to explore about yourself or about life that brought you here?
En venant à ce séminaire... ÉTUDE DE MARCHÉ - ENTRETIENS... que cherchiez-vous à explorer au sujet de vous-même et de la vie, qu'est-ce qui vous a amené ici?
And beyond what I thought you were intellectually capable of!
Et bien au-delà de tes capacités intellectuelles!
What if you did it while you were woged?
Et si tu le faisais en tant que noir?
And what date were you abducted?
Et quand avez-vous été enlevé?
What about where you were held?
Où étiez-vous retenue?
I know you were only little, but what do you think?
Je sais que tu étais petite, mais tu en penses quoi?
What exactly were you doing?
À quoi tu joues?
About what really happened the day you were taken?
Sur ce qu'il s'est vraiment passé le jour de votre enlèvement?

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