Whoever did this traducir francés
1,008 traducción paralela
You see, whoever did this, he had to wear a ring.
Celui qui a fait ça portait une bague.
Whoever did this was very good at it.
Celui qui a fait ça est un as.
The only thing I know, whoever did this, he had a brain.
En tous cas, le meurtrier en avait là-dedans.
Whoever did this was really some kind of psycho.
Celui qui a fait ça est vraiment dérangé.
Whoever did this, Starsky, was sick.
Celui qui a fait ça est un vrai malade.
Whoever did this must be working in the Legation.
Celui qui a fait ça... doit travailler ici.
Whoever did this knew the combination.
L'assassin connaissait la combinaison.
Whoever did this was sick in the head.
Celui qui a fait ça est un cinglé.
If you can tell me everything that happened, I'm gonna find whoever did this.
Dites-moi tout ce qui s'est passé et je retrouverai ce criminel.
Whoever did this to Bobby could easily do it to you.
Celui qui a fait ça à Bobby pourrait vous faire la même chose.
Whoever did this shit knew what they were doing.
Ils savaient ce qu'ils faisaient.
Whoever did this wanted the cops to figure it.
Celui-ci, ils voulaient que les flics le décryptent.
As far as I am concerned, whoever did this is a criminal.
celui qui a fait ça est un criminel
Whoever did this should be plucked out of our school... like a burgeoning cancerous growth deep inside the colon. I couldn't agree with you more, sir.
{ \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } Qui devrait être mis à la porte de cette école... { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } comme une cellule cancéreuse qui ronge de l'intérieur monsieur.
I'm Sure Whoever Did This Broke In, Got What He Wanted, And...
Je suis sûre que celui qui a fait ça a pris ce qu'il voulait et...
Besides, I'm Sure Whoever Did This Is No Longer In The Apartment.
Celui qui a fait ça n'est plus dans l'appartement, à présent.
Yes, mutilated with a knife Whoever did this must be barking mad.
C'est une boucherie. Il faut être taré pour faire ça.
So whoever did this was anxious to cover his tracks.
L'auteur de cette farce a voulu couvrir les pistes.
I mean, if whoever did this is still out there, it could happen again.
Si celui qui a fait ça n'est pas pris, il pourrait recommencer.
Whoever did this...
Quiconque ait pu faire ça...
Whoever did this waited until the last minute, and then took out four men armed with machine guns by hand! And then got by us.
Celui qu'a fait ça a attendu la dernière minute, a tué à mains nues quatre hommes armés de mitrailleuses et s'est fait la belle ni vu ni connu.
- Whoever did this is in very deep trouble.
- Celui qui a fait ça aura des ennuis.
Whoever did this knew how to cripple the caterpillar in a way not easy to find.
Celui qui a fait ça savait comment mettre la chenille en panne de façon à être difficilement repérable.
Whoever did this really knows the animal well.
Ceux qui ont fait ça connaissent bien la Bête, pas vrai?
I want whoever did this.
Je veux savoir qui l'a tuée!
Whoever did this could still be on board.
L'ennemi est peut-être toujours à bord.
Then whoever did this must have been specially trained.
Le coupable a dû recevoir une formation spéciale.
Melissa's dad has plenty of money, so whoever did this could've done it for ransom.
Le père de Melissa est très riche. Le ravisseur espère peut-être une rançon.
- Whoever did this, admit to it!
- Que le coupable se dénonce!
Whoever did this must have known that Vincent wouldn't have been there...
J'ai dû le voir entrer parce que je prends tous les billets.
Whoever did this, it looks like your mother had to let them in.
Qui que ça puisse être, on dirait que votre mère l'a laissé entrer.
We think whoever did this knew the layout of the residence.
Nous pensons que les coupables... connaissaient l'agencement de la maison.
Boy, whoever did this fucked up all over the place.
Celui qui a fait ça... a créé un sacré bordel, non?
Whoever did this is dead.
Celui qui a fait ça est mort!
Whoever did this to me is dead!
Celui qui m'a fait ça est mort!
Whoever did this should get the death penalty.
Celui qui a fait ça mérite la mort.
Whoever did this was tough.
celui qui a fait ça est très fort.
Detective, I owe it to Theresa... ... to do whatever I can to help find whoever did this.
Je dois bien à Theresa... de tout faire pour tenter de retrouver celui qui lui a fait ça.
If that's my wife's blood then whoever did this... ... took my clothes and put them in her blood afterward. Yeah?
Si c'est son sang, c'est que le coupable... a trempé mes vêtements dans son sang.
Whoever did this, we're not the only people looking for him. Understand?
Qui que soit le responsable, d'autres gens sont à sa recherche.
- Whoever did this... ... he'd have a lot better chance in here with us than he would on the street.
Quiconque a commis ce crime serait mieux ici... qu'à l'extérieur.
And you think whoever did this is responsible for the murders?
Et tu penses que la personne qui l'a fait est l'auteur des meurtres?
Whoever did this to her has an equal horror coming to them.
Celui qui lui a fait ça connaîtra le même sort.
Whoever did this, we're not the only people looking for him.
Puis-je vous aider? Je veux voir cet homme.
It would just seem that whoever did this might know the ship's routine... when the band breaks.
Vous ne pouvez pas les suspecter!
The gun was found in the laundry room... so whoever did this had to have a key to the laundry room. If it was not Harrington he had to have a key to Harrington's room... and maybe Miss Wells'room.
L'arme était dans la lingerie donc l'assassin en avait la clé.
- I just did what they showed here. - You did the right thing, - but whoever gave you this?
- Vous aviez raison, mais c'est des cons qui vous ont dit.
Whoever or whatever did this, is more powerful than either of us.
Quelle que soit l'entité responsable, elle est plus puissante que nous.
I want to see them hanged, whoever did this.
Elle a dit "Laissez-moi tranquille!"
Whoever did this, didn't cut the tongue.
- Puis-je avoir votre nom, Mademoiselle, s'il vous plaît?
- Whoever did this he'd have a lot better chance in here with us than he would on the street.
Comment vas-tu?
did this 29
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this isn't right 330
this is the guy 68
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this is the guy 68
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083